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RESPA Statement of Policy 1999-1


24 CFR Part 3500

[Docket No. FR-4450-N-01]

RIN 2502-AH33

Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) Statement of Policy 1999-1
Regarding Lender Payments to Mortgage Brokers

AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD.

ACTION: Statement of Policy 1999-1.

SUMMARY: This Statement of Policy sets forth the Department of Housing and Urban Development's position on the legality of lender payments to mortgage brokers in connection with federally related mortgage loans under the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act ("RESPA") and HUD's implementing regulations. While this statement satisfies the Conferees' directive in the Conference Report on the 1999 HUD Appropriations Act that the Department clarify its position on this subject, HUD believes that broad legislative reform along the lines specified in the HUD/Federal Reserve Board Report remains the most effective way to resolve the difficulties and legal uncertainties under RESPA and the Truth in Lending Act (TILA) for industry and consumers alike. Statutory changes like those recommended in the Report would, if adopted, provide the most balanced approach to resolving these contentious issues by providing consumers with better and firmer information about the costs associated with home-secured credit transactions and providing creditors and mortgage brokers with clearer rules. Such an approach is far preferable to piecemeal actions.

EFFECTIVE DATE: This Statement of Policy is effective upon publication.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rebecca J. Holtz, Director RESPA/ILS Division Room 9146, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC 20410; telephone 202-708-4560, or (for legal questions) Kenneth A. Markison, Assistant General Counsel for GSE/RESPA or Rodrigo Alba, Attorney for RESPA, Room 9262, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC 20410; telephone 202-708-3137 (these are not toll free numbers). Hearing or speech-impaired individuals may access these numbers via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Information Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339.


This Preamble to the Statement of Policy includes descriptions of current practices in the industry. It is not intended to take positions with respect to the legality or illegality of any practices; such positions are set forth in the Statement of Policy itself.

I. Background

A. General Background

The Conference Report on the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999 (H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 105-769, 105th Cong., 2d Sess. 260 (1998)) (FY 1999 HUD Appropriations Act) directs HUD to clarify its position on lender payments to mortgage brokers within 90 days after the enactment of the FY 1999 HUD Appropriations Act on October 21, 1998. The Report states that "Congress never intended payments by lenders to mortgage brokers for goods or facilities actually furnished or for services actually performed to be violations of [Sections 8](a) or (b) of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (12 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.) (RESPA)]" (Id.). The Report also states that the Conferees "are concerned about the legal uncertainty that continues absent such a policy statement" and "expect HUD to work with representatives of industry, Federal agencies, consumer groups, and other interested parties on this policy statement" (Id.).

This issue of lender payments, or indirect fees, to mortgage brokers has proven particularly troublesome for industry and consumers alike. It has been the subject of litigation in more than 150 cases nationwide (see additional discussion below). To understand the issue and HUD's position regarding the legality of these payments requires background information concerning the nature of the services provided by mortgage brokers and their compensation, as well as the applicable legal requirements under RESPA.

During the last seven years, HUD has conducted three rulemakings respecting mortgage broker fees. These rulemakings first addressed definitional issues and issues concerning disclosure of payments to mortgage brokers in transactions covered under RESPA. (See 57 FR 49600 (November 2, 1992); 60 FR 47650 (September 13, 1995).) Most recently in a regulatory negotiation (see 60 FR 54794 (October 25, 1995) and 60 FR 63008 (December 8, 1995)) and then a proposed rule (62 FR 53912 (October 16, 1997)), HUD addressed the issue of the legality of payments to brokers under RESPA. In the latter, HUD proposed that payments from lenders to mortgage brokers be presumed legal if the mortgage broker met certain specified conditions, including disclosing its role in the transaction and its total compensation through a binding contract with the borrower. This rulemaking is pending.

In July 1998, HUD and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve delivered to Congress a joint report containing legislative proposals to reform RESPA and the Truth in Lending Act. If the proposals in this reform package were to be adopted, the disclosure and legality issues raised herein would be resolved for any mortgage broker following certain of the proposed requirements, and consumers would be offered significant new protections.

B. Mortgage Brokerage Industry

When RESPA was enacted in 1974, single family mortgages were largely originated and held by savings and loans, commercial banks, and mortgage bankers. During the 1980's and 1990's, the rise of secondary mortgage market financing resulted in new wholesale and retail entities to compete with the traditional funding entities to provide mortgage financing. This made possible the origination of loans by retail entities that worked with prospective borrowers, collected application information, and otherwise processed the data required to complete the mortgage transaction. These retail entities generally operated with the intent of developing the origination package, and then immediately transmitting it to a wholesale lender who funded the loan. The rise in technology permitted much more effective and faster exchange of information and funds between originators and lenders for the retail transaction.

Entities that provide mortgage origination or retail services and that bring a borrower and a lender together to obtain a loan (usually without providing the funds for loans) are generally referred to as "mortgage brokers." These entities serve as intermediaries between the consumer and the entity funding the loan, and currently initiate an estimated half of all home mortgages made each year in the United States. Mortgage brokers generally fit into two broad categories: those that hold themselves out as representing the borrower in shopping for a loan, and those that simply offer loans as do other retailers of loans. The first type may have an agency relationship with the borrower and, in some states, may be found to owe a responsibility to the borrower in connection with the agency representation. The second type, while not representing the borrower, may make loans available to consumers from any number of funding sources with which the mortgage broker has a business relationship.

Mortgage brokers provide various services in processing mortgage loans, such as filling out the application, ordering required reports and documents, counseling the borrower and participating in the loan closing. They may also offer goods and facilities, such as reports, equipment, and office space to carry out their functions. The level of services mortgage brokers provide in particular transactions depends on the level of difficulty involved in qualifying applicants for particular loan programs. For example, applicants have differences in credit ratings, employment status, levels of debt, or experience that will translate into various degrees of effort required for processing a loan. Also, the mortgage broker may be required to perform various levels of services under different servicing or processing arrangements with wholesale lenders.

