HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 05-108
Brian Sullivan
(202) 708-0685
For Release
August 19, 2005

Grants to provide permanent homes and services to more than 1,000 families in 13 states

WASHINGTON - More than a thousand low-income individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS will find a permanent home and get access to the services they need because of nearly $18.8 million in grants announced today by Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson. Over the next three years, the funding announced today will offer compassionate assistance to some of the most impoverished Americans, persons with HIV/AIDS who are in households experiencing a high risk of homelessness.

The funding announced today is part of HUD's Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program. Housing assistance and related services funded by HOPWA are a vital part of the comprehensive system of care for those living with HIV/AIDS. A stable home environment is critical for low-income persons managing complex drug therapies and potential side effects from their treatments. Later this year, HUD anticipates awarding an additional $18 million for other programs committed to finding supportive housing for persons living with HIV/AIDS.

"HOPWA provides housing support to some of the most vulnerable Americans," said Jackson. "We know that a stable home environment helps persons living with HIV/AIDS to better care for themselves and when that happens, people live longer."

In connection with the HUD funding announced today, these projects are using $27 million in other public and private resources to carry out these projects and help even more persons living with HIV/AIDS to find a stable home. Over the next three years, the HOPWA grants announced today will renew funding for 14 outstanding projects that provide permanent supportive housing activities. The funding will also support five new special projects that will design new approaches to meet the housing and service needs of their clients to help them transition to more permanent and self-sufficiency arrangements (see attached list for project summaries).

Ninety percent of HOPWA funds are distributed by formula to cities and states based on the number of AIDS cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. HUD's formula grants are managed by 121 local and state jurisdictions, which coordinate AIDS housing efforts with other HUD and community resources. This year, HUD is making available a total of $282 million in HOPWA funds to help communities provide housing for this special needs population.

HUD is the nation's housing agency committed to increasing homeownership, particularly among minorities; creating affordable housing opportunities for low-income Americans; and supporting the homeless, elderly, people with disabilities and people living with HIV/AIDS. The Department also promotes economic and community development as well as enforces the nation's fair housing laws. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet and

State Recipient City Amount
Alaska Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Anchorage $757,675
Alabama AIDS Alabama Birmingham $502,679
  Health Services Center, Inc. Hobson City $572,331
California County of Alameda Hayward $1,425,362
Hawaii Maui AIDS Foundation Wailuku $1,381,120
Illinois AIDS Foundation of Chicago Chicago $1,132,016
  Heartland Human Care Services, Inc.(I) Chicago $1,020,510
  Heartland Human Care Services, Inc.(II) Chicago $1,339,000
  Pioneer Civic Services Peoria $406,443
Louisiana Odyssey House Louisiana, Inc. New Orleans $1,388,000
Maine Frannie Peabody Center Portland $990,976
New Hampshire State of New Hampshire Concord $824,120
New York Bailey House, Inc. New York City $991,478
  Greyston Health Services Yonkers $1,239,639
Pennsylvania Calcutta House, Inc. Philadelphia $741,268
Texas Tarrant County Fort Worth $916,010
  City of Dallas Dallas $773,839
Vermont State of Vermont Montpelier $1,227,657
Washington Spokane County Spokane $1,151,406
Total     $18,781,529


Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC ) in Anchorage is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $757,675 to continue providing a wide range of housing support activities to persons living with HIV/AIDS within the rural areas of the northern interior and southeastern areas of Alaska. AHFC is working in partnership with the Interior AIDS Association and the Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association to coordinate the linkages of affordable permanent housing for clients in these rural areas. These housing activities include providing permanent housing, homeless prevention, comprehensive case management, and supportive services that includes housing placement and transportation support. AHFC will provide housing and services to approximately 30 persons each year, of which 10 households will receive tenant-based rental assistance, and 20 households will be assisted with short-term, rent, mortgage and utility payments to prevent homelessness. Additionally, AHFC will provide 40 households with supportive services, and 6 households will receive permanent placement housing services.

