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Supporting Homeless and Disabled Women in Victoria, Texas
Perpetual Help Home/Hope Network provides homeless and disabled women a safe and healthy environment in Victoria, Texas. Patricia Franklin, a current resident found the stability and structure she needed at Perpetual Help Home. "First of all, it gave me peace of mind, and being here has taught me a lot of things," Franklin said. Hope Network (HN) was created by Perpetual Help Home (PHH), a faith-based organization that serves homeless and disabled women. In 2006, the HN received a $275,481, 3 year grant, from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide a new program for women who fall through the cracks of other homeless programs. In 2008, the HN program was granted renewal funding from HUD’s Supportive Housing Program in the amount of $92,868. The program provides eight apartments in Victoria to families and women with severe disabilities. HN provides an affordable apartment with basic furnishings, including a sofa, dining table and bed. The apartments also come with other necessities such as dishes, pots and pans. In all, HN has offered long-term housing solutions for 24 women, and the program has proven successful in improving all aspects of life for women who; otherwise, might have fallen through the cracks. Some women who sought the services of PHH did not qualify because their disabilities prevented them from acquiring a full-time job, a requirement of the program.
Staff caseworker, Stephanie Cavazos, LCSW, manages HN and helps the program’s clients access the social services they need. She monitors and visits the women’s homes and makes sure they are following procedures designed to help them maintain their independence. For example, they must complete a monthly register, documenting their income and expenses to ensure their basic needs are provided. They also must practice acceptable housekeeping and hygiene and obtain the necessary services to manage their disabilities. Other rules, such as limitations on visitors, are in place to keep the women safe and keep normality and order in the program.
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Content Archived: June 11, 2012 | |||