Putting Tenants and Erie Residents Back to Work

[Photo 1: Dave Bean]
Dave Bean reviews the construction site

If it were not for the Housing Authority City of Erie's (HACE) 2011 capital improvement projects, more than 100 formerly unemployed Erie area residents would likely be still unemployed. HACE was "shovel ready" with projects set-up and ready to go when HUD money again became available, just as they were ready when American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) money arrived in Erie.

With a strong commitment to Section 3, evidence abounds that HACE tenants consider such construction improvements and the job opportunities they bring a blessing. Just ask Wajdi Ahmad, a resident of Harbor Homes, how his life has changed since becoming employed by DC Installations, the installers putting in replacement windows at Erie Heights.

Other Erie residents, such as Tony Milone and Dave Bean, also offer thanks for such job openings. Bean had been out of work for seven months and Milone for nine months. They represent the stories of many other workers in transition who have found gainful employment through HACE and HUD-funded projects.

Funding for the following capital improvements came from HUD Capital Fund grants ($5.7 million), operating reserves ($1.3 million), insurance proceeds ($725,000) and loans ($2.4 million):

  • Project "G" included installation of new underground gas lines at the John E. Horan Garden Apartments, new energy efficient furnaces and electrical service panels at 325 single family houses, new interior water lines and exterior siding replacement at 224 apartments in Harbor Homes.

  • Friendship Apartments modernization included replacing the main heating system for 200 apartments.

These are just a few examples of the many improvement projects underway that are scheduled to be completed this spring. With these capital improvements, HACE is able to provide not only job opportunities, but continues to offer quality affordable housing to over 8,000 Erie residents.

[Photo 2: Tony Milone]
Tony Milone prepares work tools
[Photo 3: Wajdi Ahmad]
Wajdi Ahmad installs windows


Content Archived: February 14, 2014