For information, contact:
Ms. Kris Duncan, Program Manager
(907) 330-8276


AIDS Alabama, Inc. in Birmingham is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $502,679 to continue providing operating costs and supportive services for JASPER House, a 14 unit supportive housing project. JASPER House provides permanent supportive housing for multiple diagnosed HIV/AIDS individuals. The program will provide individual and group counseling, as well as HIV medication management and education. Residents will also have access to mental health counseling, substance abuse treatment, basic living skills training, transportation support, and help to access other mainstream resources, such as support in applying for Medicaid and SSI benefits. Approximately 14 individuals and their family members will receive housing assistance.

For information, contact:
Ms. Kathie Hiers, Executive Director
(205) 324-9822

Health Services Center, Inc. in Hobson City is awarded a HOPWA Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) demonstration grant of $572,331 to develop transitional housing for homeless persons living with HIV/AIDS in the rural communities of east central Alabama. This nonprofit grassroots organization will work in partnership with the Alabama Rural Coalition for the Homeless and the East Alabama Coalition for the Homeless. The program will operate 6 units of transitional housing and a combination of intensive supportive services in order to assist these individuals in achieving stable permanent housing. The program is designed to allow these individuals to remain closer to family support. Clients will be provided with a range of available supportive services including intensive case management, transportation support, and referral and home management skills. The program's goal is to provide the beneficiary with the necessary support and skills to enable them to achieve placement into permanent housing within 24 months. Additional supportive services will be made available through leveraged resources that will provide for a full spectrum of medical treatment and care, mental health services, and substance abuse assessments.

For information, contact:
Ms. Rita H. Flegel, Program Manager
(256) 832-0100


Alameda County is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $1,425,362 to continue providing tenant based rental assistance to very low-income people living with HIV/AIDS through its Project Independence program. The county is working in partnership with the AIDS Project of the East Bay, Tri-City Health Center, and Ark of Refuge. Available supportive services include case management, food assistance, and substance abuse counseling. This project is targeted to persons who are at risk of homelessness with viable methods for living independently who will benefit from a shallow or reduced housing subsidy. Rental assistance will be provided to 119 households annually. To help clients remain in their units, every housing unit is assessed for adaptations that could be made to the unit to assist them to live independently.

For information, contact:
Mr. Riley Wilkerson, Program Manager
(510) 670-9797


Maui AIDS Foundation in Wailuku is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $1,381,120 to continue its work in providing tenant based housing throughout the state outside of the island of Oahu. The program provides short-term support, housing information, and supportive services such as case management, nutritional services, and mental health counseling to persons living with HIV/AIDS. The program will provide 73 families with tenant based rental assistance, and 40 households will receive short-term rental assistance in efforts to prevent homelessness. Maui AIDS Foundation is working in partnership with Malama Pono (Kauai AIDS Service Agency), the West Hawaii AIDS Foundation, and the Big Island AIDS project to serve the neighboring islands of Maui, Lanai, Molokai, Hawaii, and Kauai.

For information, contact:
Mr. Mark Hyde, Interim Executive Director
(808) 242-4900


Pioneer Civic Services, Inc. in Peoria is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $406,443 to continue the Peoria Area AIDS Housing Options Project. This project provides permanent housing support through 7 units of tenant based rental assistance and 4 units in a housing facility. Pioneer is working in partnership with the Heart of Illinois HIV/AIDS Center at the University of Illinois College of Medicine that will offer program support for maintaining housing stability for program beneficiaries. The project will also provide clients a range of supportive services, including intensive case management, access to mainstream services, including support to qualify for SSI, public aid, and veteran benefits, life skills training, transportation to healthcare, nutrition services, and substance abuse treatment. The program is available throughout Peoria, Woodford, and Tazewell counties.

For information, contact:
Mr. Sam Gibson, Executive Director
(309) 674-2200

AIDS Foundation of Chicago is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $1,132,016 to continue its partnership with Housing Opportunities for Women (North Side), Featherfist (South Side), and Vital Bridges (formerly Community Response). This project provides housing and supportive services for 33 individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS. Most of these beneficiaries have long-term histories of homelessness. Clients will have access to intensive case management, resources to mainstream providers, and housing opportunities. The project will also measure project outcomes showing the impact of intensive case management services and medical care on achieving stable housing and improved health.

