Section 3 = Win, Win

[Wilson Mendes, a successful Section 3 participant in Brockton, Mass.]Wilson Mendes, a successful Section 3 participant in Brockton, Mass.

The Brockton Housing Authority (BHA) has a proven record of success in utilizing Section 3 to foster local economic development and individual self-sufficiency by ensuring that employment and other economic opportunities generated by certain HUD financial assistance the BHA receives is directed to low- and very low-income persons.

For 28 years Nancy Macedo has served as the BHA's Project Manager and Section 3 Coordinator, she has experienced both challenges and success. "Educating residents on Section 3 and how it helps them is the key to achieve success." She said that Section 3 is not only about complying with the rule, it also helps both the housing authority and residents.

At the BHA, Section 3 workers help maintenance staff with upkeep of the buildings. "Residents can get a job through Section 3 and their work helps us out so it's a win-win all the way around," said Ms. Macedo.

The BHA's efforts to promote Section 3 include hosting yearly training, advertising on their website, distributing flyers and mass mailings to reach all residents.

Wilson Mendes exemplifies the BHA's Section 3 success. An immigrant from Cape Verde he moved to the U.S. when he was 13. Mr. Mendes has dreamed of owning his own business since he was young. In high school, he enrolled in a program called Summer of Work and Learn and started working for the BHA.

Mr. Mendes loved his job and his work was valued by the housing authority resulting in a Section 3 part-time job. Along with gaining experience and skills as a Section 3 worker, he started his own cleaning service business and registered as a Section 3 business, working for clients including the BHA. Recently Mr. Mendes started a new business, Wilson Landscaping Service, and reports that his business is growing and he was excited to purchase his first home.

"Being a Section 3 worker definitely helped me to be where I am now," said Mr. Mendes. He added as he reflected on his journey, "I'm a good example of how Section 3 benefits people. It's an opportunity if you work hard."


Content Archived: January 3, 2024