Summer 2004 Mentoring Program
Launched by Las Vegas Field Office

photo: Claudia Childress
Summer Intern Claudia Childress

The Las Vegas Field Office has launched its 3rd year of mentoring young adults by introducing Claudia Childress to public service work experiences and exposure to HUD at work. Las Vegas Field Office Director, Kenneth J. LoBene, states, "HUD opening its doors to our partners is an opportunity to attract young adults into the public sector and for the youth to understand the importance of giving back to their neighborhoods and communities."

The Summer Business Institute is sponsored by a partnership of Clark County Government and 70 Southern Nevada businesses. They promote summer employment for inner city junior and senior high school students. The Clark County Summer Business Development Division pays Claudia.

Claudia is assigned to the office of Field Policy Management. She receives valuable training on ensuring customer service for incoming customers. She also is learning about referring customers to community resources and HUD program areas for technical assistance.

Ms. Childress begins her senior year in the fall at Mojave Preparatory Academy. Claudia has her sights on completing post high school education. She wishes to pursue a four-year college education where she can accomplish her goal of becoming a future pediatrician.

The HUD Las Vegas Field office personnel have contributed to Claudia's development and urge her to do well in public service. Bernard C. Yergeau, Operations Analyst (FPM) and Denisha Dials, Program Assistant are the primary mentors for her training.

Content Archived: August 18, 2011