Recovery Act Successes: Recognizing HUD's Partners in Virginia

Reaching out to our Virginia communities to stabilize economic conditions and help those harmed by the economic crisis, HUD's Recovery Act funds pumped $64 million, over and above the other HUD investment of $6.5 billion, into the Commonwealth of Virginia to support three themes that align with the broader goals of the Recovery Act: (1) promoting energy efficiency and creating green jobs, (2) unlocking the credit markets and supporting shovel-ready projects, and (3) mitigating the effects of the economic crisis and preventing community decline. HUD's overriding objective in support of these goals is the creation and preservation of jobs.

In recognition of the noteworthy achievement of HUD partners "Getting it done and getting it done right," the Richmond HUD Office has inducted those partners who have expended or drawn down 100% of their American Recovery Act funds into the Hall of Fame.

The honorees are as follows:

The City of Charlottesville, in partnership with Albemarle Housing Improvement Program (AHIP), spent $144,637 in CDBG-R funds for the substantial rehabilitation of 3 homes occupied by low/and moderate income households. Two of the units were fully funded with CDBG-R funds, while the third unit was rehabilitated using a combination of CDBG-R and CDBG entitlement funds.

The City of Harrisonburg used $143,252.00 of CDBG-R funds to improve pedestrian facilities in low to moderate income areas throughout the city.

Wytheville Redevelopment and Housing Authority - The Housing Authority used $489,370 in ARRA funding for new Energy Star replacement windows at scattered sites and new roofing shingles on all of the Housing Authorities buildings.

Staunton Redevelopment and Housing Authority- The Housing Authority replaced 30 year old furnaces with energy efficient natural gas furnaces and installed energy efficient air conditioning units in its Elizabeth Miller Gardens and Farrier Court public housing apartment communities using $356,675 in ARRA funding.

Marion Redevelopment and Housing Authority - The Housing Authority replaced the thin brick veneer siding with a wood fiber cement exterior siding system at Holston View public housing apartment community using $530,115 in ARRA funding.

Williamsburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority - The Housing Authority used $225,515 in ARRA Funding for new Energy Star replacement windows at Mimosa Woods and Katherine Circle public housing apartment communities and to purchase Energy Star rated refrigerators.

City of Bristol - The City spent the entire $76,110 of the city’s allocated CDBG-R funds on a project entitled, "Emergency Housing Rehab-Warm, Safe & Dry." Funding went towards providing residents with essential repairs/rehabs such as fixing roofs or making homes more accessible for person with disabilities.

Loudoun County (CDBG) - The County use of the funds for solar panels in a homeless shelter and the rehabilitation of eleven affordable housing units is a prime example of promoting energy efficiency and stabilizing communities for the homeless in addition to assisting low and very low income residents of Loudoun County.

Colonial Heights - the City had two activities: (1) administration and (2) emergency housing rehabilitation. The city completed eight (8) emergency housing rehabilitation projects for low and moderate income households. Types of projects included; mold remediation, handicap lavatory modifications, roof replacements and porch repairs.

Content Archived: May 25, 2012