Face Masks and Testing: Mississippi public housing authorities help slow the spread of COVID-19

[Family Health Care Center's mobile unit arrives for COVID-19 testing at the Laurel Housing Authority.]
Family Health Care Center's mobile unit arrives for COVID-19 testing at the Laurel Housing Authority.

[Brenda Griffin, MHA Resident Advisory Board President, helps resident put on his new mask.]
Brenda Griffin, MHA Resident Advisory Board President, helps resident put on his new mask.

[Meridian Housing Authority Executive Director,  Ron Turner, speaks at press conference announcing the mask distribution to public housing residents.]
Meridian Housing Authority Executive Director, Ron Turner, speaks at press conference announcing the mask distribution to public housing residents.

[Laurel Housing Authority Property Manager Ruby Jones gives mask to Arco Lane Homes resident.]
Laurel Housing Authority Property Manager Ruby Jones gives mask to Arco Lane Homes resident.

[Margaret Jones, representative of Council on Aging and Tramel McMillan, Laurel Housing Authority  property manager prepare to distribute masks.]
Margaret Jones, representative of Council on Aging and Tramel McMillan, Laurel Housing Authority property manager prepare to distribute masks.

The Meridian Housing Authority and The Laurel Housing Authority recently distributed face masks to their residents to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

Meridian Mayor Percy Bland III, MHA Executive Director, Ronald J. Turner, Sr. and the MHA Resident Advisory Board held a press conference at the Meridian Envision Center to announce the distribution to resident of the housing authority. The more than 3,800 masks were provided by the City of Meridian and the Mississippi State Department of Health.

Laurel Housing Authority partnered with the Laurel-Jones County Council on Aging to make reusable face masks for residents of Arco Lane Homes, their senior citizen site that houses over 56 residents. The housing authority donated fabric and the Council on Aging volunteers used their sewing skills to make the masks. The housing authority staff delivered the masks to each resident at the site.

Laurel Housing Authority also partnered with The Family Health Center to provide Coronavirus testing in the community. A total of 138 residents were tested during a 4-week period that started in April. "The housing authority is always looking for ways to enhance the lives of community residents", said Executive Director Ailrick Young. The Family Health Center provides comprehensive health care to populations that would otherwise be underserved and to those who are uninsured.


Content Archived: January 24, 2022