HUD Secretary Ben Carson Designates the Renaissance West Community as a HUD EnVision Center

[HUD Secretary Ben Carson and Region IV Administrator Denise Cleveland-Leggett participate in the Renaissance West Community Center designation as an EnVision Center.]
HUD Secretary Ben Carson and Region IV Administrator Denise Cleveland-Leggett participate in the Renaissance West Community Center designation as an EnVision Center.

The location will be the 46th EnVision Center to be named

U.S. Department Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson traveled to the Renaissance West Community in Charlotte, North Carolina and designated it as an EnVision Center. During the visit, Secretary Carson hosted a roundtable with local leaders to discuss the EnVision Center Initiative and how the community can benefit from the services provided at the Renaissance West Community facility.

"I am proud to designate the Renaissance West Community Center as a HUD EnVision Center today," said HUD Secretary Ben Carson. "EnVision Centers were conceived from the idea that HUD's true measure of success is not how many individuals we can get onto our assistance programs, but how many we can lift out of government assistance and set on the path to self-sufficiency. EnVision Centers work to achieve this goal of empowering all people to fulfill their potential by providing the tools they need to succeed, all located in one centralized hub."

The Renaissance West Community serves residents in the community by providing a series of supportive services. In the past year, the employment rate of the Renaissance West community has risen from 46% to 64% and the families following the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program have increased their average income from $13,100 to $22,600.

A national initiative, HUD's EnVision Centers coordinate with federal partners and local organizations to empower all people to fulfill their potential by providing the tools needed to succeed.


Content Archived: January 24, 2022