Two Tennessee Organizations Receive
Fair Housing Best Practices Awards
for Innovative Programs

Memphis Area Legal Services' Fair Housing Center and Tennessee Fair Housing Council received Fair Housing Best Practices Awards for 2002 for innovative programs. They are 2 of 14 award recipients selected by The Equal Rights Center and chosen for providing innovative services to under-served populations, such as new immigrants, people with disabilities, the homeless and rural populations. A national advisory committee that included leaders from the housing industry, public interest groups and urban and rural nonprofit housing agencies made the selections.

Agencies were evaluated on criteria that included how well the program assisted under-served and difficult-to-reach communities, how easily the program can be replicated and how well it collaborated with other agencies to maximize resources. The Equal Rights Center will publish a manual with a program description of each of the selected agencies. To request a copy, email them at

Content Archived: June 13, 2011