Mortgage brokers vary in their methods of collecting compensation for their work in arranging, processing, and closing mortgage loans. In a given transaction, a broker may receive compensation directly from the borrower, indirectly in fees paid by the wholesaler or lender providing the mortgage loan funds, or through a combination of both.

Where a broker receives direct compensation from a borrower, the broker's fee is likely charged to the borrower at or before closing, as a percentage of the loan amount (e.g., 1% of the loan amount) and through direct fees (such as an application fee, document preparation fee, processing fee, etc.).

Brokers also may receive indirect compensation from lenders or wholesalers. Such indirect fees may be referred to as "back funded payments," "servicing release premiums," or "yield spread premiums." These indirect fees paid to mortgage brokers may be based upon the interest rate of each loan entered into by the broker with the borrower. These fees have been the subject of much contention and litigation. Another method of indirect compensation, also the subject of significant controversy and uncertainty, is "volume-based" compensation. This generally involves compensation to a mortgage broker by a lender based on the volume of loans that the mortgage broker delivers to the lender in a fixed period of time. The compensation may come in the form of: (1) a cash payment to the broker based on the amount of loans the broker delivers to the lender in excess of a "threshold" or "floor amount"; or (2) provision of a lower "start rate" (often called a discount) for such loans; the compensation to the broker results from the difference in yield between the "start rate" and the loan rate. Volume based compensation may be received at settlement or well after a particular loan has closed.

Payments to brokers by lenders, characterized as yield spread premiums, are based on the interest rate and points of the loan entered into as compared to the par rate offered by the lender to the mortgage broker for that particular loan (e.g., a loan of 8% and no points where the par rate is 7.50% will command a greater premium for the broker than a loan with a par rate of 7.75% and no points).1 In determining the price of a loan, mortgage brokers rely on rate quotes issued by lenders, sometimes several times a day. When a lender agrees to purchase a loan from a broker, the broker receives the then applicable pricing for the loan based on the difference between the rate reflected in the rate quote and the rate of the loan entered into by the borrower. In some cases, the broker can increase its revenues by arranging a loan with the consumer at a particular rate and then, based on market changes or other factors which decrease the par rate, increase his or her fees. Some consumers allege that the compensation system for brokers results in higher loan rates for borrowers and/or that this compensation system is illegal under RESPA.

Lender payments to mortgage brokers may reduce the up-front costs to consumers. This allows consumers to obtain loans without paying direct fees themselves.2 Where a broker is not compensated by the consumer through a direct fee, or is partially compensated through a direct fee, the interest rate of the loan is increased to compensate the broker or the fee is added to principal. In any of the compensation methods described, all costs are ultimately paid by the consumer, whether through direct fees or through the interest rate.

C. Coverage of this Policy Statement

HUD's RESPA rules, found at 24 CFR Part 3500 (Regulation X), define a mortgage broker to be "a person (not an employee or exclusive agent of a lender) who brings a borrower and lender together to obtain a federally-related mortgage loan, and who renders...`settlement services'" (24 CFR 3500.2(b)). In table funding, mortgage brokers may process and close loans in their own names. However, at or about the time of settlement, they transfer these loans to the lender, and the lender simultaneously advances the monies to fund the loan. In transactions where mortgage brokers function as intermediaries, the broker also provides loan origination services, but the loan funds are provided by the lender and the loan is closed in the lender's name.

In other cases, mortgage brokers may originate and close loans in their own name using their own funds or warehouse lines of credit, and then sell the loans after settlement in the secondary market. In such transactions, mortgage brokers effectively act as lenders under HUD's RESPA rules. Accordingly, the transfer of the loan obligation by, and payment to, these brokers after the initial funding is outside of RESPA's coverage under the secondary market exemption, found at 24 CFR 3500.5(b)(7), which states that payments to and from other loan sources following settlement are exempt from disclosure requirements and Section 8 restrictions. HUD's rule provides that in determining what constitutes a bona fide transfer in the secondary market, HUD considers the real source of funding and the real interest of the funding lender. (24 CFR 3500.5(b)(7).)

Because this Statement of Policy focuses on the legality of lender payments to mortgage brokers in transactions subject to RESPA, the coverage of this statement is restricted to payments to mortgage brokers in table-funded and intermediary broker transactions. Lender payments to mortgage brokers where mortgage brokers initially fund the loan and then sell the loan after settlement are outside the coverage of this statement as exempt from RESPA under the secondary market exemption.

D. RESPA and its Legislative History

In enacting RESPA, Congress sought to protect the American home-buying public from unreasonably and unnecessarily inflated prices in the home purchasing process (S. Rep. No. 93-866 (1974) reprinted in 1974 U.S.C.C.A.N. 6548). Section 2 of the Act provides:

"significant reforms in the real estate settlement process are needed to insure that consumers throughout the Nation are provided with greater and more timely information on the nature and costs of the settlement process and are protected from unnecessarily high settlement charges caused by certain abusive practices that have developed in some areas of the country . . . . It is the purpose of this act to effect certain changes in the settlement process for residential real estate that will result-- in more effective advance disclosure to home buyers and sellers of settlement costs; [and] (2) in the elimination of kickbacks or referral fees that tend to increase unnecessarily the costs of certain settlement services...." 12 U.S.C. 2601.

Section 4(a) of RESPA requires the Secretary to create a uniform settlement statement which "shall conspicuously and clearly itemize all charges imposed upon the borrower and all charges imposed upon the seller in connection with the settlement" (12 U.S.C. 2603(a)).