For information, contact:
Ms. Angelique Nadine Miller, Project Manager
(312) 922-2322

Heartland Community Care Services, Inc. (First Step Program) in Chicago is awarded a HOPWA Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) demonstration grant of $1,339,000 to support a 15-bed sobriety-based transitional housing program for homeless and chronically homeless persons living with HIV/AIDS and substance abuse. The program will operate in the Edgewater neighborhood of Chicago. This nonprofit organization, working in partnership with its network of service providers, will offer clients assistance in obtaining mental health services, healthcare, peer counseling, nutritional counseling, and job training. The program will provide the transitional housing in a congregate setting. Housing plans for moving persons into permanent housing units will be developed within 24 months. Clients will also be assisted with help to maintain stable housing by adhering to a budget, record keeping, landlord/tenant relations, apartment maintenance, and information on legal rights.

For information, contact:
Mr. John Dinauer, Program Manager
(773) 751-4006

Heartland Human Care Services, Inc.(Housing) in Chicago is awarded a HOPWA Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) demonstration grant of $1,020,510 to provide 24 units of transitional housing for homeless HIV positive adults who have co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse disorders. During the first year, 8 individuals will be assisted in moving to more independent housing arrangements with rental assistance support. Housing case managers will meet with clients to assess their daily living skills and develop related support. After two years, beneficiaries will be prepared to be responsible for transacting their own lease agreement, making monthly rental payments, and exercising independence from mainstream resources. Comprehensive case management services will be provided to those with criminal histories or poor housing records.

For information, contact:
Mr. John Dinauer, Program Manager
(773) 751-4006


Odyssey House Louisiana, Inc. in New Orleans is awarded a HOPWA Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) demonstration grant of $1,388,000 to provide transitional housing and supportive services to low-income persons and their families living with HIV/AIDS who are chronically homeless. This project will provide rental assistance to 10 households and housing and utility support to 8 households per year. In addition, 15 units in three transitional housing facilities will be developed. The outcome goal is to ensure that the beneficiaries are placed into permanent housing.

For information, contact:
Mr. Edward Carlson, Executive Director
(504) 821-9211


The Frannie Peabody Center in Portland is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $990,976 to continue providing housing assistance and supportive services to persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families. Through its HAVEN Initiative, this project provides permanent housing for persons with mental illness, substance abuse, post incarceration, reentry, and homelessness. Shalom House is the project sponsor that will continue coordinating the provision of tenant base rental assistance in the city of Portland and Cumberland County. In addition, they will work in partnership with the Maine State Housing Authority, the Portland Housing Authority, and with area homeless shelters, mental health agencies, and correctional facilities. Approximately 35 individuals will receive short term rental assistance, and tenant-based rental assistance will be provided to 37 individuals.

For information, contact:
Ms. Patricia Jo Capouch, Executive Director,
(207) 774-6877, extension 114

New Hampshire

State of New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $824,120 to continue providing adequate and affordable permanent housing solutions for the most vulnerable persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families. This program provides rental assistance to 10 households and 84 households will receive short term rental assistance. The state is working in partnership with the Merrimack Valley Assistance Program to stabilize beneficiaries current housing situations and whenever possible, maintaining them within their current housing. The program will offer case management, and supportive services, such as, nutrition, mental health services, and alcohol and drug counseling, to maintain and improve their independence and self-sufficiency. The project will offer housing support throughout the state, outside of the communities of Nashua and Manchester.

For information, contact:
Ms. JoAnn Maynard, Project Manager
(603) 271-8388

New York

Bailey House, Inc . in New York City is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing grant of $991,478 to continue its Project First program. This program provides housing support to post incarcerated persons who are living with HIV/AIDS. Bailey House has six units of transitional housing to provide immediate housing support for clients coming out of correctional facilities. The program provides an array of supportive services that will help clients to enhance their work skills and self-sufficiency. The program will help clients schedule appointments, assist in applying for medical assistance, and prepare and seek employment through re-entry workshops. These efforts including working with local landlords and city housing departments in addressing the comprehensive process for post incarcerated women and men living with HIV/AIDS who are in need of housing, and providing access to support programs as these beneficiaries return home.

