No. 01-121 Brian Sullivan 202/708-0685 x7527 Or contact your local HUD office |
Release Monday December 3, 2001 |
WASHINGTON - More than a thousand persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families will receive critically needed housing assistance and supportive services as a result of grants announced today by Housing and Urban Development Secretary Mel Martinez.
The grants are part of HUD's Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program that distributed a total of $257 million to metropolitan areas and states over the last year. Today's announcement will provide nearly $6 million for housing, services and technical assistance, primarily to new programs in rural areas that currently do not qualify for federal block grant funding. In fiscal year 2002, HOPWA funds will increase to over $277 million.
"These grants go to the very heart of what it means to be caring and compassionate," said HUD Secretary Mel Martinez. "These grants will help provide a stable home environment that is critical to the system of care for those living with HIV/AIDS."
Ninety percent of HOPWA funds are distributed by formula to cities and states based on the number of AIDS cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The remaining funds are competitively awarded to state and local governments, as well as nonprofit organizations, which demonstrate a capacity to respond well to the housing needs of those living with HIV/AIDS.
Housing assistance and the support services funded by the HOPWA program are a vital part of the comprehensive system of care for those living with HIV/AIDS. A stable home environment is critically important for low-income persons who have complex drug therapies and potential side effects from their treatments.
Today's awards will direct $4 million to new programs in Iowa, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Oregon. These programs have formed important partnerships with other local non-profit and state agencies to amplify a comprehensive housing and related supportive service continuum for persons with HIV/AIDS and their families.
These projects have also generated an additional $8.7 million dollars from other public/private sources ($2.13 of other funds for each Federal dollar of support). The three new projects are expected to reach 682 persons with housing assistance during the coming year and provide an additional 427 persons with supportive services including transportation, nutritional services and outreach to help these families maintain current housing and reduce their risks of homelessness.
The three new programs receiving HOPWA funding are:
Iowa Finance Authority (IFA) is receiving $1,370,000 in HOPWA funding to create the AIDS Housing Network of Iowa, in partnership with AIDS service organizations and housing agencies across the state. The program will provide housing assistance to 237 persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families through 218 units of housing, including 150 on-going tenant-based rental assistance units and 68 short-term emergency assistance subsidies. Additionally, 177 persons will receive related supportive services to ensure housing stability. Funds will also be used to develop a long-term housing strategy to evaluate needs for persons with HIV/AIDS across the State of Iowa.
State of Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services in conjunction with the States of South Dakota and North Dakota will receive $1,309,501 for a three-year project to create the TRI-STATE HELP, Housing Environments for Living Positively (TS HELP). TS HELP will provide 70 tenant-based rental assistance subsidies, 70 emergency assistance subsidies and housing coordination services to an estimated 232 individuals living with HIV/AIDS and their families. A variety of additional services and resources will be available to 175 persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families through HOPWA funding and leveraged resources.
Health Division of the State of Oregon is awarded $1,370,000 of HOPWA funding to create the Oregon Housing Opportunities in Partnership (OHOP) program. OHOP will serve all 31 Oregon counties that are outside of the Portland metropolitan statistical area (MSA), which receives HOPWA formula funding. OHOP will provide tenant-based rental assistance and housing coordination services to an estimated 225 eligible clients. Through a variety of additional services and resources 120 persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families will benefit through increased housing stability.
Included in today's announcement, HUD is also providing nearly $2 million in HOPWA technical assistance to three programs based in Washington, New York and Colorado to promote better local management of programs throughout the nation.
The three new programs receiving HOPWA technical assistance funding are:
AIDS Housing of Washington, Inc. (Seattle) for $1,400,000 to provide technical assistance to nonprofit organizations and State and local governments in planning, operating and evaluating housing assistance for persons who are living with HIV/AIDS and their families. AHW will continue assisting communities to establish and enhance their comprehensive strategies for HIV/AIDS housing and promote the sound management and operation of HOPWA programs. AHW will also use the technical assistance to coordinate evaluation activities that improve service delivery. As part of collaboration with other providers, AHW will launch a "Southern Initiative" that will bring technical skills, knowledge and resources to rural and urban southern parts of this country, with emphasis on the lower Mississippi Delta.
The Center for Urban Community Services, Inc. (NYC) for $400,000 to continue the Housing Innovation Partnership to support sound management of AIDS housing programs in partnership with five sponsors. CUCS proposes to develop programs and services for people with multiple diagnoses; adapt programs to serve the changing needs of people living with the HIV; assist providers in developing new housing services; strength the management of AIDS housing organizations; and, develop innovative solutions to maximize resources and ensure comprehensive care.
The Enterprise Foundation-Denver Office for $100,000 to support HOPWA projects in Colorado and other mountain States. Enterprise will make use of training and technical assistance materials, state-of-the-art information technology and hands-on assistance to transfer its expertise to community-based providers. Enterprise will also assess support needed by nonprofits to improve financial and program management systems, and to strengthen collaborations among housing and other service providers.
Earlier this year, HUD awarded HOPWA grants totaling $21.5 million to existing programs that provide housing assistance and support services to low-income people with HIV/AIDS and their families. In addition, approximately $230 million in HOPWA funding was distributed this year by formula to state and local governments to continue meeting the housing-related needs of low-income individuals with HIV/AIDS and their families.