Section 5(c) of RESPA requires the provision of a "good faith estimate of the amount or range of charges for specific settlement services the borrower is likely to incur in connection with the settlement as prescribed by the Secretary" (12 U.S.C. 2604(c)).

Section 8(a) of RESPA, prohibits any person from giving and any person from accepting any fee, kickback, or other thing of value pursuant to any agreement or understanding that business shall be referred to any person. (See 12 U.S.C. 2607(a).) Section 8(b) also prohibits anyone from giving or accepting any portion, split, or percentage of any charge made or received for the rendering of a settlement service other than for services actually performed. (12 U.S.C. 2607(b).) Section 8(c) of RESPA provides, however, that nothing in Section 8 shall be construed as prohibiting the payment to any person of a bona fide salary or compensation or other payment for goods or facilities actually furnished or services actually performed. (12 U.S.C. 2607(c)(2).)

Under Section 19 of RESPA, HUD is authorized to issue rules, establish exemptions, and make such interpretations as is necessary to implement the law. (12 U.S.C. 2618(a).)

RESPA's legislative history refers to HUD-VA Reports and subsequent hearings by the Housing Subcommittee as defining "major problem areas that [had to] be dealt with if settlement costs are to be kept within reasonable bounds." (S. Rep. No. 93-866, at 6547.) One "major problem area" identified was the "[a]busive and unreasonable practices within the real estate settlement process that increase settlement costs to home buyers without providing any real benefits to them." Another major concern was "[t]he lack of understanding on the part of most home buyers about the settlement process and its costs, which lack of understanding makes it difficult for a free market for settlement services to function at maximum efficiency."

The legislative history reveals that Congress intended RESPA to guard against these unreasonable and excessive settlement costs in two ways. Under Section 4, Congress sought to "mak[e] information on the settlement process available to home buyers in advance of settlement and requir[e] advance disclosures of settlement charges." (S. Rep. 93-866, at 6548.) The Senate Report explained that "home buyers who would otherwise shop around for settlement services, and thereby reduce their overall settlement costs, are prevented from doing so because frequently they are not apprised of the costs of these services until the settlement date or are not aware of the nature of the settlement services that will be provided."

Under Section 8, Congress sought to eliminate what it termed "abusive practices" -- kickbacks, referral fees, and unearned fees. In enacting these prohibitions, Congress intended that "the costs to the American home buying public will not be unreasonably or unnecessarily inflated." (S.Rep. 93-866 at 6548.) In describing the Section 8 provisions, the Senate Report explained that RESPA "is intended to prohibit all... referral fee arrangements whereby any payment is made or `thing of value' is provided for the referral of real estate settlement business." (S. Rep. 93-866, at 6551.)

The legislative history adds that "[t]o the extent the payment is in excess of the reasonable value of the goods provided or services performed, the excess may be considered a kickback or referral fee proscribed by Section [8]." (S. Rep. 93-866, at 6551.) The Senate Report states that "reasonable payments in return for services actually performed or goods actually furnished" were not intended to be prohibited (Id).3 It also provided that "[t]hose persons and companies that provide settlement services should therefore take measures to ensure that any payments they make or commissions they give are not out of line with the reasonable value of the services received." (Id.)

The Department has consistently held that the prohibitions under Section 8 of RESPA cover the activities of mortgage brokers, because RESPA applies to the origination, processing, and funding of a federally related mortgage loan. This became an issue when, in 1984, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals held that in applying Section 8 as a criminal statute, the definition of settlement services did not clearly extend to the making of a mortgage loan. (U.S. v. Graham Mortgage Corp., 740 F.2d 414 (6th Cir. 1984).) In 1992, Congress responded by amending RESPA to remove any doubt that, for purposes of RESPA, a settlement service includes the origination and making of a mortgage loan. (Section 908 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 (Pub.L. 102-550, approved October 28, 1992; 104 Stat. 4413). At the same time, Congress also specifically made RESPA applicable to second mortgages and refinancings. (Id.)

E. HUD's RESPA Rules

On November 2, 1992 (57 FR 49600), the Department issued a major revision of Regulation X, the rule interpreting RESPA. The rule defined the term "mortgage broker" for the first time. Under the rule, mortgage brokers are required to disclose direct and indirect payments on the Good Faith Estimate (GFE) no later than 3 days after loan application. (See 24 CFR 3500.7(a) and (c).) Such disclosure must also be provided to consumers, as a final figure, at closing on the settlement statement. (24 CFR 3500.8; 24 CFR part 3500, Appendix A (Instructions for Filling Out the HUD-1 and HUD-1A).) On the GFE and the settlement statement, lender-paid mortgage broker fees must be shown as "Paid Outside of Closing" (P.O.C.), and not computed in arriving at totals. (See 24 CFR 3500.7(a)(2) and 24 CFR part 3500, Appendix A.) The 1992 rule treats mortgage brokers as settlement service providers whose fees are disbursed at or before settlement, akin to title agents, attorneys, appraisers, etc., whose fees are subject to disclosure and otherwise subject to RESPA, including Section 8.

The 1992 rule did not explicitly take a position on whether yield spread premiums or any other named class of back-funded or indirect fees paid by lenders to brokers are per se legal or illegal. By illustration, codified as Illustrations of Requirements of RESPA, Fact Situations 5 and 12 in Appendix B to 24 CFR part 3500, the 1992 rule specifically listed "servicing release premiums" and "yield spread premiums" as fees required to be itemized on the settlement statement. Although the 1992 rule specifically acknowledged the existence of such fees and provided illustrations of how they were to be denominated on HUD disclosure forms, this requirement was intended to ensure their disclosure, but not to create a presumption of per se legality or illegality.

