HUD No. 09-128 Brian Sullivan (202) 708-0685 |
For Release Wednesday July 22, 2009 |
Funding renews critical lifeline for persons and families at risk for homelessness
WASHINGTON - Hundreds of extremely low-income families living with HIV/AIDS will receive support in maintaining a permanent affordable home as a result of $21.4 million in grants announced today by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. In each of the next three years, these grants are expected to help 1,159 households address the challenges of living with HIV by improving their ability to manage illnesses and consistently engage in appropriate care as a result of their on-going housing arrangements.
The funding announced today is offered through HUD's Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program (HOPWA) and will renew HUD's support of 19 projects in Alaska, California, Illinois, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Maine, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, Texas, Vermont and Wisconsin (see attached project descriptions).
"These programs offer a lifeline to families struggling to find affordable and appropriate housing while trying to stay healthy," said HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan. "A permanent home can often be the best medicine for these families who would otherwise be at extreme risk of homelessness."
Housing assistance and related services funded by HOPWA are a vital part of the comprehensive system of care for those living with HIV/AIDS. A stable home environment is critical for low-income persons managing complex drug therapies, allowing them to access this support and maintain such care in a consistent and effective manner.
Ninety percent of HOPWA funds are distributed by formula to cities and states based on the number of AIDS cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. HUD's formula grants are managed by 121 local and state jurisdictions, which coordinate AIDS housing efforts with other HUD and community resources. This year, HUD is making available a record $310 million in HOPWA funds to help communities provide housing for this special needs population. These resources are expected to assist an estimated 58,000 households annually to promote stable housing arrangements and reduced risks of homelessness for persons living with HIV and other challenges.
HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for quality affordable rental homes: utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life; build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination; and transform the way HUD does business. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet at and You can also follow HUD on twitter @HUDnews, on facebook at, or sign up for news alerts on HUD's News Listserv.
HOPWA Renewal of Permanent Supportive Housing Grants ALASKA The Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, in Anchorage, is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $757,790 to continue providing 32 units of housing for persons living with HIV/AIDS. The program area includes Anchorage, and areas in the south central, southwestern, and western regions of Alaska. Through collaboration with the Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association, program beneficiaries will receive supportive services accessed through mainstream community resources, including linkages to comprehensive HIV/AIDS case management and health care. For information contact: CALIFORNIA Alameda County Community Development Department is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $1,425,365 to continue providing 118 units of tenant based rental assistance (TBRA) to very and extremely low- income people living with HIV/AIDS through a program entitled, "Project Independence". Alameda County, in collaboration with the AIDS Project of the East Bay, Tri-City Health Center, and Ark of Refuge, will also provide supportive services including case management, food assistance, and substance abuse counseling. This shallow subsidy housing model promotes successful housing outcomes and the ability to continue living independently for those who are at risk of homelessness. The program's collaborative planning process coordinates access to other available resources for those living with HIV/AIDS, in addition to facilitating a comprehensive delivery of services among affordable housing providers, and city and county program staff. For information contact: Tenderloin Health, a non-profit community-based organization, in San Francisco, is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $1,236,000 to continue providing 52 units of tenant based rental assistance (TBRA). The program targets the use of housing placement and stabilization services to post-incarcerated persons living with HIV/AIDS in the San Francisco area. A collaborative partnership with the San Francisco City/ County Forensic AIDS Project enables a combination of supportive services to compliment the provision housing support through access to HIV/AIDS medical treatment, basic educational requirements, and employment training and placement. For information contact: The Salvation Army, in Los Angeles County, is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $1,026,222 to continue providing 44 units of facility based permanent and transitional housing for low-income families and persons living with HIV/AIDS which continues its "Algeria Program". A combination of supportive services will be provided by mainstream community resources, that compliment the provision of housing support through access to a care management system that integrates existing case management, on-site case monitoring, crisis intervention, medical care, licensed child care, tutorial service, and employment referral. For information contact: HAWAII Gregory House Programs, a non-profit community based organization, in Honolulu, is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $1,338,998 to continue providing 46 units of tenant based rental assistance (TBRA) and housing placement services for multiple diagnosed persons living with HIV/AIDS. A collaborative partnership with the Veterans Administration and local public housing agencies includes the provision of supportive services that compliments the housing support by providing through access to substance abuse counseling, employment training and placement, budgeting, and strategies for accessing other basic mainstream resources. For information contact: ILLINOIS The City of Chicago Department of Public Health is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $1,430,000 to continue providing 37 units of tenant based rental assistance (TBRA) to persons living with HIV/AIDS. The program includes collaboration with the AIDS Foundation of Chicago (AFC), AIDS Ministry of Illinois, and Better Existence with HIV (BEEHIV), Heartland Human Care Services (HHCS), and Christian Community Health Center (CCHC). To compliment the housing support a range of appropriate supportive services are provided through mainstream