HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 17-010
Olga Alvarez
(212) 542-7142
For Release
October 24, 2017

Block Grant Allocations Includes $37 Million for Upstate New York, $88 Million to be distributed by Albany, and $111 Million for New York City

NEW YORK - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced the final Fiscal Year 2017 block grant allocations under the Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), National Housing Trust Fund (NST) Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), and the Emergency Shelter Grant Program (ESG).

Approximately $37 million of the funding allocated is earmarked for Upstate New York, with $12 million going to Rochester, $16.5 million to Buffalo, and $4.5 million designated specifically to Albany. Another $88 million was awarded to New York State. New York City will receive $53 million to develop affordable housing, and $13 million to provide emergency homeless shelter. Nearly $50 million of the funding announced will provide housing for persons living with HIV/AIDs across New York, and for three New Jersey Counties included in the census-defined New York Metropolitan Statistical Area. Read more about how HUD's block grant programs will be allocated at the state and local level on HUD's website.

The following allocations were announced for New York State:

Grant Recipient Amount
CDBG Albany $3,090,397
ESG Albany $272,769
HOME Albany $665,059
HOPWA Albany $562,763
CDBG Buffalo $12,480,174
ESG Buffalo $1,129,225
HOME Buffalo $2,307,774
HOPWA Buffalo $635,722
CDBG Cheektowaga Township $910,260
CDBG Colonie $318,376
CDBG New York State $45,611,334
ESG New York State $6,562,502
HOME New York State $18,592,698
HOPWA New York State $2,816,533
HTF New York State $14,790,240
ESG New York City $13,542,650
HOME New York City $53,258,298
HOPWA New York City $44,197,111
CDBG Newburgh $797,338
CDBG Rochester $7,487,072
ESG Rochester $987,067
HOME Rochester $1,839,492
HOPWA Rochester $785,820
CDBG Tonawanda $1,514,458
CDBG White Plains $779,032
TOTAL $235,934,164

"These formula allocations will provide HUD's partners with flexible resources that are crucial for addressing local housing needs," said Lynne Patton, HUD Regional Administrator for New York and New Jersey. "The allocations for 2017 will help HUD's partners house New York's most vulnerable populations, including homeless families and people living with HIV/AIDs."

Since 1974, HUD's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program has provided approximately $15 billion to New York State to target their community development priorities. The rehabilitation of affordable housing and the improvement of public facilities have traditionally been the largest uses of CDBG although the program is also an important catalyst for job growth and business opportunities. Annual CDBG funds are distributed to communities according to a statutory formula based on a community's population, poverty, and age of its housing stock, and extent of overcrowded housing.

HOME (HOME Investment Partnerships Program) is the largest federal block grant to state and local governments designed exclusively to produce affordable housing for low-income families. Since 1992, HOME has produced or renovated 502,952 affordable rental units, assisted 520,806 homebuyers, rehabilitated 244,045 owner-occupied units, and helped 242,768 tenants. In the past twenty-five years, HOME produced more than 1.2 million homes for low income families. HOME funding is cost-effective, leveraging nearly $4 in other investments for each HOME dollar spent.

Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG) provides homeless persons with basic shelter and essential supportive services. It can assist with the operational costs of the shelter facility, and for the administration of the grant. ESG also provides short-term homeless prevention assistance to persons at imminent risk of losing their own housing due to eviction, foreclosure, or utility shutoffs.

HUD's Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) grants are distributed to states and cities based on the number of AIDS cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The grants provide resources for operating community residences and providing rental assistance and support services to individuals with HIV/AIDS and their families. In addition, the HOPWA program also helps many communities develop strategic AIDS housing plans and fill in gaps in local systems of care. A stable home environment is a critical component for low-income persons managing complex drug therapies and potential side effects from their treatments.

The Housing Trust Fund (HTF) is a new affordable housing production program that will complement existing Federal, state and local efforts to increase and preserve the supply of decent, safe, and sanitary affordable housing for extremely low- and very low-income households, including homeless families. HTF funds may be used for the production or preservation of affordable housing through the acquisition, new construction, reconstruction, and/or rehabilitation of non-luxury housing with suitable amenities.


HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet
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Content Archived: January 3, 2019