The anti-kickback, anti-referral fee and unearned fee provisions of RESPA are implemented by 24 CFR 3500.14. Regulation X repeats the Section 8 prohibitions against compensation for the referral of settlement service business and for the giving or accepting of any portion, split or percentage of any charge other than for services actually rendered. (24 CFR 3500.14(c).) Regulation X provides that a charge by a person for which no or nominal services are performed or for which duplicative fees are charged is an unearned fee and violates the unearned fee prohibition. (See 24 CFR 3500.14(c).) Moreover, 24 CFR 3500.14(g)(1)(iv) clarifies that Section 8 of RESPA permits "[a] payment to any person of a bona fide salary or compensation or other payment for goods or facilities actually furnished or for services actually performed."

The Department's regulations provide, under 24 CFR 3500.14(g)(2), that:

The Department may investigate high prices to see if they are the result of a referral fee or a split of a fee. If the payment of a thing of value bears no reasonable relationship to the market value of the goods or services provided, then the excess is not for services or goods actually performed or provided. These facts may be used as evidence of a violation of section 8 and may serve as a basis for a RESPA investigation. High prices standing alone are not proof of a RESPA violation. The value of a referral (i.e., the value of any additional business obtained thereby) is not to be taken into account in determining whether the payment exceeds the reasonable value of such goods, facilities or services.... (emphasis supplied).

In addition, Regulation X clarifies that "[w]hen a person in a position to refer settlement service business...receives a payment for providing additional settlement services as part of a real estate transaction, such payment must be for services that are actual, necessary and distinct from the primary services provided by such person." (24 CFR 3500.14(g)(3).)

Since 1992, HUD has provided various interpretations and other issuances under these rules stating the Department's position that the legality of a payment to a mortgage broker is not premised on the name of the particular fee. Rather, HUD has consistently advised that the issue under RESPA is whether the compensation to a mortgage broker in covered transactions is reasonably related to the value of the goods or facilities actually furnished or services actually performed. If the compensation, or a portion thereof, is not reasonably related to the goods or facilities actually furnished or the services actually performed, there is a compensated referral or an unearned fee in violation of Section 8(a) or 8(b) of RESPA, whether the compensation is a direct or indirect payment or a combination thereof.

F. Recent HUD Rulemaking Efforts

The Department received comments on the 1992 rule's requirement that mortgage brokers disclose indirect payments from lenders on the GFE and the settlement statement. In response, the Department reviewed whether the disclosure of indirect or back-funded fees is necessary or in the borrower's interest and whether additional rulemaking was needed to clarify the legality of fees to mortgage brokers. Brokers had alleged that these disclosures were confusing to consumers and disadvantaged brokers as compared to other originators who were within the secondary market exemption and were not required to disclose their compensation for the subsequent sale of the loan. Consumer representatives said that consumers needed to understand the existence of indirect fees and whether brokers represented consumers in shopping for loans. On September 13, 1995, the Department issued a proposed rule (60 FR 47650) and in December 1995 through May 1996, embarked on a negotiated rulemaking on these subjects.

Although the negotiated rulemaking did not result in consensus, on October 16, 1997, HUD published a proposed rule (62 FR 53912) that was shaped by views from both industry and consumer representatives provided during the negotiated rulemaking (as well as by comments received from the September 13, 1995, proposed rule (60 FR 47650)). The 1997 proposed rule proposed a qualified "safe harbor" for payments to mortgage brokers under Section 8. Under the proposal, if a broker enters into a contract with consumers explaining the broker's functions (whether or not it represented the consumer) and the total compensation the broker would receive in the transaction, before the consumer applied for a loan, HUD would presume the broker fees, both direct and indirect, to be legal. The 1997 proposal also provided, however, that this qualified safe harbor would only be available to those payments that did not exceed a test, to be established in the rulemaking, to preclude unreasonable fees. This proposal was intended, among other things, to establish that yield spread premiums paid to brokers meeting the rule's requirements were presumed legal when brokers provided consumers with prescribed information concerning the functions and compensation of mortgage brokers. The Department has received over 9,000 comments in response to this proposed rule.

G. Litigation

During the last several years, more than 150 lawsuits have been brought seeking class action certification based in whole or in part on the theory that the making of indirect payments from lenders to mortgage brokers violates Section 8 of RESPA. In various cases, plaintiffs have argued that yield spread premiums or other denominated indirect payments to brokers, regardless of their amount, constitute prohibited referral fees under Section 8(a). These plaintiffs generally argue that yield spread premiums are payments based upon the broker's ability to deliver a loan that is above the par rate. Some lawsuits have alleged that such yield spread premiums or other indirect payments are a split of fees between the lender and the broker, or are simply unearned fees and, therefore, also violate Section 8(b) of RESPA. Other challenges rely, in part, on the alleged unreasonableness of brokers' fees. These complaints assert that under the RESPA regulations, payments must bear a reasonable relationship to the market value of the good or the service provided and that payments in excess of such amounts must be regarded as forbidden referral fees.

Many of the lawsuits involve allegations that consumers were not informed by mortgage brokers concerning the mortgage brokers' role and compensation. A common element in many allegations is that borrowers were not informed about the existence or the amount of the yield spread premiums paid to the mortgage broker, and the relationship of the yield spread premium to the direct fees that the borrower paid. The facts in these cases suggest generally that even where there were proper disclosures on the GFE and the settlement statement, borrowers allege that they were unaware of, or did not understand, that a yield spread premium was tied to the interest rate they agreed to pay, and that they could have reduced this charge or their direct payment to the broker either by further negotiation or by engaging in additional shopping among mortgage loan providers.

