HUD Supports Renovation of Affordable Housing in Charlotte
Strawn Tower Renovation and LEED Certification Helps Elderly

[Photo: Curt Davis, Greensboro Field Office Director, Charlotte Mayor, Anthony Foxx, Greensboro PIH Director, Michael Williams]
Strawn Tower Charlotte... left to right
Curt Davis, Greensboro Field Office Director, Charlotte Mayor, Anthony Foxx, Greensboro PIH Director, Michael Williams

On April 25, 2013, Curt Davis, HUD North Carolina Field Office Director; Michael Williams, Director NC Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH); PIH staff, Raquel Hardin, Gene Rahuba and Freda Talley, joined Charlotte Housing Authority staff, A. Fulton Meachem, Jr. Charlotte Housing Authority ( CEO/President, and Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx, for the grand re-opening and dedication of Strawn Tower.

Strawn Tower, a newly renovated public housing property located near the South End district of Charlotte, includes 170 units for elderly residents. Amenities, including laundry facilities, a recreation room, fitness center and computer room, as well as additional office space for supportive services, such as senior nutrition services, are on-site. The renovation of this 28-year old property followed U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED - standards and will receive LEED Silver certification.

Located in the prestigious Dilworth area of Charlotte, near Charlotte Transit Authority bus and light rail stops, Strawn Tower is within walking distance of shops and restaurants and exemplifies a walkable community for Charlotte's senior citizens. The Charlotte Housing Authority invested $4 million in HUD funds in the total $21 million development cost of the property.

"The renovation of Strawn Tower exemplifies HUD's commitment to developing affordable housing in North Carolina," said Curt Davis, Greensboro Field Office Director. "Consistent with HUD's emphasis on green, sustainable communities, HUD is particularly pleased that Strawn Tower is proximal to the Charlotte Transit Authority and that the property thanks to our strong working relationship with the Charlotte Housing Authority will receive LEED Silver Certification. I toured the entire building and it was truly outstanding."


Content Archived: October 2, 2014