It's Time to Act!

April is Fair Housing Month, the time of year when we commemorate the passage of the 1968 Fair Housing Act. This groundbreaking legislation safeguards the right of every person to live where they choose, regardless of their race, color, national origin, sex, religion, familial status or disability.

One of HUD's most passionate voices for fair housing penned a theme song for the HUD Philadelphia Regional Office’s kickoff to Fair Housing Month 2010, the theme of which is: A Time to Act. Singing without musical accompaniment, but in a clear expressive voice, Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Program Director Wanda Nieves, implored us musically that it was a time to act to right the wrongs of the past.

[Photo 1: Nieves read a proclamation from Philadelphia Mayor Nutter making April Fair Housing Month across the City]
Nieves read a proclamation from Philadelphia Mayor Nutter making April Fair Housing Month across the City.
[Photo 2: Soldiers on the front lines of the effort to stamp out housing discrimination in Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware were recognized with grant awards to fund their efforts]
Soldiers on the front lines of the effort to stamp out housing discrimination in Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware were recognized with grant awards to fund their efforts.
[Photo 3: Berry applauds HUD's investigative process]
Berry applauds HUD’s investigative process.

A Time to Act

A Time to Act
Has just arrived
The waiting time is over.
We need to pave new roads and trails
Our work has just begun!

Chorus- We have a charge, A Time to Act!
There are battles to confront...
And with good will
We will succeed,
A Time to Act is Now!

A Time to Act,
We are inspired
There is no time to waste.
There are protected classes
Depending on our work


A Time to Act,
Our heroes stand,
With pen and pad on hand.
We are ready to investigate,
Correct wrongs from the past.


By Wanda S. Nieves

To the tune of America the Beautiful by Samuel Ward (Public Domain)

Also taking part in the kick-off event, James Berry, of the Fair Housing Council of Suburban Philadelphia (FHCSP), applauded HUD on the success of its 100 day investigative process.

Berry cited the example of apartment owners who allowed their tenants to end their lease early if they found someone else to rent the apartment. However, the tenants placed an ad on stating that "no dogs or children" would be accepted. The FHCSP confirmed that the tenants were in fact denying the apartment to families with children.FHCSP filed an administrative complaint with HUD and subsequently, HUD charged the co-owners and their tenants with unlawful discrimination for refusing to rent to families with children. In November 2009, the parties reached a settlement which included:

  • A payment of $10,250 to include the time spent investigating the case and attorneys fees;
  • A letter of regret from the tenant;
  • The co-owners attending fair housing training; and
  • The development and implementation of a written rental policy of nondiscrimination among other things.

Nieves explained that it's the relationships and partnerships that we have with our partners that help us to make a difference in the communities that we serve. Deputy Regional Director Brenda Laroche also stressed the importance of working together strategically and efficiently to eliminate those practices that still unlawfully deny individuals their right to equal housing.

Recognized for their work in fighting discrimination in Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware, four local agencies were awarded grants under the Fair Housing Initatives Program (FHIP):

-Delaware Community Reinvestment Action Council, Inc. received $90,000 in Education and Outreach Initiative (EOI) funds to aid them in their efforts to educate the public and housing providers about fair housing rights and responsibilties.
-Community Legal Aid Society, Inc. received $274,621 in Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI) funds to assist them in investigating and enforcing fair housing law.
-Fair Housing Rights Center in Souteastern PA received $275,000 PEI funds.
-Fair Housing Council of Suburban Philadelphia received $274,817.66 PEI funds

Anyone who feels they have been the victim of housing discrimination is asked to report it by calling (800) 669-9777 or by logging onto HUD's website. It's time to Act!

Content Archived: May 25, 2012