Nashville Has A New Office!

A grand opening of the newly designed and equipped Nashville Field Office was celebrated on April 16, 2007. Dignitaries from across the state attended, including representatives from the Tennessee Housing Development Agency, USDA, Congressional offices, faith-based and community based organizations, business leaders, realtors, PHA directors, and HUD partners from all corners of the state. Regional Director Bob Young cut the ribbon with Field Office Director Bill Dirl and HUD staff to officially recognize completion of the improvements.

[Photo 1: Employees and guests gathered in the Conference Room to hear the Grand Opening speakers] Employees and guests gathered in the Conference Room to hear the Grand Opening speakers. [Photo 2:  Bob Young (standing) and Bill Dirl (sitting)] Regional Director Bob Young thanked the Nashville Office staff and Field Office Director Bill Dirl (sitting) for their dedication and service to support the renovation.

Renovations occurred throughout the latter part of 2006 and into 2007, and include new office furniture, carpeting, video and audio equipment, computers, monitors, projection screens, and new employee furniture, partitions and booths that utilize space-saving and compact design techniques.

[Photo 3: Bluegrass music by Mountain Fury highlighted the festive atmosphere] Bluegrass music by Mountain Fury highlighted the festive atmosphere.
[Photo 4: The celebration and refreshments were planned and executed by a very dedicated Open House Committee]
The celebration and refreshments were planned and executed by a very dedicated Open House Committee.

Thanks goes out to Bob Young who took the initial step by obtaining funding for the project, and to Bill Dirl and staff, union representatives, and art and office committees, who worked over the months to provide employees with an office environment that definitely exceeded expectations based on the refurbishing budget's purchasing power. Drab furnishings and equipment were taken away, transforming the space into a domain prepared by and for professionals. It's new, clean, and crisp. In fact, the color schemes actually pattern HUD's national website colors. How cool is that?

The grand opening was a festive celebration, with live bluegrass music by Elizabeth Long and Mountain Fury, and d�cor and food provided by the Open House Committee, featuring a table and cake in the colors of our HUD seal.

How often is it that federal offices have such an event to celebrate an open house? Not often! Waiting a long time for renovation and enduring the long reconstruction process, Nashville employees are thankful and proud to celebrate the opening of their "new" office.

Content Archived: June 15, 2011