Courts have been split in their decisions on these cases. Some of the decisions have concluded that yield spread premiums may be prohibited referral fees or duplicative fees in contravention of Section 8 of RESPA under the specific facts of the case. Some have held that the permissibility of yield spread premiums must be based on an analysis of whether the premiums constitute a reasonable payment, either alone or in combination with any direct fee paid by the borrower, for either the goods, services or facilities actually furnished. Because some courts have found that this necessitates an individual analysis of the facts of each transaction, some courts have denied plaintiffs' requests for class action certification. Some courts have certified a class without reaching a conclusion on the RESPA issues. Others have held that yield spread premiums constitute valid consideration to the mortgage broker in exchange for the origination of the loan and the sale of the loan to the lender. These courts have found that the payment of yield spread premiums is one method among many of compensating the broker for the origination services rendered.

H. Reform

In July 1998, the Department and the Federal Reserve Board delivered a report to Congress recommending significant improvements to streamline and simplify current RESPA and Truth In Lending Act requirements. The Report proposed that along with a tighter and more enforceable scheme for providing consumers with estimated costs for settlements, an exemption from Section 8's prohibitions should be established for those entities that offer a package of settlement services and a mortgage loan at a guaranteed price, rate and points for the package early in the consumer's process of shopping for a loan. Such an approach, which also includes other additional consumer protection recommendations, would largely resolve these issues for any mortgage broker who chooses to abide by the requirements of this exemption. The Report's consumer protection recommendations included, among other items, that Congress consider establishment of an unfair and deceptive acts and practices remedy.

Under the "packaging" proposal set forth in the Report, settlement costs would be controlled more effectively by market forces. Consumers would be better able to comparison-shop, thereby encouraging creditors and others to operate efficiently and pass along discounts and lower prices. In addition, the Report's recommendations would greatly simplify compliance for the industry and clarify legal uncertainties that create liability risks.

I. This Policy Statement

This policy statement provides HUD's views of the legality of fees to mortgage brokers from lenders under existing law. In accordance with the Conference Report, in developing this policy statement, HUD met with representatives of government agencies, as well as a broad range of consumer and industry groups, including the Office of Thrift Supervision, the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Reserve Board, the National Association of Mortgage Brokers, the Mortgage Bankers Association of America, the American Bankers Association, the Consumer Mortgage Coalition, America's Community Bankers, the Consumer Bankers Association, the Independent Bankers Association of America, AARP, the National Consumer Law Center, Consumers Union, and the National Association of Consumer Advocates.

II. RESPA Policy Statement 1999-1

A. Introduction

The Department hereby states its position on the legality of payments by lenders to mortgage brokers under the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (12 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.) (RESPA) and its implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 3500 (Regulation X). This Statement of Policy is issued pursuant to Section 19(a) of RESPA (12 U.S.C. 2617(a)) and 24 CFR 3500.4(a)(1)(ii). HUD is cognizant of the Conferees' statement in the Conference Report on the FY 1999 HUD Appropriations Act that "Congress never intended payments by lenders to mortgage brokers for goods or facilities actually furnished or for services actually performed to be violations of [Sections 8](a) or (b) (12 U.S.C. Sec. 2607) in its enactment of RESPA." (H. Rep. 105-769, at 260.) The Department is also cognizant of the congressional intent in enacting RESPA of protecting consumers from unnecessarily high settlement charges caused by abusive practices. (12 U.S.C. 2601.)

In transactions where lenders make payments to mortgage brokers, HUD does not consider such payments (i.e., yield spread premiums or any other class of named payments), to be illegal per se. HUD does not view the name of the payment as the appropriate issue under RESPA. HUD's position that lender payments to mortgage brokers are not illegal per se does not imply, however, that yield spread premiums are legal in individual cases or classes of transactions. The fees in cases or classes of transactions are illegal if they violate the prohibitions of Section 8 of RESPA.

In determining whether a payment from a lender to a mortgage broker is permissible under Section 8 of RESPA, the first question is whether goods or facilities were actually furnished or services were actually performed for the compensation paid. The fact that goods or facilities have been actually furnished or that services have been actually performed by the mortgage broker does not by itself make the payment legal. The second question is whether the payments are reasonably related to the value of the goods or facilities that were actually furnished or services that were actually performed.

In applying this test, HUD believes that total compensation should be scrutinized to assure that it is reasonably related to goods, facilities, or services furnished or performed to determine whether it is legal under RESPA. Total compensation to a broker includes direct origination and other fees paid by the borrower, indirect fees, including those that are derived from the interest rate paid by the borrower, or a combination of some or all. The Department considers that higher interest rates alone cannot justify higher total fees to mortgage brokers. All fees will be scrutinized as part of total compensation to determine that total compensation is reasonably related to the goods or facilities actually furnished or services actually performed. HUD believes that total compensation should be carefully considered in relation to price structures and practices in similar transactions and in similar markets.

B. Scope

In light of 24 CFR §3500.5(b)(7), which exempts from RESPA coverage bona fide transfers of loan obligations in the secondary market, this policy statement encompasses only transactions where mortgage brokers are not the real source of funds (i.e., table-funded transactions or transactions involving "intermediary" brokers). In table-funded transactions, the mortgage broker originates, processes and closes the loan in the broker's own name and, at or about the time of settlement, there is a simultaneous advance of the loan funds by the lender and an assignment of the loan to that lender. (See 24 CFR 3500.2 (Definition of "table funding").) Likewise, in transactions where mortgage brokers are intermediaries, the broker provides loan origination services and the loan funds are provided by the lender; the loan, however, is closed in the lender's name.

