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Pedaling to End Poverty

Bike & Build raises awareness of the need for affordable housing

Thirty young volunteers stopped at Berry Court in Farmington, NH on June 20, 2008 to landscape, paint, install gutters, and frame a shed at a development being constructed by Southeast New Hampshire Habitat for Humanity.

[Photo: Bike & Build Volunteers]
Bike & Build volunteers visit Berry Court in Farmington, NH

The volunteers were from Bike & Build, a nonprofit organization that raises money for and awareness of affordable housing efforts by cycling across the country and stopping along the way to participate with local affordable housing agencies. The northern United States trip, which is one of seven cross-country trips happening this summer, kicked off in Farmington on June 20.

"When you talk about affordable housing, it affects more than most people think about," said HUD Regional Director Taylor Caswell, who joined the volunteers at Berry Court. "High property values force many people to commute long distances, which takes away from quality of life."

The participants are between the ages of 18 and 25 and must raise $4,000. Over five seasons, Bike & Build has contributed more than $1.1 million to housing groups nationwide to fund projects.

"Just the satisfaction of doing something for someone in need is really amazing," said Anson Moxness, a Bike & Build participant from Alaska.

Berry Court will consist of four single family homes. Two are completely finished and occupied, and the one the Bike & Build volunteers worked on is nearing completion. A family has been selected for the third house, and occupancy is expected in the fall.

Content Archived: March 21, 2011

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