HUD Archives: News Releases

Cassandra Terry
(601) 965-4700 ext. 2110
For Release
September 23, 2004


JACKSON - The Department of Housing and Urban Development released its Hurricane Flyer, complete with a listing
of local fair housing agencies for each state.

The distribution of this information stems from the disastrous 2004 Hurricane Season where Hurricanes Bonnie, Charley, Frances, Ivan, Jeanne and Tropical Storm Gaston, have wrought destruction from wind, rain and flooding in many areas of the southeastern United States, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Whether a victim of this year's storms or not, this information will help the public obtain and access decent, safe and affordably-priced housing
while learning more about the protections and requirements provided by the Fair Housing laws.

"Today's announcement is another step toward ensuring that Americans have equal access to safe and affordable housing," said HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson. "We will not allow discrimination to stop families across this nation from living in any home, apartment or neighborhood they can afford, nor will we allow victims of recent disasters to
be taken advantage of in their time of need."

HUD has sent assessment teams to public housing authorities, inspected and identified vacant, safe, structurally sound FHA single and multi-family HUD-held properties for use by disaster victims, and has been working with various federal agencies and community officials regarding recovery efforts and resources.

HUD is the nation's housing agency committed to increasing homeownership, particularly among minorities, creating affordable housing opportunities for low-income Americans, supporting the homeless, elderly, people with disabilities and people living with AIDS. The Department also promotes economic and community development as well as
enforces the nation's fair housing laws. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet and


Content Archived: June 27, 2011