Home At Last!

Becoming a first-time homeowner is no longer a dream for several families who have moved from renting to homeownership, thanks to the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program.

Jose and Olga Escalante have never owned a home. They have watched as their siblings became homeowners and never believed they would one day be able to purchase a home of their own.

[Photo: The Escalantes]

The Escalantes had been in the Section 8 Rental Program for five years before gaining the chance to become first-time homeowners. Jose has not let the fact that he is legally blind keep him from working hard and realizing his dream of becoming a homeowner.

The family, which includes Pablo, 17, Claudia, 15, Moses, 14, and Noemi, 12, moved into their modest home in July and they are still overwhelmed with the excitement of becoming first-time homeowners. � I am proud to say that this is our home,� Jose explained. �Becoming a homeowner was only something I occasionally dreamed of, never knowing it would one day become a reality.�

Jose would like to remodel the kitchen for his wife, and Olga, Noemi and Claudia have plans to start a garden as a family project.

The whole family is delighted with their new home, but young Moses is just happy they no longer have to move from place to place when landlords decide to sell their homes. That's what gives him and his siblings a newfound sense of security.

Jose Escalante has some advise for families who dream of homeownership: �Be willing to budget your finances for the future and be smart about the entire process.�

Content Archived: July 22, 2011