Energy Event in Milan, TN

On November 15, 2007, Mayor Elect Chris Crider on behalf of outgoing Mayor George Killebrew declared Energy Star Conservation by the City of Milan at the Milan Housing Authority Change a Light, Change the World Campaign!  Each resident attending the meeting was given a Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) bulb and asked to practice energy conservation because of the ever-increasing utility bills that are subsidized with federal funds.  The Milan Public Utilities Director, David Scarbrough, and William Glass, Energy Coordinator for HUD, discussed current methods of energy conservation as well as new energy achievements on the horizon.  On behalf of the Memphis Field Office, attendees pledged to change a total of 189 incandescent light bulbs to CFL energy efficient bulbs.  �We're encouraging you to save energy by changing a light and changing the world,� said Leander, �We're asking you to join the campaign and make a commitment to changing bulbs.�  Lighting accounts for about 20% of the typical home's electricity use.  The CFL bulbs use one-third the energy of incandescent lighting and the bulbs last up to 10 times as long!  Energy alternatives are being researched and developed every day by federal and private agencies.  Utility bills were once paid with �pocket change� but now require a substantial part of a family's monthly budget. To �take a pledge� visit to replace at least one incandescent light bulb with a CFL bulb. At the link, click on �take the pledge� and that will take you to the page showing organizations in alphabetical order.  Find your office or we are listed as U.S. HUD - Memphis Office. 

Officials from the Department of Housing and Urban Development took the opportunity to recognize what they �labeled� a remarkable improvement at the Milan Housing Authority.  Yvonne Leander, Field Office Director for HUD in Memphis presented Mark Dodson, Executive Director of the Milan Housing Authority with a certificate of achievement, �STAR - Superior Teamwork Achieves Results� citing the Authority as a Public Housing Agency high performer for Fiscal Year 2006.  Steve Short, reporter for the MIRROR-EXCHANGE newspaper, quoted Ms. Leander in his November 20, 2007 story Milan housing moves from troubled' to high performer as saying  �Through the efforts of you (Dodson) and the housing authority staff, in two years time you've gone from �troubled' status to �high performing - that is remarkable.� He also wrote another article entitled Milan residents urges to go fluorescent and save energy costs in the same edition of the newspaper.

[Photo 1: PIH Facilities Manager, Energy Star Coordinator and David Scarbrough] William Glass, PIH Facilities Manager and Energy Star Coordinator and David Scarbrough of Milan Public Utilities addressed the audience of 50 people on Energy Star Change a Light, Change the World Campaign.

[Photo 3: Diverse group of MHA residents and Milan citizens]
Diverse group of MHA residents and Milan citizens
[Photo 2: Ms. Leander presents STAR Award to Milan Housing Authority Executive Director and staff] Ms. Leander presents STAR Award to Milan Housing Authority Executive Director and staff

From left to right: Johnny Patrick, Maintenance Technician MHA, Pam Mc Alpine, Occupancy Specialist MHA, Mark Dodson, Executive Director MHA, Yvonne Leander, HUD Memphis Field Office Director, William Glass, HUD PIH Facilities Manager and Energy Star Coordinator, Bobby Williamson Maintenance Supervisor MHA.

Content Archived: June 13, 2011