HUD Archives: News Releases

For Release
January 13, 2005

Trumbull Village affordable housing design competition lauded

WASHINGTON - The Department of Housing and Urban Development today announced that the City of Albuquerque
is one of 20 state and local governments around the country that has been chosen for the first national HOME Doorknocker Award for outstanding work in providing affordable housing to low-income and underserved people. Albuquerque was the only awardee in the southwestern United States.

The City, with partners Mahlman and Miles Architects; University of New Mexico School of Architecture and Planning; AIA Albuquerque and the Greater Albuquerque Housing Partnership received the award for demonstrating that architectural firms not typically involved in affordable housing projects can be encouraged to work with communities and developers to design innovative affordable housing projects.

HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson announced the awards to the fifteen local communities and five state governments for their remarkable work in using federal funding provided through HUD's HOME Investment Partnerships Program.
The announcement of the Doorknocker Awards also marks the 15 th anniversary of the HOME Program, the largest federal block grant program dedicated to producing affordable housing at the local level.

"Whether it's providing homeownership opportunities to lower income families looking to share in the American Dream or designing cutting edge affordable housing, these communities are proof that, working together, we can make a
real difference," said Jackson. "These communities are leading the way toward building better communities and opening more doors to people who are most in need."

The purpose of the Albuquerque competition was to encourage local architects to develop design concepts for affordable housing in a designated Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area and apply those concepts in the
design of three or more units to be constructed for sale to low-income homebuyers. The prize in the design competition was the design contract for the development of those units. The Greater Albuquerque Housing Partnership, a local CHDO, developed the project.

Each year, HUD allocates approximately $2 billion to more than 600 state and local participating jurisdictions to increase the stock of affordable housing. Since program inception, over 550,000 affordable units have been
completed and nearly 114,000 tenants have received rental assistance through the Department's HOME program.

HUD is the nation's housing agency committed to increasing homeownership, particularly among minorities; creating affordable housing opportunities for low-income Americans; and supporting the homeless, elderly, people with disabilities and people living with AIDS. The Department also promotes economic and community development as
well as enforces the nation's fair housing laws. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet and


Content Archived: March 23, 2011