June is National Homeownership Month

"Protecting the American Dream"

[Photo: Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman and Reginald Robinson]

Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman and Reginald Robinson of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) signed a proclamation declaring June as 2009 National Homeownership Month. The signing event took place in the Jerome Warner Chambers at the State Capital Building in Lincoln.

During this 2009 National Homeownership Month, HUD recognizes that all American families deserve the opportunity to achieve and sustain the American Dream of homeownership. With record low interest rates allowing for refinancing and a comprehensive plan to deal with the foreclosure crisis, Homeownership Month 2009 will focus on helping existing homeowners stay in their homes and responsibly provide opportunities for new homeowners who are ready to purchase their first home.

Content Archived: September 2, 2011