I Will Succeed! From Homeowner to Homeless, to Back on Her Feet

[Homeless person on bench]
Homeless person on bench.

'Ms. S' had major surgery in 2013 and was not able to work for months. She lost her job and as a result her home went into foreclosure. With no one to help her, she turned to Lizzie's House.

She arrived to this transitional housing program for New Dimensions Development Foundation with a positive attitude and stated "I will succeed."

Local workers watched her progress over nine months. She landed not one but two jobs and faithfully worked both. She began to save her income and within a year she was in a rental home. She is now working in a law enforcement staff position in Central Mississippi. "Ms. S", who prefers to maintain her name in private, visits Lizzie's House every month to donate monetarily and to thank the team for giving her a chance to succeed and her hope to be restored.

Lizzie's House offers transitional and permanent housing for women, single and/or with children. It can serve about 15 to 20 persons at any given time. Like other providers in the community funded by HUD grants, it strives to the serve the needs of the homeless population.

If you know someone at risk of homelessness in Jackson or in the state of Mississippi, reach out to the homeless providers; they will do their best effort to rapidly rehouse the person or to find transitional or permanent housing and supportive services to help the family or individual get back to independent living. Call (601) 213-5301 if you are in Hinds, Rankin, Copiah, Warren, and Madison Counties; or in the City of Jackson.


Content Archived: August 15, 2016