The Future of the Omaha/Metro Area

[Photo: Kick-off for the Heartland 2050 Visioning Plan.]
Kick-off for the Heartland 2050 Visioning Plan.

Omaha-Council Bluffs Sustainability Planning: Heartland 2050

On July 17, 2013, Omaha Field Office Director Earl Redrick participated in a kick-off press conference for the Heartland 2050 Visioning Plan.

The Heartland 2050 Plan is a long-term vision of the future for the greater Omaha, Nebraska-Council Bluffs, Iowa Metro area based on the core values of area residents. This vision will guide community leaders, giving them a roadmap and identify strategies that will help them make decisions for the future.

The two-year project kicks-off with an opportunity for citizens of Nebraska and Iowa to take a survey of what they like and don't like about their community. The information will be used to create scenarios which detail what a neighborhood would look like. If, for example, it had more bike racks, streetscapes or transit stops.

Individuals will participate in an interactive, community event to choose their favorite scenarios in October, 2013. The eight-county area includes Cass, Douglas Sarpy, Saunders and Washington counties in Nebraska; and Harrison, Mills and Pottawattamie counties in Iowa. The press conference was held at 10:30 A.M. at the National Park Service Building in Omaha.

Mission of Heartland 2050 (


Content Archived: February 2, 2015