[Graphic: First Tennessee Development District graphic box]

FTDD to Receive Innovation Award

The Northeast Tennessee/Virginia HOME Consortium has been chosen to receive a National Association of Development Organizations 2009 Innovation Award. The NADO Research Foundation is pleased to have the opportunity to recognize and promote the accomplishments of the Consortium. The Consortium was nominated by the First Tennessee Development District (as the Consortium's Administrative Agent) by providing the following information:

In January 2000, the U. S. Department of Housing & Urban Development invited CDBG Entitlement cities from the Tri-Cities to attend a meeting in Knoxville to discuss the pros and cons of forming a HOME Consortia. Prior to this date, all HOME funds had been awarded by the state housing finance agency on a competitive basis.

Under the HOME Program of the U. S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD), local governments are able to join together to form a "consortium" in order to receive HOME funding for affordable housing. Forming a consortium enables local governments that would not otherwise qualify for HOME Program funding under the formula criteria to join with other units of local government to receive a direct allocation of funds. This creates an opportunity for these jurisdictions to take a more regional, collaborative approach to meeting their affordable housing needs. The Northeast Tennessee/Virginia HOME Consortium is also very unique in that it crossed into Bristol, Virginia to truly take a regional approach. Members of the HOME Consortium are Bristol, Tennessee and Virginia, Bluff City, Johnson City and Kingsport, Sullivan and Washington County, Tennessee.

The Northeast Tennessee/Virginia HOME Consortium (the only HOME Consortium in the State of Tennessee) was initially funded July 1, 2003. Total funding allocated through the 2010 fiscal year totals almost $9,000,000.

Jan Detrick, Bristol, Tennessee Community Development Specialist, and Sherry Trent, FTDD Director of Housing Programs, work together daily to ensure that all HUD requirements are met. Bristol, Tennessee serves as the Lead Entity for the Consortium and is responsible for reporting to HUD, as well as advancing project funds. The First Tennessee Development District serves as the Consortium Administrative Agent responsible for project administration.

Two major categories of projects undertaken are homeownership assistance and single-family, owner-occupied rehabilitation. Since 2003, the Consortium has assisted 368 household into homeownership, rebuilt or totally rehabilitated 49 homes, rehabilitated a 24-unit apartment building, and assisted three nonprofit housing organizations with funds for housing development. This has had a dramatic effect on our region. More households are able to realize their dream of homeownership and the housing stock has been upgraded.

The First Tennessee Development District will accept the award on behalf of the Consortium at the NADO Annual Training Conference in Chicago, Illinois, at the end of August.

Content Archived: June 15, 2011