HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 08-12
Sheryl Miller
(605) 330-4223

For Release
October 17, 2008

92 agencies nationwide receive Fair Housing Initiative Program funding

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development today awarded $21.8 million to Fair
Housing, and other non-profits agencies in 37 states and the District of Columbia to assist people who believe they have been victims of housing discrimination.

"These Fair Housing Initiatives Program grants will help us continue our efforts to educate the public, the housing industry, real estate professionals and financial institutions about their rights and responsibilities under the Fair Housing Act," said Kim Kendrick, HUD's Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity. "Our local
partners are critical not only in enforcing the law but in reinforcing the message - housing discrimination is illegal
and HUD will take action to eliminate it."

Fair Housing of the Dakotas (FHD) will receive $220,546 to conduct fair housing enforcement, education, and
outreach activities in South Dakota and North Dakota. Specifically, FHD will conduct tests of rental housing
providers and mortgage lenders for evidence of unlawful discrimination; hold fair housing workshops on a range of topics, including accessibility and predatory lending; and distribute fair housing publications.

The categories grants were awarded in are:

  • Private Enforcement Initiative grants (PEI) - HUD awarded $20 million to help groups investigate alleged housing discrimination, and enforce the Fair Housing Act and state and local laws that are substantially equivalent to the Act.
  • Education and Outreach Initiative grants (EOI) - HUD awarded $1.3 million to groups that educate the public and housing providers about their rights and obligations under federal, state, and local fair housing laws.
  • Education and Outreach Initiative (EOI): Clinical Law School Component- HUD awarded $500,000 to
    Howard University Law School to organize and operate a fair housing legal-clinic education program.


HUD is the nation's housing agency committed to increasing homeownership, particularly among minorities; creating affordable housing opportunities for low-income Americans; and supporting the homeless, elderly, people with disabilities and people living with AIDS. The Department also promotes economic and community development, and enforces the nation's fair housing laws. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet

Content Archived: August 04, 2011