HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 11-10
Alan Gelfand
(973) 776-7205
For Release
June 13, 2011

Funding part of Obama Administration plan to end veteran homelessness

NEWARK - U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki announced today that HUD will provide $464,718 to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs to supply permanent housing and case management for 50 homeless veterans. Case management and support services will be provided by the Lyons VA Health Care System.

HUD-VASH is a coordinated effort by HUD, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and local housing authorities to provide permanent supportive housing for homeless veterans. This is the fourth and final round of the FY 2010 Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Program (HUD-VASH) funding to support homeless veterans. The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs has previously received 265 vouchers to house homeless veterans.

"As our young men and women return from Afghanistan and Iraq, they deserve to be treated with dignity and honor. Yet our nation's veterans are 50 percent more likely than the average American to become homeless," said HUD Secretary Donovan. "These vouchers continue to get more of our veterans off the streets and out of homeless shelters into permanent housing."

"This is great news for New Jersey veterans," said U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ). "The crisis of homeless veterans is no less than a national disgrace. Our veterans should not come home to cities across America only to spend their nights in the shadow of the very monuments to freedom, justice, and equality for which they fought - looking for help and a little hope. We must show them that we are a grateful nation that matches words with actions by taking care of those who have honorably served our country."

The vouchers announced today are part of a set-aside of project-based vouchers HUD announced last September that would be competitively awarded to housing authorities that received HUD-VASH vouchers in 2008, 2009 or 2010. Under HUD's project-based voucher program, housing authorities can assign voucher assistance to specific housing units. These vouchers will enable homeless veterans to access affordable housing with an array of supportive services.

This funding to housing authorities is part of the Obama Administration's strategy to end veteran and long-term chronic homelessness by 2015. Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness serves as a roadmap for how the federal government will work with state and local agreements to confront the root causes of homelessness, especially among former servicemen and women.

The grants announced today are part of a $75 million investment to support the housing needs of homeless veterans. This is the fourth and final competitive round to allocate the remaining FY2010 HUD-VASH funding. With today's announcement, HUD will have funded 10,186 housing vouchers for homeless veterans nationwide for 2010. HUD will announce the 2011 HUD-VASH funding during the summer. In addition to the rental assistance, the VA Medical Centers provide supportive services and case management to eligible homeless veterans.

Veterans are referred to the public housing authority for these vouchers, based upon a variety of factors, most importantly the need for and ability to benefit from supportive housing. Supportive housing includes both financial help the voucher provides and the comprehensive case management that VAMC staff provides.

Veterans participating in the HUD-VASH program rent privately owned housing and generally contribute no more than 30 percent of their income toward rent. VA offers eligible homeless veterans clinical and supportive services through its medical centers across the U.S., Guam and Puerto Rico.


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Content Archived: October 16, 2013