HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 10-04-09
Rhonda Siciliano
(617) 994-8355
For Release
April 9, 2010

Award to Roxbury project will create green jobs and reduce energy costs

WASHINGTON - U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Shaun Donovan today announced that 145 apartments in Roxbury, Mass. will become more energy efficient as a result of $2,187,995 in Recovery Act funding being awarded to Council Tower, a senior housing development.

The award is part of HUD's new Green Retrofit Program for Multifamily Housing, created through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The Green Retrofit Program is providing $250 million nationally to reduce energy costs, cut water consumption, and improve indoor air quality. Additional grant awards will be made under
this program over the next several months on a rolling basis.

"This funding will not only improve the quality of life for the residents of Council Tower, but will lower energy costs and create quality green jobs at the same time," said Secretary Donovan. "This is an example of the kind of long-
term, fundamental impact the Recovery Act is having on America's economy through clean energy investments."

Council Tower is a senior housing development built in 1985 in Roxbury, Mass. The renovations will enhance quality
of life for residents and increase energy efficiency. The renovations will produce approximately 15 percent savings
in utility costs and will create quality construction-related job opportunities. Retrofits will include EnergyStar refrigerators and formaldehyde-free bathroom cabinets, upgraded energy efficient lighting, energy efficient ceiling
fans and bath exhaust fans, low-flow faucet aerators, shower heads and toilets, replacement of existing flooring
with Green Label Plus recycled-content carpeting with natural rubber padding, bio-based linoleum, and the use of
non-toxic paints, adhesives and sealants throughout.

The Green Retrofit Program is designed to create thousands of green jobs across the country as workers retrofit
older federally assisted multi-family apartment developments with the next generation of energy efficient technologies. Grants and loans provided through this program help private landlords and property management companies to cut heating and air conditioning costs by installing more efficient heating and cooling systems and to reduce water use by replacing faucets and toilets. These Recovery Act funds also produce other environmental benefits by encouraging the use of recycled building materials, reflective roofing, and non-toxic products to reduce potentially harmful 'off-gassing' of harmful fumes. Funds are awarded to owners of HUD-assisted housing projects
and can be used for a wide range of retrofit activities, ranging from windows/doors to solar panels and geothermal installation.

The Recovery Act includes $13.61 billion for projects and programs administered by HUD, nearly 75 percent of which was allocated to state and local recipients only eight days after President Obama signed the Act into law. The remaining 25 percent is being awarded through competitive grant programs, including the Green Retrofit Program.
To date, 98 percent of HUD's Recovery Act funds are in the hands of local communities, being used to improve housing and neighborhoods, while creating jobs. HUD is committed to implementing Recovery Act investments
swiftly and effectively as they generate tens of thousands of jobs, modernize homes to make them energy efficient, and help the families and communities hardest hit by the economic crisis.

In addition, Secretary Donovan and the Department are committed to providing the highest level of transparency possible as Recovery Act funds are administered. It is vitally important that the American people are fully aware of how their tax dollars are being spent and can hold their federal leaders accountable. Every dollar of Recovery Act funds HUD spends can be reviewed and tracked at HUD's Recovery Act website. The full text of HUD's funding
notices and tracking of future performance of these grants is also available at HUD's Recovery Act website.


HUD is the nation's housing agency committed to sustaining homeownership; creating affordable housing opportunities for low-income Americans; and supporting the homeless, elderly, people with disabilities and people living with AIDS. The Department also promotes economic and community development ad enforces the nation's
fair housing laws. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet at and


Content Archived: July 24, 2012