HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 04-29
Patricia Campbell
(817) 987-5974
For Release
July 15, 2004

San Juan Pueblo, Las Cruces, Clovis, Mesquite, Cochito Pueblo Receive

ALBUQUERQUE, NM - Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson today announced $1,939,920 in grants to help six rural communities in New Mexico to stimulate their economies, produce more affordable housing
and boost job growth. The funding is provided through HUD's Rural Housing and Economic Development Program.
A list of grants follows.

"This investment in rural America demonstrates that this Administration's commitment to our nation's heartland is strong," said Jackson. "These grants will help rural communities across New Mexico produce affordable housing and jobs where they're needed most."

The funding announced today will benefit:

Las Cruces Affordable Housing, Inc. will use its $150,000 Rural Housing and Economic Development Capacity Building Grant for homebuyer education and financial literacy training, including predatory lending workshops.
Partners include the New Mexico Rural Development Response Council, Mesilla Valley Economic Development Alliance, New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority and Fannie Mae.

Housing and Economic Rural Opportunity, Inc. in Las Cruces will use its $150,000 Rural Housing and Economic Capacity Building Grant to accomplish their integration of the affordable housing needs in their community. A non-profit organization working in collaboration with other community organizations to provide decent housing and economic development needs for their Colonias community, it will be conducting homeownership counseling working
to implement an Economic Development Plan.

The Eastern Plains Housing Development Corporation in Clovis will use its $400,000 Rural Housing and
Economic Development Innovative Support Grant for homeowner rehabilitation, new construction for first time homebuyers, rental assistance, and financial literacy and homeowner counseling. Partners in this grant proposal are U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Border Health Foundation and the Catholic Diocese of Las Cruces.

The Centro Fuerza y Unidad in Mesquite will use its $139,920 Rural Housing and Economic Development Capacity Building Grant to carry our affordable housing opportunities for the Colonias residents of Southern Dona Ana County, NM. They are partnering with New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority to conduct homebuyer education and housing counseling in Spanish and English.

The Pueblo de Cochiti Tribe will use its $150,000 Rural Housing and Economic Development Capacity Building Grant to construct a Visitor and Cultural Center that will have adjacent housing units. The Center will house an elderly
and child day care center, substance abuse prevention seminars and counseling, health services, wildlife
conservation and library services are just a few of the opportunities bring offered at this new Center.

Rural Housing and Economic Development grants help pay for land acquisition, new home construction, housing demolition, infrastructure improvements and construction training. Other possible uses include homeownership and financial counseling; financial assistance to homeowners, businesses and developers; creating microenterprises and small business incubators; and, establishing lines of credit or revolving loan pools to benefit the local business community.

Rural non-profit organizations, federally recognized Native American tribes, community development corporations
and state agencies will administer these grants. The funding will help 105 rural communities to build and improve affordable housing, create jobs and generate community and economic development.

Rural communities will use this funding as seed money to pay the start-up costs for housing or economic
development projects. These grants will also help organizations to hire and train their staffs, develop strategic
plans and acquire office space and other needed facilities.

HUD is the nation's housing agency committed to increasing homeownership, particularly among minorities, creating affordable housing opportunities for low-income Americans, supporting the homeless, elderly, people with disabilities and people living with AIDS. The Department also promotes economic and community development as well as
enforces the nation's fair housing laws. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet


Content Archived: March 23, 2011