Secretary Castro Visits Nashville to Discuss Bridging the Digital Divide

[Photo 1: Secretary Julián Castro meeting with students of Stratford Magnet High]
Secretary Julián Castro meeting with students of Stratford Magnet High

[Photo  2: Secretary Julián Castro meets with local area Nashville leaders concerning ConnectHome]
Secretary Julián Castro meets with local area Nashville leaders concerning ConnectHome

On January 13, 2016 Secretary Julián Castro visited Nashville to meet with students and local public leaders to discuss Nashville's work on addressing the digital divide through the ConnectHome ( program. Secretary Castro started the morning at Stratford Magnet High in East Nashville conversation on the Digital Divide. The Stratford students were joined, via the web, by students from East Side High School in Newark, New Jersey and Gaston Middle School in Fresno, California. Students talked with Secretary Castro about their career ambitions, how the ConnectHome initiative will work in Nashville, and specifically how ConnectHome will help the students reach their career goals.

"The access that our young people have to technology and to broadband and the internet is so important to insuring that they get a great educational experience and that they are able to compete in this 21st century global economy," said HUD Secretary Castro.

After meeting with the Student's Secretary Castro held a ConnectHome Clutch with leaders of the Nashville ConnectHome effort. Secretary Castro acknowledged the great work that was done in Nashville to address digital literacy. The participants of the meeting discussed issues facing Nashville's attempt to bridge the digital divide and the successes of a private- public partnership in collecting, refurbishing, and distributing old computers.

Through ConnectHome, Internet Service Providers, non-profits and the private sector will offer broadband access, technical training, digital literacy programs, and devices for residents in assisted housing units in 28 communities across the nation. The President and HUD Secretary Julián Castro announced that HUD selected Nashville, TN and the following twenty-seven cities and one tribal nation to participate in ConnectHome: Albany, GA; Atlanta, GA; Baltimore, MD; Baton Rouge, LA; Boston, MA; Camden, NJ; Choctaw Nation, OK; Cleveland, OH; Denver, CO; Durham, NC; Fresno, CA; Kansas City, MO; Little Rock, AR; Los Angeles, CA; Macon, GA; Memphis, TN; Meriden, CT; New Orleans, LA; New York, NY; Newark, NJ; Philadelphia, PA; Rockford, IL; San Antonio, TX; Seattle, WA; Springfield, MA; Tampa, FL; and Washington, DC.


Content Archived: January 17, 2018