HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 11-16
Adam Glantz
(212) 264-1100
For Release
April 26, 2011

Funding supports individuals living in Yonkers and the Bronx

NEW YORK - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development today awarded $2.6 million to two New York nonprofit groups that will provide needed housing and support services to extremely low-income persons living with HIV/AIDs. During each of the next three years, this HUD funding will help provide permanent supportive housing so they can manage their illnesses while receiving critically needed support services.

The funding announced today is offered through HUD's Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program (HOPWA) and will renew HUD's support of these previously funded projects in New York. (Project descriptions are below.)

"These grants are a vital source of support to the local programs that are on the ground working to keep families healthy," said Regional Administrator Adolfo Carrión. "Knowing that you have a place to call home can make all the difference to the wellbeing of families living with HIV/AIDS, many of whom have been on the brink of homelessness."

Greyston Health Services, Inc. Yonkers $1,365,890
Bailey House, Inc. New York $1,325,494
TOTAL $2,691,384

These projects have estimated that about 40 percent of the households to be assisted will involve persons who have been homeless. The grants announced today also support the Obama Administration's new strategic plan to prevent and end homelessness, an unprecedented initiative announced last June at the White House. In February 2011, HUD released its plan to guide the agency's actions under the National HIV/AIDS Strategy.  As the nation's housing agency, HUD will contribute a variety of housing resources to promote better integration of housing interventions into comprehensive HIV care systems.

"We're proud to continue our partnership with HUD in providing integrated housing and holistic support services to help people with HIV/AIDS remain stably housed," said Steven Brown, President of Greyston Foundation.

Housing assistance and related services funded by HOPWA are an essential part of the comprehensive system of care for low-income persons living with HIV/AIDS. A stable home environment is also vital for these households in allowing them to access consistent medical care and maintain their health. Furthermore, secure housing can be a platform for improved quality of life.

Ninety percent of HOPWA funds are distributed by formula to cities and states based on the number of AIDS cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. HUD's formula grants are managed by 124 local and state jurisdictions, which coordinate AIDS housing efforts with other HUD and community resources. HUD is making available a record $334 million in HOPWA funds this year to help communities provide housing for this special needs population. Overall, these resources assist 60,669 households annually to promote stable housing and reduced risks of homelessness for those living with HIV and other challenges.

HOPWA FY 2011 New York Grant Summaries

Greyston Health Services (GHS) is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $1,365,890 to continue providing facility-based housing assistance to individuals living with HIV/AIDS in Yonkers. This program targets those with mental illness and chemical dependencies. GHS provides supportive housing through its 35-unit permanent housing facility, Issan House, for single adults. Annually, supportive services will be provided to 75 households at the Maitri Adult Day Care Center where program participants will receive access to comprehensive case management and coordinated health and psychosocial services. GHS collaborates with local community providers to provide clients access to dental care, legal services, workforce development, and vocational/educational services.

For more information contact:
Ms. Ellen Waldman, Manager of Government Grants, Greyston Health Services, Inc., 21 Park Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10703.
Phone: (914) 376-3900, ext. 284

Bailey House, Inc., is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $1,325,494 to continue providing permanent housing and supportive services to homeless or marginally housed youth living with HIV/AIDS in the Bronx. The program entitled, Success Through Accessing Rental Assistance and Support (STARS), leases 20 scattered site units for young adults aged 18-24, including those aging out of foster care with a history of or current substance abuse and mental illness issues. In combination with leveraged community resources, up to 20 households annually will receive supportive services such as mental health and substance abuse counseling and vocational/educational life skills to promote independent living.

For more information contact:
Mr. Hans Desnoyers, Chief Operating Officer, 275 Seventh Avenue, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10001
Phone: (212) 633-2500, ext. 251


HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for quality affordable rental homes: utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life; build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination; and transform the way HUD does business. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet at and You can also follow HUD on Twitter at @HUDnews or on Facebook at, or sign up for news alerts on HUD's News Listserv.


Content Archived: October 17, 2013