HUD NJ FHEO Staff Provide Training to Residents and Stakeholders; HUD RA Lynne Patton Delivers Keynote Remarks

[HUD RA Lynne Patton delivers remarks]
HUD RA Lynne Patton delivers remarks

[HUD NJ FOD Maria Maio-Messano accepts Toms River's proclamation flanked by Township Planner Dave Roberts; HUD RA Patton; Toms River Business Administrator Don Guardian; and Toms River Councilwoman Laurie Huryk]
HUD NJ FOD Maria Maio-Messano accepts Toms River's proclamation flanked by Township Planner Dave Roberts; HUD RA Patton; Toms River Business Administrator Don Guardian; and Toms River Councilwoman Laurie Huryk

To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Fair Housing Act, the Township of Toms River held a free one-day seminar for residents, developers, builders and administrators of housing developments. The event was hosted by the Township, STEPS, Solutions to End Poverty Soon; and the NAACP. The seminar included a 90-minute training session provided by a team of HUD FHEO New Jersey staff: Dinorah Velez, Olena Vivchar, and Marilyn Boddy lead by FHEO Director Wanda Nieves.

HUD RA Lynne Patton was the featured speaker at the event. RA Patton was lauded by local advocates for her willingness to visit NJ housing developments to personally see the challenges faced by tenants.

"I am proud that HUD is diligent in protecting tenants from discrimination and I commend the Township of Toms River for bringing together stakeholders and residents to have them understand fully how discrimination affects tenants and their families," said Lynne Patton, HUD Regional Administrator for New York and New Jersey. "I look forward to working with all involved to insure they are aware of HUD resources so that Toms River residents feel confident fighting housing discrimination."

The event was well attended by New Jersey housing advocates that included NJ Division on Civil Rights Assistant Director Phillip Freeman and Housing Investigation Unit Manager Elizabeth Russian; Fair Share Housing Center Executive Director David Walsh and Associate Director Adam Gordon; Greater Newark HUD Tenants Coalition's Bill Good; and Kaitlin McGuinness, Projects Specialist for US Senator Cory A. Booker.

Township of Toms River Business Administrator Donald Guardian welcomed attendants and participants on behalf of Mayor Tom Kelaher, as did David Roberts, Toms River Division of Community Development Director and Fair Housing Officer. HUD staff included New Jersey Field Office Director Maria Maio-Messano, Senior Advisor Barbara Gruson, Senior Management Analyst Jake Dale, and Public


Content Archived: January 22, 2020