C. Payments Must Be for Goods, Facilities or Services

In the determination of whether payments from lenders to mortgage brokers are permissible under Section 8 of RESPA, the threshold question is whether there were goods or facilities actually furnished or services actually performed for the total compensation paid to the mortgage broker. In making the determination of whether compensable services are performed, HUD's letter to the Independent Bankers Association of America, dated February 14, 1995 (IBAA letter) may be useful. In that letter, HUD identified the following services normally performed in the origination of a loan:

(a) Taking information from the borrower and filling out the application;4
(b) Analyzing the prospective borrower's income and debt and pre-qualifying the prospective borrower to determine the maximum mortgage that the prospective borrower can afford;
(c) Educating the prospective borrower in the home buying and financing process, advising the borrower about the different types of loan products available, and demonstrating how closing costs and monthly payments could vary under each product;
(d) Collecting financial information (tax returns, bank statements) and other related documents that are part of the application process;
(e) Initiating/ordering VOEs (verifications of employment) and VODs (verifications of deposit);
(f) Initiating/ordering requests for mortgage and other loan verifications;
(g) Initiating/ordering appraisals;
(h) Initiating/ordering inspections or engineering reports;
(i) Providing disclosures (truth in lending, good faith estimate, others) to the borrower;
(j) Assisting the borrower in understanding and clearing credit problems;
(k) Maintaining regular contact with the borrower, realtors, lender, between application and closing to appraise them of the status of the application and gather any additional information as needed;
(l) Ordering legal documents;
(m) Determining whether the property was located in a flood zone or ordering such service; and
(n) Participating in the loan closing.

While this list does not exhaust all possible settlement services, and while the advent of computer technology has, in some cases, changed how a broker's settlement services are performed, HUD believes that the letter still represents a generally accurate description of the mortgage origination process. For other services to be acknowledged as compensable under RESPA, they should be identifiable and meaningful services akin to those identified in the IBAA letter including, for example, the operation of a computer loan origination system (CLO) or an automated underwriting system (AUS).

The IBAA letter provided guidance on whether HUD would take an enforcement action under RESPA. In the context of the letter's particular facts and subject to the reasonableness test which is discussed below, HUD articulated that it generally would be satisfied that sufficient origination work was performed to justify compensation if it found that:

  • The lender's agent or contractor took the application information (under item (a)); and
  • The lender's agent or contractor performed at least five additional items on the list above.
  • In the letter and in the context of its facts, HUD also pointed out that it is concerned that a fee for steering a customer to a particular lender could be disguised as compensation for "counseling-type" activities. Therefore, the letter states that if an agent or contractor is relying on taking the application and performing only "counseling type" services - (b), (c), (d), (j), and (k) on the list above - to justify its fee, HUD would also look to see that meaningful counseling - not steering - is provided. In analyzing transactions addressed in the IBAA letter, HUD said it would be satisfied that no steering occurred if it found that:
  • Counseling gave the borrower the opportunity to consider products from at least three different lenders;
  • The entity performing the counseling would receive the same compensation regardless of which lender's products were ultimately selected; and
  • Any payment made for the "counseling-type" services is reasonably related to the services performed and not based on the amount of loan business referred to a particular lender.

In examining services provided by mortgage brokers and payments to mortgage brokers, HUD will look at the types of origination services listed in the IBAA letter to help determine whether compensable services are performed.5 However, the IBAA letter responded to a program where a relatively small fee was to be provided for limited services by lenders that were brokering loans.6

Accordingly, the formulation in the IBAA letter of the number of origination services which may be required to be performed for compensation is not dispositive in analyzing more costly mortgage broker transactions where more comprehensive services are provided. The determinative test under RESPA is the relationship of the services, goods or facilities furnished to the total compensation received by the broker (discussed below). In addition to services, mortgage brokers may furnish goods or facilities to the lender. For example, appraisals, credit reports, and other documents required for a complete loan file may be regarded as goods, and a reasonable portion of the broker's retail or "store-front" operation may generally be regarded as a facility for which a lender may compensate a broker. However, while a broker may be compensated for goods or facilities actually furnished or services actually performed, the loan itself, which is arranged by the mortgage broker, cannot be regarded as a "good" that the broker may sell to the lender and that the lender may pay for based upon the loan's yield's relation to market value, reasonable or otherwise. In other words, in the context of a non-secondary market mortgage broker transaction, under HUD's rules, it is not proper to argue that a loan is a "good," in the sense of an instrument bearing a particular yield, thus justifying any yield spread premium to the mortgage broker, however great, on the grounds that such yield spread premium is the "market value" of the good.

D. Compensation Must Be Reasonably Related to Value of Goods, Facilities or Services

The fact that goods or facilities have been actually furnished or that services have been actually performed by the mortgage broker, as described in the IBAA letter, does not by itself make a payment by a lender to a mortgage broker legal. The next inquiry is whether the payment is reasonably related to the value of the goods or facilities that were actually furnished or services that were actually performed. Although RESPA is not a rate-making statute, HUD is authorized to ensure that payments from lenders to mortgage brokers are reasonably related to the value of the goods or facilities actually furnished or services actually performed, and are not compensation for the referrals of business, splits of fees or unearned fees.

In analyzing whether a particular payment or fee bears a reasonable relationship to the value of the goods or facilities actually furnished or services actually performed, HUD believes that payments must be commensurate with that amount normally charged for similar services, goods or facilities. This analysis requires careful consideration of fees paid in relation to price structures and practices in similar transactions and in similar markets.7 If the payment or a portion thereof bears no reasonable relationship to the market value of the goods, facilities or services provided, the excess over the market rate may be used as evidence of a compensated referral or an unearned fee in violation of Section 8(a) or (b) of RESPA. (See 24 CFR 3500.14(g)(2).) Moreover, HUD also believes that the market price used to determine whether a particular payment meets the reasonableness test may not include a referral fee or unearned fee, because such fees are prohibited by RESPA. Congress was clear that for payments to be legal under Section 8, they must bear a reasonable relationship to the value received by the person or company making the payment. (S. Rep. 93-866, at 6551.)

