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Affordable Housing for Deserving Veterans

Finally, the long awaited Bedford Veterans Quarters, 60 single room occupancy units of permanent affordable housing for homeless veterans is complete. The development is located on the grounds of the VA hospital in Bedford, Massachusetts.

[Photo 1: Interior room view]
Every room comes fully furnished with a bed, mattress, desk, dresser, nightstand, light and mirror.

Building 5 has been renovated into a beautiful two-floor complex composed of 60 furnished units with three-and-a-half bathrooms, three common areas and kitchen facilities, and includes a seven room women's wing on the second floor of the building. Fifty-six of the 60 units receive Section 8 rental assistance.

As originally proposed in 1994, this was to be a single 80-unit facility in Boston. Unfortunately, the initial site met with resistance from the community and an exhaustive search for a new site ensued. Building 5 was subsequently identified, but development of the project was a challenge.

[Photo 2: Exterior view of Bedford Veterans Quarters]
Bedford Veterans Quarters containing 60 single room occupancy units.

Lengthy negotiations to acquire the site, wavering financial support, and the need to obtain a waiver for a federally-funded project to be located on the grounds of a medical facility all added to the numerous setbacks and periods of uncertainty for the project.

Finally, with HUD's commitment to provide rental subsidies, the State's involvement, an experienced developer under contract, and the potential for a significant increase in permanent affordable housing in the Boston Metro area, Bedford Veterans Quarters became a reality.

Visit our website to learn more about HUD's Veteran Resource Center and HUD's Homeless Assistance programs.

Content Archived: March 21, 2011

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Washington, DC 20410
Telephone: (202) 708-1112 TTY: (202) 708-1455