For information, contact:
Ms. Dena Linn Chen, Contracts Manager
(212) 633-2932

Greyston Health Services Inc., in Yonkers is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $1,239,639 to continue the operations of a 34 unit permanent supportive housing facility. The program also offers tenant based rental assistance for 15 households who are able to benefit from more independent living arrangements. This program supports operating costs for Issan House, a project that provides permanent supportive housing for single adults with HIV/AIDS who are addressing the challenges of chronic homelessness, mental illness, and chemical addictions. In addition, 75 persons annually will receive a housing assessments and referrals. Greyston is working in partnership with the Maitri Adult Day Health Care Center in Westchester County to provide case management, mental health treatment, and educational forums, along with access to comprehensive health and psycho-social services.

For information, contact:
Mr. Steven Brown, President & CEO
(914) 376-3900


Calcutta House, Inc. in Philadelphia is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $741,268 to provide housing and care for persons living with AIDS who have serious health challenges. Funding will support the operations of Serenity Court, a nine-bed specialized housing and care facility for homeless and chronically homeless adults who are seriously ill and/or terminally ill with AIDS. Supportive services will be complimented with other mainstream resources to provide intensive supportive HIV/AIDS nursing and hospice care and mental health counseling services. The project provides each resident with a multi-disciplinary team assessment by regularly meeting with the nursing and social/work counseling staff. Clients will also be offered assistance in arranging legal documents, such as directives, temporary custodial arrangements, pastoral needs, and access to health care resources to address their medical costs.

For information, contact:
Mr. Steve Peura, Executive Director
(215) 684-0480


Tarrant County is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $916,010 to continue its Samaritan House project. Samaritan House is a unique community residence facility in Fort Worth's medical district, providing 43 single room occupancy units along with substance abuse recovery support for homeless and low-income men and women living with HIV/AIDS. Samaritan House provides tenant-based leasing assistance for 24 residents who are able to move into greater self-sufficiency and permanent housing arrangements. Participants benefit from a range of supportive services including chemical dependency counseling, meal services, transportation support, and professional skill development.

For information, contact:
Ms. Patricia Ward, Program Manager
(817) 350-7940

City of Dallas is awarded a HOPWA Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) demonstration grant of $773,839 to provide housing placement and transitional housing to homeless persons and their families living with HIV/AIDS. The program is expected to serve 28 households transitioning to permanent housing. The city will provide these households with tenant-based rental assistance and supportive services including job training, employment placement, and transportation support. City staff will administer this program working in partnership with the Dallas HIV/AIDS Continuum of Care, Ryan White Planning Council/Consortium, and the Metro Dallas Homeless Alliance.

For information, contact:
Ms. Karen D. Rayzer
(214) 670-5711


Vermont Housing and Conservation Board is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $1,227,657 to continue a statewide HIV/AIDS housing and supportive service program. The state is providing long term rental assistance to 28 households and short term rental assistance for 140 persons with HIV/AIDS. The program develops affordable housing units and supports the delivery of basic supportive services by regional AIDS organizations. This highly collaborative project integrates housing and a range of supportive services. The Board works in partnership with the Vermont State Housing Authority to assist in operating this project along with its other housing resources.

For information, contact:
Mr. Patrick M. Shattuck, Housing Manager
(802) 828-5060


Spokane County Community Services Division is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $1,151,406 to continue its REACH Project (Regionally Assisted Collaborative Housing Project). This project provides long and short term housing support to homeless or those in unstable housing who are living with HIV/AIDS in eastern Washington State. Spokane County is working in partnership with North East WA Housing Solutions, Yakima County Coalition for the Homeless, Coalition of Responsible Disabled, Blue Mountain Heart to Heart, Okanogan County Community Action Center, and Volunteers of America. The project will provide 63 households with long-term rental assistance support and 60 others with short-term housing. The project also provides support from housing case managers to assist beneficiaries in locating housing, making utility payments, and providing referral services to secure permanent housing.

For information, contact:
Ms. Edie Rice-Sauer, Program Manager
(509) 447-4515

Content Archived: May 04, 2010