HUD Deputy Secretary Ron Sims Celebrates Successes in Reno, Nevada

HUD Deputy Secretary Ron Sims speaks at podium in front of house.

HUD Deputy Secretary Ron Sims visited Reno February 5th to celebrate the successes of the Reno Housing Authority (RHA) participation in the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP). The NSP is but one national tool in HUDs effort to help create jobs and stabilize communities exhibiting high levels of home foreclosures and real estate depreciation. The NSP allows program applicants the ability to buy and rehabilitate foreclosed properties. Once home rehabilitation is complete, the homes are then sold or rented to deserving, low to moderate income families at below market prices and rates. Initially, in NSP I, the RHA was awarded roughly 4 million dollars, while in this go-around, NSP II, they will receive close to 21 million dollars, which will go a long way to help strengthen depressed communities in Northern Nevada.


Content Archived: October 21, 2013