The Department recognizes that some of the goods or facilities actually furnished or services actually performed by the broker in originating a loan are "for" the lender and other goods or facilities actually furnished or services actually performed are "for" the borrower. HUD does not believe that it is necessary or even feasible to identify or allocate which facilities, goods or services are performed or provided for the lender, for the consumer, or as a function of State or Federal law. All services, goods and facilities inure to the benefit of both the borrower and the lender in the sense that they make the loan transaction possible (e.g., an appraisal is necessary to assure that the lender has adequate security, as well as to advise the borrower of the value of the property and to complete the borrower's loan).

The consumer is ultimately purchasing the total loan and is ultimately paying for all the services needed to create the loan. All compensation to the broker either is paid by the borrower in the form of fees or points, directly or by addition to principal, or is derived from the interest rate of the loan paid by the borrower. Accordingly, in analyzing whether lender payments to mortgage brokers comport with the requirements of Section 8 of RESPA, HUD believes that the totality of the compensation to the mortgage broker for the loan must be examined. For example, if the lender pays the mortgage broker $600 and the borrower pays the mortgage broker $500, the total compensation of $1,100 would be examined to determine whether it is reasonably related to the goods or facilities actually furnished or services actually performed by the broker.

Therefore, in applying this test, HUD believes that total compensation should be scrutinized to assure that it is reasonably related to goods, facilities, or services furnished or performed to determine whether total compensation is legal under RESPA. Total compensation to a broker includes direct origination and other fees paid by the borrower, indirect fees, including those that are derived from the interest rate paid by the borrower, or a combination of some or all. All payments, including payments based upon a percentage of the loan amount, are subject to the reasonableness test defined above. In applying this test, the Department considers that higher interest rates alone cannot justify higher total fees to mortgage brokers. All fees will be scrutinized as part of total compensation to determine that total compensation is reasonably related to the goods or facilities actually furnished or services actually performed.

In so-called "no-cost" loans, borrowers accept a higher interest rate in order to reduce direct fees, and the absence of direct payments to the mortgage broker is made up by higher indirect fees (e.g., yield spread premiums). Higher indirect fees in such arrangements are legal if, and only if, the total compensation is reasonably related to the goods or facilities actually furnished or services actually performed.

In determining whether the compensation paid to a mortgage broker is reasonably related to the goods or facilities actually furnished or services actually performed, HUD will consider all compensation, including any volume-based compensation. In this analysis, there may be no payments merely for referrals of business under Section 8 of RESPA. (See 24 CFR 3500.14.)8

Under HUD's rules, when a person in a position to refer settlement service business receives a payment for providing additional settlement services as part of the transaction, such payment must be for services that are actual, necessary and distinct from the primary services provided by the person. (24 CFR 3500.14(g)(3).) While mortgage brokers may receive part of their compensation from a lender, where the lender payment duplicates direct compensation paid by the borrower for goods or facilities actually furnished or services actually performed, Section 8 is violated. In light of the fact that the borrower and the lender may both contribute to some items, HUD believes that it is best to evaluate seemingly duplicative fees by analyzing total compensation under the reasonableness test described above.

E. Information Provided to Borrower

Under current RESPA rules mortgage brokers are required to disclose estimated direct and indirect fees on the Good Faith Estimate (GFE) no later than 3 days after loan application. (See 24 CFR 3500.7(a) and (b).) Such disclosure must also be provided to consumers, as a final exact figure, at closing on the settlement statement. (24 CFR 3500.8; 24 CFR part 3500, Appendix A.) On the GFE and the settlement statement, lender payments to mortgage brokers must be shown as "Paid Outside of Closing" (P.O.C.), and are not computed in arriving at totals. (24 CFR 3500.7(a)(2).) The requirement that all fees be disclosed on the GFE is intended to assure that consumers are shown the full amount of compensation to brokers and others early in the transaction.

The Department has always indicated that any fees charged in settlement transactions should be clearly disclosed so that the consumer can understand the nature and recipient of the payment. Code-like abbreviations like "YSP to DBG, POC", for instance, have been noted. 9 Also, the Department has seen examples on the GFE and/or the settlement

statement where the identity and/or purpose of the fees are not clearly disclosed.

The Department considers unclear and confusing disclosures to be contrary to the statute's and the regulation's purposes of making RESPA-covered transactions understandable to the consumer. At a minimum, all fees to the mortgage broker are to be clearly labeled and properly estimated on the GFE. On the settlement statement, the name of the recipient of the fee (in this case, the mortgage broker) is to be clearly labeled and listed, and the fee received from a lender is to be clearly labeled and listed in the interest of clarity. For example, a fee would be appropriately disclosed as "Mortgage broker fee from lender to XYZ Corporation (P.O.C.)." In the interest of clarity, other fees or payments from the borrower to the mortgage broker should identify that they are mortgage broker fees from the borrower.10

There is no requirement under existing law that consumers be fully informed of the broker's services and compensation prior to the GFE. Nevertheless, HUD believes that the broker should provide the consumer with information about the broker's services and compensation, and agreement by the consumer to the arrangement should occur as early as possible in the process. Mortgage brokers and lenders can improve their ability to demonstrate the reasonableness of their fees if the broker discloses the nature of the broker's services and the various methods of compensation at the time the consumer first discusses the possibility of a loan with the broker.

