DENVER - Secretary Henry G. Cisneros today announced that 25
public housing communities will become Campuses of
Learners, where residents can explore the information superhighway, learn
computer skills, and train for jobs in today's workplaces.
Cisneros said the Campuses of Learners
"can become
the new model for public housing - a place where people live temporarily
while learning the skills they need to become self-sufficient."
Cisneros announced the initiative by the Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today in Denver, where he
opened a new Campus of Learners facility at the North Lincoln
Park Development.
Families living on a Campus will receive training in new
telecommunications and computer technology, and participate in
job training and educational programs that will prepare them to
compete in today's increasingly complex workplace.
The designees include public housing sites in St. Louis
County; Union City, N.J.; Wilmington, Del.; South Bend, Ind.;
Woonsocket, R.I.; Columbus, Ohio; Chicago; Cuyahoga, Cleveland;
San Diego; Evansville, Ind.; San Francisco; Seattle; East Baton
Rouge; East St. Louis, Ill.; Fort Worth, Texas; Hartford, Conn.;
County of Los Angeles; Milwaukee; New Haven, Conn.; Omaha, Neb.;
Philadelphia; Pittsburgh; Prince George's County, Largo, Md.;
Portland, Ore.; and Denver.
Public housing authorities designated as Campuses of
Learners will work with local school districts to develop
curricula, strengthen parent-teacher relationships, establish
after-school activities, create adult education classes, and
encourage parental involvement. In addition, Campuses of Learners
will draw from the resources of universities, vocational or
technical institutes, and colleges through the creation of
specialized education and technology classes.
"These opportunities will enable lower-income Americans
living in public housing to become productive participants in
America's marketplace," Cisneros said. "Providing technology
to inner-city youth is not some special benefit. It's an
investment the nation must make to give our young people the
tools they need to compete and win in the global economy."
Cisneros said that the initiative complements President
Clinton's welfare reform effort, providing public housing
families with the skills needed to find jobs and move off of the
welfare rolls.
The initiative will require that all participants living on
a Campus of Learners be enrolled in an education program of some
kind. Every apartment will be wired to facilitate the latest
computer technology, and computer laboratory sites will be
available for computer classes, language skills enhancement
sessions, life skills training, and GED classes. Efforts also
will be made to accommodate the schedules of children, the
elderly, and working fathers and mothers.
The business community and other private sector partners
also will be involved. Supporting the 25 sites will be an array
of corporations and companies that will provide internships, job
training and employment opportunities, mentoring for children and
adults, telecommunications resources, after-school youth sports,
apprenticeship programs for youth, and job training positions for
Education programs established at participating public
housing sites will last between three and five years, and
residents will receive a certificate upon completion.
"This initiative provides thousands of public housing
residents with the opportunity to live in a campus-like setting
that is focused on learning," said Cisneros. "Offering youth and
adult residents education and training with computers and more
advanced technology will help ensure that they receive the skills
needed to achieve meaningful employment and become self-reliant."
Content Archived: January 20, 2009