Emmet Starr Gardens Estates Opens in Catoosa

The Housing Authority of the Cherokee Nation (HACN) recently conducted a dual celebration: National Homeownership Month and the dedication of the Emmet Starr Gardens Estates, a $2.9 million housing development, in Catoosa.

"It's hard to believe this area used to be a hayfield and now see what is here; it's really nice," said Curtis Conley, Mayor of Catoosa. "We have a good working relationship and hope it continues."

HACN, with the help of the Cherokee Nation, HUD, Fannie Mae, and Chase/Bank One, was able to secure funding through the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act Title VI Loan Guarantee Program. This allowed the Cherokee Nation to receive a lower interest rate and the savings incurred was passed on to homeowners.

The bulk of the funding came through the Title VI Mortgage Program. "We ended up having around 350 mortgages throughout the Cherokee Nation," said David Southerland, HACN Executive Director, "The Title VI Program was definitely a team effort with all parties involved to make this project a reality."

HACN and HUD have given Cherokee citizens an opportunity for homeownership, which they would not have had without the Title VI Loan Program.

For more housing information, contact one of the HACN offices:

  • HACN Area 2 Sub-office at Cherokee Village
    310 Chief Stand Watie, Catoosa
    (918) 266-5658
  • HACN Area 2 Office serving Rogers, Tulsa, Washington, Craig and Nowata Counties
    23205 S. HWY 66, south of Claremore
    (918) 342-2433

"You know it makes me feel good to see Cherokees in good homes," said Deputy Principal Chief Joe Grayson, Cherokee Nation. "I can remember years ago when we didn't have anything and look how far we have come as a result of successful partnerships."

Content Archived: July 20, 2011