HUD No. 07-048 |
For Release Thursday April 19, 2007 |

Twelve years ago today, terrorists struck in the American heartland. The bombing in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, devastated an entire community, and our nation mourned for the 168 lives that were taken. The victims included 35 fellow employees of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Since that tragic day, survivors and other local employees have reunited and are working again under one roof. The courage and strength they have shown are a testament to our nation's resilient character.
On this day of commemoration, we remember and honor those lost and offer a special prayer for their families. May we continue to honor their memory through our work here today, and let us never forget their contributions to HUD, the people we serve, and to our great nation.
HUD Employees Killed in the April 19, 1995 Bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City | ||
Ted Allen | Judy Fisher | Antonio Reyes |
Diane Althouse | Linda Florence | Lanny Scroggins |
Peter Avilanoza | Colleen Guiles | Leora Lee Sells |
Andrea Blanton | Gene Hodges, Jr. | John Stewart |
Paul Broxterman | George Howard | Jules Valdez |
David Burkett | Ann Kreymborg | John Karl Van Ess, III |
Donald Burns, Sr. | Teresa Lauderdale | David Walker |
Kimberly Clark | James McCarthy | Michael Weaver |
Kim Cousins | Betsy McGonnell | Jo Ann Whittenberg |
Diana Day | Trish Nix | Frances Williams |
Castine Deveroux | Terry Smith Rees | Clarence Wilson |
Susan J. Ferrell | Mary Rentie |