2012 Triad Greensboro, Highpoint and Winston, North Carolina Homeless Veterans Stand Down

[Photo 1: Dental clinic]
Dental clinic

The 2012 Triad Homeless Veterans Stand Down was recently held at Westover Church in Greensboro, NC. The annual one-day event provided a variety of supportive services, including a hot breakfast and lunch prepared by the Charlotte Marine Corp League, to 240 homeless veterans from 12 counties in the Triad area. Other services, included medical/dental screenings, flu shots, hair cuts, showers, eye exams, hearing exams, HIV screenings, blood pressure checks, employment, education, substance abuse, mental health and VA benefits, were provided on-site at the Stand Down. Clothing, duffle bags, toiletry and snack bags were also provided to veterans when they exited the event.

"This is HUD's eighth year of participation in the Triad Homeless Stand Down" stated Greensboro Field Office Director, Curt Davis, an Air Force veteran." Our participation represents the Department's commitment to serving and assisting all homeless veterans."

Over 200 volunteers, including 8 HUD Greensboro Field Office staff members, assisted with set up, service, housing information and clean up after the event. Over ten federal and state agencies provided support as well as 15 local private, public and non-profit organizations.

HUD, along with many other federal agencies, funds programs to help persons who are homeless. Local homeless assistance agencies provide a range of services and assistance, including emergency shelter, food, housing counseling, and job training and placement assistance.

Ranging from homeownership to homelessness, the following toll free hotline provides information to veterans seeking answers to housing questions. Additionally, the HUDVET website offers general veteran updates, as well as contact information for veteran service providers and federal, state, and city governments. HUDVET National Hotline: 1-800-998-9999.

HUD, in partnership with VA and DOL, recently implemented the Veterans Homelessness Prevention Demonstration (VHPD). Through HUD housing assistance, VA case management services, and DOL employment counseling, this three agency partnership provides combined services for veterans who are at a high risk of becoming homeless. All 5 communities participating in this demonstration were strategically selected due to their proximity to a military base, concentration of returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan, and availability of resources.

An essential tool towards ending veteran homelessness, HUD-VASH is a joint program between HUD and the VA. HUD provides housing choice vouchers and VA provides case management and outreach. This program targets veterans who are currently homeless.

For more information, please visit:

  • VA: HUD-VASH Page (www.va.gov/HOMELESS/HUD-VASH.asp)
  • HUD-VASH Resource Guide (www.hudhre.info/index.cfm?do=viewResource&refererType=quickResourceSearch&ResourceId=4621)

[Photo 2: Veterans getting hair cuts]
Veterans getting hair cuts

Beginning in 2009 and ending in 2012, HPRP is a three year program funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The program provides assistance for all people (including veterans) who are either at a high risk of becoming homeless or are already homeless and seeking immediate, short-term housing. HPRP can also help veterans obtain or maintain a HUD-VASH voucher.

Individuals and veterans needing assistance can access services from an organization in their local community.

The Continuum of Care (CoC) homeless assistance programs are available to all subpopulations of people experiencing homelessness, including, but not limited to, veterans. A CoC is a local network of non-profits, governments, and institutions, which provide homeless assistance through funding awarded by HUD. In 2009, HUD housed over 13,000 veterans throughout these programs.

The following programs are CoC homelessness assistance programs (https://www.onecpd.info/homelessness-assistance/resources-for-homeless-veterans/):

  • Supportive Housing Program (SHP)
  • Shelter Plus Care (S+C)
  • Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation for Single Room Occupancy (SRO)

The Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) within the Department of Housing and Urban Development administers and enforces federal civil rights housing laws that ensure that all Americans have equal access to the housing of their choice. If you believe that you, a member of your family or a fellow veteran may have experienced illegal housing discrimination, the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity is ready to assist you. You can write or call a local office with your complaint. For a list of HUD offices near you, please go the website listed below. On our website, you can also obtain more information about anti-discrimination laws and services that are provided by our office.

Important Links:

  • VA National Call Center for Homeless Veterans (www.va.gov/HOMELESS/NationalCallCenter.asp)
  • VA Center on Homelessness among Veterans (www.va.gov/HOMELESS/NationalCenter.asp)
  • DOL Homeless Veteran Reintegration Program (www.dol.gov/vets/programs/hvrp/hvrp-bp.htm)


Content Archived: January 3, 2014