HUD Archives: News Releases

William P. Miles
(804) 822-4807
For Release
May 5, 2008

The VA Medical Center in Roanoke will recommend families and provide
social services

RICHMOND - U.S. Housing and Urban Development Field Office Director William P. Miles announced today the
Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority will receive $169,210 to provide permanent supportive housing for
35 homeless veterans in Richmond.

"We are thankful to our nation's veterans who sacrificed so much for us when they signed up to serve this country," said William Miles. "This program is a measure of our gratefulness and demonstrates our commitment to serve our veterans as they once served us."

HUD's Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Program (HUD-VASH) is providing approximately 10,000 rental assistance vouchers to 129 local public housing agencies to assist homeless veterans. In addition, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and HUD will link local public housing agencies with VA Medical Centers to provide supportive
services and case management to eligible homeless veterans.

Local communities or "Continuums of Care" that receive HUD homeless assistance will work with local VA Medical Centers to identify eligible participants. The VA will then screen homeless veterans to determine their eligibility.
Those eligible vets will receive treatment and regular case management to retain the voucher. VA Medical Center
case managers will also work closely with local housing agencies to help participants find suitable housing. Participating local housing agencies will also determine income eligibility in accordance to HUD regulations for the Housing Choice Voucher Program.

HUD will allocate the housing vouchers to local public housing agencies across the country that are specifically targeted to homeless veterans based on a variety of factors, including the number of reported homeless veterans
and the proximity of a local VA Medical Center with the capacity to provide case management.

HUD will provide housing assistance through its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program which allows participants to rent privately owned housing. The VA will offer eligible homeless veterans clinical and supportive services through its medical centers across the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Last year, VA provided health care to more than 100,000 homeless veterans and other services to over 60,000 veterans in its specialized homeless programs. The Bush Administration's proposed FY 2009 Budget seeks to double the amount of funding announced today to provide an additional $75 million to support the housing and service needs of an additional 10,000 homeless veterans across America.


HUD is the nation's housing agency committed to increasing homeownership, particularly among minorities; creating affordable housing opportunities for low-income Americans; and supporting the homeless, elderly, people with disabilities and people living with AIDS. The Department also promotes economic and community development and enforces the nation's fair housing laws. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet


Content Archived: August 04, 2011