Affordable Housing for the "Greatest Generation"

photo 1: senior citizens lead the pledge of allegiance.
Cornerstone Gardens, a new, 65-unit elderly complex constructed under HUD's Section 202 program, was dedicated recently in Houston. Located on a beautifully landscaped site and surrounded by tall pine trees, Cornerstone Gardens provides its residents with a combination of peaceful surroundings and ready access to needed services and retail stores in the northwest Houston area.

Created in 1961 by two California United Church of Christ clergymen and a layman, Retirement Housing Foundation is a non-profit sponsor and manager of affordable housing and services for the elderly, low-income families, and persons with disabilities. With a mission of providing dignified, affordable housing for the elderly, Retirement Housing Foundation now provides affordable housing for over 14,000 persons throughout the United States and its territories.

HUD Regional Director A. Cynthia Leon addressed the new residents, community leaders and representatives and staff from Retirement Housing Foundation. Ms. Leon expressed to those present that Cornerstone Gardens is an example of Secretary Mel Martinez', and HUD's, commitment to providing safe, decent and sanitary housing for needy Americans.

Mr. Armando Walle, Staff Assistant to Congressman Gene Green, presented to the veterans and other senior residents of Cornerstone Gardens a United States flag that had flown over the Capitol on Memorial Day, May 27, 2002. The veterans put the flag to immediate use through leading the crowd in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

As more Americans enter retirement, including those referred to by author Tom Brokaw as "the Greatest Generation" represented at Cornerstone Gardens, more affordable housing will become increasingly essential throughout the nation. Working with nonprofits like Retirement Housing Foundation, HUD and its programs will contribute significantly in meeting this need, both now and in the future.

Content Archived: July 22, 2011