Mississippi Mayors Jjoin Fight to End Veteran Homelessness

[Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway]
Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway.
[City of Jackson Mayor Tony Yarber]
City of Jackson Mayor Tony Yarber.

A Call to Action

Unfortunately, many veterans who have served all over the world to protect the United States return home and face homelessness.

HUD is dedicated to ending veteran homelessness. HUD's Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program, which combines Housing Choice Voucher Rental Assistance for homeless veterans with case management and clinical services that are provided by the Department of Veteran Affairs, has been able to assist homeless veterans and their families since 2008.

To add ammunition in combating veteran homelessness, First Lady Michelle Obama, former HUD secretary Shaun Donavon, and several other stakeholders joined forces and began reaching out to Mayors across the United States, challenging them to assist in ending Veteran Homelessness. On June 4, 2014 First Lady Michelle Obama announced that as of that day 77 mayors, 4 governors, and 4 county officials had made a commitment to meet the goal of eliminating veteran homelessness by 2015.

In Mississippi, Mayor A.J. Holloway of Biloxi and Mayor Tony Yarber of Jackson have made a commitment to participate.

Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway said about the effort: "Local communities have an obligation to help care for the homeless, especially homeless veterans. Here in Biloxi, where we are home to the Veterans Administration Medical Center and the Biloxi National Cemetery, it's especially important that we partner with HUD and other state, federal and local agencies to try to do our part. There is no easy answer to the problem of homelessness, but the answer is certainly not to do anything. I commend our HUD folks here in Mississippi and the others, like Back Bay Mission, who have worked on this effort."

City of Jackson Mayor Tony Yarber added: "These men and women are national heroes. I'm honored to partner with HUD and other mayors to help end homelessness for our Veterans. This effort is one of the ways we can show our gratitude for the sacrifices they have made to protect our country."

The Mayors Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness is a way to solidify partnerships and secure commitments to end Veteran homelessness from mayors across the country. Learn more and see how your community can participate by visiting HUD's website.


Content Archived: August 15, 2016