Summer 2003 Mentoring Program
Launched by Las Vegas Field Office

[Photo 1: Rashonda Jones]
Rashonda Jones

[Photo 2: Kimberly Harden]
Kimberly Harden

The Las Vegas Field Office has launched its 2nd year of mentoring young adults by introducing Kim Harden and Rashonda Jones to public service work experiences and exposure to HUD at work. The Summer Business Institute, sponsored by a partnership of Clark County Government and 70 Southern Nevada businesses; and Victory Neighborhood Services Center, an affiliate of Victory Missionary Baptist Church, promote summer employment for inner city junior and senior high school students. Las Vegas Field Office Director, Kenneth J. LoBene, states, " HUD opening it's doors to our partners is an opportunity to attract young adults into the public sector and for the youth to understand the importance of giving back to their neighborhoods and communities". Mr. LoBene further states, "it is a bonus for the youth to earn an income and to be mentored". Kim was paid by Victory Neighborhood Services' grant from the Southern Nevada Workforce Investment Board and Rashonda by the Clark County Summer Business Development Division.

Kim Harden, a junior, at Desert Pines High School was assigned to the Community Planning and Development Section (CPD). She received valuable training in many facets of their work, including: compiling and filing data, field visits to community- based organizations, research and more. Rashonda, a senior, at Palo Verde High School was assigned to Field Policy Management. She also received valuable training on ensuring customer service for incoming customers and referring customers to community resources and HUD program areas for technical assistance. Kim and Rashonda have their sights on completing post high school education. Rashonda wishes to pursue a business administration curriculum and Kim wishes to become a nurse.

The HUD Las Vegas Field office personnel have contributed to both Rashonda and Kim's development and urge them to do well in public service. Bernard Yergeau, Operations Analyst (FPM) and Roy Porter, Senior CPD Representative were the primary mentors for our youth in training.

Content Archived: August 16, 2011