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Breakfast Meeting: Rick Garcia Presenter at the Sioux Empire Housing Partnership

Regional Administrator Rick Garcia next to easel holding sketch of proposed building.

Regional Administrator Rick Garcia speaks to Sioux Empire Housing Partnership.

Regional Administrator Rick A. Garcia Visits Sioux Falls. Mr. Garcia was the keynote presenter at the Sioux Empire Housing Partnership breakfast meeting November 16, 2011. Mr. Garcia spoke about changes in the housing market, things the administration is doing to stabilize the market and keep people in their homes. The meeting was attended by 125 individuals representing all facets of the housing industry.

Later in the day, Mr. Garcia held a press conference to highlight the impact of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP). The site of the press conference was a home built for six individuals with disabilities. The house that was previously on the site was a foreclosed, dilapidated home that was about to be condemned by the city. Mr. Garcia pointed out that this and other projects funded through NSP in Sioux Falls not only provided affordable sustainable housing but created and sustained between 40 and 50 jobs.





Content Archived: October 16, 2013

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