The legislative history makes clear that RESPA was not intended to be a rate-setting statute and that Congress instead favored a market-based approach. (S. Rep. No. 93-866 at 6546 (1974).) In making the determination of whether a payment is bona fide compensation for goods or facilities actually furnished or services actually performed, HUD has, in the past, indicated that it would examine whether the price paid for the goods, facilities or services is truly a market price; that is, if in an arm's length transaction a purchaser would buy the services at or near the amount charged. If the fee the consumer pays is disclosed and agreed to, along with its relationship to the interest rate and points for the loan and any lender-paid fees to the broker, a market price for the services, goods or facilities could be attained. HUD believes that for the market to work effectively, borrowers should be afforded a meaningful opportunity to select the most appropriate product and determine what price they are willing to pay for the loan based on disclosures which provide clear and understandable information.

The Department reiterates its long-standing view that disclosure alone does not make illegal fees legal under RESPA. On the other hand, while under current law, pre-application disclosure to the consumer is not required, HUD believes that fuller information provided at the earliest possible moment in the shopping process would increase consumer satisfaction and reduce the possibility of misunderstanding.

HUD commends the National Association of Mortgage Brokers and the Mortgage Bankers Association of America for strongly suggesting that their members furnish consumers with a form describing the function of mortgage brokers and stating that a mortgage broker may receive a fee in the transaction from a lender.

Although this statement of policy does not mandate disclosures beyond those currently required by RESPA and Regulation X, the most effective approach to disclosure would allow a prospective borrower to properly evaluate the nature of the services and all costs for a broker transaction, and to agree to such services and costs before applying for a loan. Under such an approach, the broker would make the borrower aware of whether the broker is or is not serving as the consumer's agent to shop for a loan, and the total compensation to be paid to the mortgage broker, including the amounts of each of the fees making up that compensation. If indirect fees are paid, the consumer would be made aware of the amount of these fees and their relationship to direct fees and an increased interest rate. If the consumer may reduce the interest rate through increased fees or points, this option also would be explained. HUD recognizes that in many cases, the industry has not been using this approach because it has not been required. Moreover, new methods may require time to implement. HUD encourages these efforts going forward and believes that if these desirable disclosure practices were adhered to by all industry participants, the need for more prescriptive regulatory or legislative actions concerning this specific problem could be tempered or even made unnecessary.

While the Department is issuing this statement of policy to comply with a Congressional directive that HUD clarify its position on the legality of lender payments to mortgage brokers, HUD agrees with segments of the mortgage lending and settlement service industries and consumer representatives that legislation to improve RESPA is needed. HUD believes that broad legislative reform along the lines specified in the HUD/Federal Reserve Board Report remains the most effective way to resolve the difficulties and legal uncertainties under RESPA and TILA for industry and consumers alike. Statutory changes like those recommended in the Report would, if adopted, provide the most balanced approach to resolving these contentious issues by providing consumers with better and firmer information about the costs associated with home-secured credit transactions and providing creditors and mortgage brokers with clearer rules.

III. Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) reviewed this Statement of Policy under Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review. OMB determined that this Statement of Policy is a "significant regulatory action," as defined in section 3(f) of the Order (although not economically significant, as provided in section 3(f)(1) of the Order). Any changes made to the Statement of Policy subsequent to its submission to OMB are identified in the docket file, which is available for public inspection in the office of the Department's Rules Docket Clerk, Room 10276, 451 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20410-0500.

Date: February 22, 1999

William C. Apgar, Assistant Secretary for
Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner


1 The term "par rate" refers to the rate offered to the broker (through the lender's price sheets) at which the lender will fund 100% of the loan with no premiums or discounts to the broker.

2 In many instances, these loans are called "no cost" or "no fee" loans. This terminology, however, may prove confusing because in such cases the costs are still paid by the borrower through a higher interest rate on the loan or by adding fees to principal. HUD's regulations implementing RESPA use the name "no cost" or "no point" loans consistent with industry practice.

3One of the examples of abusive activities listed in the legislative history that RESPA was intended to remedy is "a title insurance company [that] may give 10% or more of the title insurance premium to an attorney who may perform no services for the title insurance company other than placing a telephone call to the company or filling out a simple application." (S. Rep. 93-866, at 6551.) Accordingly, where insufficient services are provided, RESPA is intended to prohibit payment.

4 In a subsequent informal interpretation, dated June 20, 1995, HUD stated that the filling out of a mortgage loan application could be substituted by a comparable activity, such as the filling out of a borrower's worksheet.

5 In the June 20, 1995 letter, the Department clarified that the counseling test in the IBAA letter would not apply if an entity performed only non-counseling services (a, e, f, g, h, i, l, m, n) or a mix of counseling and non-counseling services (but did not rely only on the five counseling services (b, c, d, j, and k)).

6 In the particular program reviewed by HUD in the IBAA letter, the average total compensation for performing six of the origination services listed above was below $200.

7 HUD recognizes that settlement costs may vary in different markets. The cost of a specific service in Omaha, Nebraska, for example, may bear little resemblance to the cost of a similar service in Los Angeles, California.

8 The Department generally has held that when the payment is based on the volume or value of business transacted, it is evidence of an agreement for the referral of business (unless, for example, it is shown that payments are for legitimate business reasons unrelated to the value of the referrals). (See 24 CFR 3500.14(e).)

9 This is an example only. HUD recognizes that current practices may leave borrowers confused. However, the use of any particular terms, including abbreviations, may not, by itself, violate RESPA. Nevertheless, going forward, HUD recommends that the disclosures on the GFE and the settlement statement be as described in the text. HUD recognizes that system changes may require time for lenders and brokers to implement.

10 HUD recognizes that current software may not currently accommodate these additional disclosures. Both industry and consumers would be better served if these additional disclosures were included in future forms.

Content Archived: January 20, 2009

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