William H. Dirl Honored by Nashville Office

It's not often that HUD Field Office Directors receive recognition from their employees for their work in the field, but on Friday, January 18, 2007 employees of the Nashville Office did just that in an Appreciation Day for William "Bill" Dirl, Nashville's Field Office Director.

[Photo 1: Marsha Webb, presents Field Office Director, Bill Dirl a Certificate of Appreciation]
Field Policy and Management Operations Specialist, Marsha Webb, presents Field Office Director, Bill Dirl a Certificate of Appreciation from FPM Staff Shivona Brownlow, Terry Livingston, and Iris-Ann Nguyen.
[Photo 2: Bill receives a Certificate of Appreciation from multi-family staff]
Bill receives a Certificate of Appreciation from multi-family staff - presented by Multi-Family Programs Center Director, Ed Phillips.

Bill was presented Certificates of Appreciation from each program director, as well as golf passes (from voluntary donations), lunch (from supervisors), and a slide show of pictures from the event, and recognition from employees.

[Photo 3: Kelly Derryberry presents Mr. Dirl with a Certificate of Appreciation]
Legal Office Supervisory Attorney, Kelly Derryberry, presents Mr. Dirl with a Certificate of Appreciation.
[Photo 4: Faye Reid and Nancy Greif, show their appreciation and recognize Bill's dedication to support single family programs]
Atlanta HOC out-stationed personnel, Faye Reid and Nancy Greif, show their appreciation and recognize Bill's dedication to support single family programs.

Bill's career with the Department has spanned 29 years of his 37 years of total service. During that time, he served as a Community Builder in HUD's Nashville Office, as the Director of the Community Planning and Development (CPD) Division in HUD's Birmingham Office, and as a CPD Representative and Program Manager in the Knoxville, Tennessee HUD Office.

[Photo 5: Balloon]
This balloon displays it all..."Thanks, Bill, For All You Do!" You are truly appreciated!

Bill excels in interpersonal relationships and communications between himself and staff and with our customers and partners. Other sterling qualities relate to his genuine interest in the welfare of others, his commitment to the Department and staff, and his work ethic. He is viewed by all as a highly effective leader and a person of the highest integrity.These qualities and skills result in his enjoying the support of all staff in the Office, and Bill is known for being a strong player throughout Middle Tennessee as Nashville implements the Department's programs.

Content Archived: June 15, 2011