Greensboro CPD Office Hosts All-Grantee Meeting

The Greensboro CPD office held their All-Grantee Meeting March 15-16, 2022. The two-day conference, moderated by Senior CPD Representative Michael Johnson, was an opportunity for CPD grantees throughout North Carolina to engage directly with CPD staff on their grant requirements.

Day One of the conference began with a welcome message from CPD Director Dr. Matthew King. It was followed by a "CoC Start Up" Presentation by Senior CPD Representatives Tasleem Albaari, Richard Thomason, and CPD Representative Diane Dillahunt. This presentation covered information to help CoC grantees know what to expect from post-grant award to grant closeout. The CPD team is also beginning to set up quarterly information sessions with CoC grantees to increase engagement further. Senior Financial Analyst Kellice Chance presented on LOCCS and Secure Systems, which walked grantees through the process of obtaining access to these systems and how to set up their banking information. Finally, senior Program Specialist Tami Thomas from the Office of Special Needs Assistance Program presented on "CoC Common Monitoring Findings," which provided grantees with best practices for when CPD monitors their program.

Day Two of the All-Grantee Meeting was opened by Field Office Director Roosevelt Grant, who spoke on the strong partnership between CPD and FPM, and the vital work conducted by CPD Grantees, especially now with unprecedented funding available through the CARES Act and American Rescue Plan. Next, senior CPD Representative Sharlene Abbott and CPD Representatives; Sonya Green, Iris McCray, and Alisha Doulen presented on CPD Monitoring "Do's and Don'ts," which provided information on CPD's 7 step monitoring process as well as best practices to ensure a satisfactory rating. Other presentations included a session by Mark Mitchell, HUD Management Analyst, from the Office of the Deputy Assistance Secretary for Operations. Mr. Mitchell provided a walk-through for grantees of the Grantee Document Exchange (GDX) Tool integral to CPD's remote monitoring process. A Peer-to-Peer session was delivered by Suzanne Rogers, Community Development and Housing Planner from the City of Wilmington, who spoke about their remote monitoring experience and the GDX monitoring tool used by CPD staff. The final presentation was from Connie Wojtek and Jerica Hamilton, Senior Auditors with the HUD Office of the Inspector General, who provided guidance on maintaining compliance with HUD's programs from the OIG's perspective.

Throughout the two-day conference, grantees could engage directly with the CPD staff assigned to their grant. By increasing communication with grantees, the Greensboro CPD office is working hard to ensure that grantees in North Carolina are responsible stewards of federal funding and provide the best services possible for the people we serve.


Content Archived: January 5, 2024