Employee Opportunities Open Up in Beaver County

Just-hired employees, (l-r) Sarah Demery, Richard Brian Taylor and Nichelle Mashma are most grateful for their new positions. They take pride in stocking the many shelves of fresh produce.

Being without a grocery store to shop in meant a great hardship for residents of this Beaver County, PA community of 9,125, with a 60% low- and moderate-income population.

With the grand opening of Save-a-Lot, local residents now have no need to travel outside of their community to purchase fresh produce and everyday staples. Shoppers universally agree that Save-a-Lot is a much needed and appreciated asset in their community.

Using American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) money meant creating 33 managerial and service related jobs. That infusion of hope, pride and dollars into this vulnerable and struggling community offers much for which they can be thankful.

Using $250,000 in ARRA funding provided through the CDBG-R program, Beaver County was able to leverage a near $2 million project and create 33 new employment opportunities in this economically hard-hit geographic area.

Content Archived: January 23, 2013