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MUM Seniors "Strike" Out for Something New

Morgantown, West Virginia, is the site of a newly formed bowling league. This league, however, is not made up of your ordinary run of the mill bowlers but one that reaches into the virtual world. The Morgantown United Manor (MUM) Wii video game bowling league is a good example of an activity that promotes healthy exercise and interaction with friends and neighbors. The league is a value added component for MUM's residents.

[Photo: The Lucky Strikers of the MUM Bowling League]
The Lucky Strikers of the MUM Bowling League.

In May 2008, the tenant council of MUM, a privately owned 121 unit HUD-funded Section 202 multifamily apartment complex, purchased a Nintendo Wii Video System. It was this purchase that paved the way for the development of a creative new activity for its residents.

HUD's Section 202 program is designed to expand the supply of affordable housing with supportive services for the elderly. It provides very low-income elderly with options that allow them to live independently but in an environment that provides support activities such as cleaning, cooking, transportation, and access to technology.

With those goals in mind, the MUM seniors began practicing bowling with their Wii system two or three nights a week. In January 2009, a four team league with four bowlers per team was formed. The teams consist of The Lucky Strikers, The 300's, Edith's Guys, Ralph's Girls, along with a group of substitutes. Its members range in age from 62 through 95. While some of the bowlers are in wheelchairs, some in regular chairs, and some stand during bowling, all have fun.

HUD's West Virginia Field Office Director, Peter Minter believes residents who organize and participate in social activities in their housing complex are not only practicing good preventive health but providing an additional property amenity that improves the quality of life for all residents living there. Video games do not have to be restricted to the under 30 crowd. Playing challenging games can be used to make physical therapy exercises fun, as well as contributing to good mental health. Studies have shown that regular mental activity can starve off conditions such as depression and senile dementia, and can also improve hand-eye coordination, balance and muscular strength and endurance.

The MUM bowling league aims to serve in much the same way. So while the end of this year's bowling season will commence with an awards dinner to be held at a local restaurant, the MUM seniors are already contemplating what their next endeavor may include - dancing, fishing, tennis, golf, baseball, or boxing. The benefits of these endeavors are anything but virtual.

Content Archived: March 21, 2011

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