HUD Archives: News Releases

Mark J. Brezina, Knoxville Office Director
(865) 545-4384
For Release
January 24, 2006



Record number of local programs will benefit from HUD funding.

CROSSVILLE - Local leaders, federal and elected officials gathered today, Tuesday, January 24, 2006, to make a formal presentation at the Crossville Housing Authority. HUD funding in the amount of $595,173.00 is targeted for
the Oak Ridge/Upper Cumberland region through the Cumberland Regional Development Corporation (CRDC), sponsors for the Oak Ridge/Upper Cumberland Continuum of Care as follows:

$236,880.00 Shelter Plus Care (SPC) - provides rental assistance and social services, supportive housing for
homeless people with disabilities and their families - Awarded to the Town of Crossville Housing Authority.

$130,440.00 Shelter Plus Care (SPC) - Awarded to Fentress County

$62,649.00 Supportive Housing Program (SHP) - continue to help develop housing and related supportive services
for people moving from homelessness to independent living. - Awarded to Genesis House, Inc.

$165,204.00 - Supportive Housing Program (SHP) - helps develop housing and related supportive services for people moving from homelessness to independent living - Awarded to the Cumberland Regional Development Corporation (CRDC).

At the same event, a check was presented to the Crossville Housing Authority Director, Don Alexander, for
$150,000. for the Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency Elderly program. This funding helps housing authorities, resident associations or non-profit organizations provide the coordination of services for the elderly and persons
with disabilities, including transportation to medical appointments, shopping, etc., health and wellness programs. These services allow these individuals or families to live independently.

Thousands of persons who benefit from local programs that house and serve homeless, from emergency shelters and transitional housing projects to permanent supportive housing programs received $1.33 billion nationwide in funding through grants announced by Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson, on December 20, 2006.

"We are excited about this area's progress toward ending chronic homelessness. This funding helps provide homes
and social services to persons who really need this help", said Mark Brezina, Knoxville HUD Office Director.

Congressman Lincoln Davis said: "I have long felt that we have a duty as humans to help those with tremendous needs. With this grant, the Crossville community can continue to extend a helping hand so that those in need can chart a new course for their lives."

Don Alexander, Executive Director of the Crossville Housing Authority noted, "It is a great pleasure for CHA to accept these grant awards from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. These funds will help the Crossville Housing Authority provided much needed services to our frail elderly. The Crossville Housing Authority also welcomes the opportunity to work with our partners to provide shelter for disabled clients while our partners provide needed services."

"Crossville Housing Authority and the City of Crossville are committed to increasing affordable housing opportunities
for low-income citizens; and supporting the homeless, elderly and people with disabilities. I am honored to be here
for the announcement of this generous award and appreciate the efforts of all involved in making these programs successful. I especially want to thank Congressman Lincoln Davis and HUD Field Office Director Mark Brezina", said Crossville Mayor J.H. Graham III.

In the past five years, HUD has awarded $6 billion in funding to state and local communities to support the housing and service needs of homeless persons and families. HUD's funding is provided in two ways:

  • HUD's Continuum of Care programs provide permanent and transitional housing to homeless persons. In
    addition, Continuum grants fund important services including job training, health care, mental health
    counseling, substance abuse treatment and child care.

  • Emergency Shelter Grants provides funds for homeless shelters, assists in the operation of local shelters
    and funds related social service and homeless prevention programs.

Combined, HUD's Continuum of Care and Emergency Shelter Grant programs will provide critically needed funding to nearly 5,000 local programs in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. As a result, nearly 172,000 persons will receive the housing and services they need to move toward self-sufficiency. For a more detailed local summary of the funding announced today.

Nearly $1.2 billion in Continuum of Care grants are awarded competitively to local programs to meet the needs of
their homeless clients. Continuum grants fund a wide variety of programs-from street outreach and assessment programs to transitional and permanent housing for homeless persons and families. Half of all Continuum funding awarded today, nearly $600 million, will support new and existing programs that help to pay rent and provide permanent housing for disabled homeless individuals and their families.

Emergency Shelter Grants are allocated based on a formula to state and local governments to create, improve and operate emergency shelters for homeless persons. These funds may also support essential services including job training, health care, drug/alcohol treatment, childcare and homelessness prevention activities. By helping to support emergency shelter, transitional housing and needed support services, Emergency Shelter Grants are designed to
move homeless persons away from a life on the street toward permanent housing.

The Goal to End Chronic Homelessness

For nearly five years, HUD has increasingly emphasized the Bush Administration's goal of ending chronic
homelessness in its assistance programs. Research indicates that 10-15 percent of all homeless persons experience long-term or chronic homelessness. These studies also find that this hardest-to-serve population utilizes over half of all emergency shelter resources designed to assist homeless individuals and families. By shifting the federal emphasis toward meeting the needs of the most vulnerable homeless persons, more resources become available for those who experience homelessness as a temporary condition.

HUD is the nation's housing agency committed to increasing homeownership, particularly among minorities; creating affordable housing opportunities for low-income Americans; and supporting the homeless, elderly, people with disabilities and people living with AIDS. The Department also promotes economic and community development as well as enforces the nation's fair housing laws. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet and


Content Archived: March 15, 2011