community resources, including access to HIV/AIDS case management and medical care. For information contact: Interfaith Residence, dba "Doorways", a nonprofit organization based in St. Louis, MO, is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $921,413 to continue providing permanent housing in a 55 rural county area of southern Illinois. Program support will reach 57 households through short-term rental, mortgage and utility (STRMU), tenant based rental assistance (TBRA), lease, and facility-based housing placement services for individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS. The program includes a collaborative partnership with the Saint Clair County Health Department, in Belleville, Dove Inc., in Decatur, and the Southern Illinois Coalition for the Homeless, in Marion. A combination of supportive services will be provided through mainstream community resources, including HIV/AIDS case management, medical care, and various linkages to community social service programs. For information contact: Chicago House and Social Service Agency, Inc., a community-based non-profit organization in Chicago, is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $1,239,062. The "Gaining Ground" project will continue leasing 28 units of tenant based rental assistance (TBRA) to provide permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless and unemployed persons living with HIV/AIDS. Residents will be supported in a HIV Employment Services System for job training and placement support. The program includes a collaborative partnership with the Chicago Department of Public Health, Chicago Continuum of Care, and the AIDS Foundation of Chicago, along with several other community based organizations to provide case management, medical care, and other primary care services. For information contact: AIDS Foundation of Chicago is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $1,420,766. This partnership with grassroots community-based organization, Renaissance Care Network (RCN), will continue providing 24 scattered units of Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) and housing placement services to individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS. Partners in this collaboration include the South Side Help Center and the Christian Community Health Center (CCHC). A combination of supportive services will be provided through mainstream community resources, through access to HIV/AIDS case management, support to increase client self-sufficiency, linkages with primary health care, and employment assessment and referral. For information contact: MASSACHUSETTS Cambridge Cares About AIDS, Inc., a community-based non-profit organization, in Cambridge, is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $1,370,440. The grant will continue providing 16 units of tenant based rental assistance (TBRA) for chronically homeless single-parent women and single women living with HIV/AIDS. This collaboration includes a partnership with Quincy Interfaith Shelter Coalition in the "Bay State Supportive Housing Alliance" project to provide a combination of supportive services to compliment the provision of housing support and case management. For information contact: Community Healthlink, Inc., a community-based non-profit organization in Worchester, is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $880,496 to continue the operations of "Maranda's House". This 9-unit congregant housing facility provides 24-hour support to chronically homeless women living with HIV/AIDS. The project also leases 9 units of housing to address relapse prevention and other challenges for chronically homeless women. The project includes collaboration with the University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center, Family Health Center, Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance, and an array of other community-based providers. For information contact: MAINE Frannie Peabody Center, a community-based organization, in Portland, is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $1,307,688 to continue providing 100 units of short-term rent, mortgage and utility (STRMU), 44 units of tenant based rental assistance (TBRA), along with housing placement services for low-income individuals living with HIV/AIDS. This project includes collaboration with Shalom House, Maine Medical Center, Positive Health Care Facility, and the Eastern Maine AIDS Network. A combination of supportive services will be provided through the mainstream community resources to compliment housing support. This support involves access to HIV/AIDS case management, volunteer assistance, life skills education training, and medical care. For information contact: The City of Portland, Department of Health Human Services, Social Services Division, is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $1,429,923 to continue providing 40 units of tenant based rental assistance (TBRA). The "HAVEN's Outreach to Racial and Ethnic Minorities" is a permanent supportive housing project for chronically homeless persons and families living with HIV/AIDS, including persons with refuge status who relocated to the Portland area. The project is a partnership with two nonprofits, the Fannie Peabody Center and Shalom House and will provide direct client support and services to persons who have cultural and language issues. Case management support will assist residents in accessing other supportive services and health care resources. For information contact: MISSOURI Interfaith Residence (DOORWAYS), a nonprofit organization based in St. Louis, is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing grant of $1,074,063 to continue its "Outside Missouri Next Step Project" that provides housing opportunities for individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS in rural and underserved communities in 62 counties of central and southern Missouri. The project provides 37 units of short-term rent, mortgage and utility assistance (STRMU) and 29 units of tenant based rental assistance (TBRA), and 4 facility based units. The program includes a partnership with The Regional AIDS Interfaith Network of Central Missouri (RAIN) and the AIDS Project of the Ozarks (APO). The program provides a combination of supportive services through mainstream community resources, including access to HIV/AIDS case management, medical care, adherence to HIV medication regimentation, and employment training and placement referral. For information contact: MONTANA State of Montana, Department of Public Health and Human Services, is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $1,429,307 to continue the "Tri-State HELP Plus" program. The program provides tenant based housing assistance (TBRA) to 56 rural and chronically homeless households living with HIV/AIDS, and short term mortgage, rent, and utility assistance (STRMU) to 10 households. This is a unique collaboration with organizations in the states of North Dakota and South Dakota. The program involves a collaborative partnership with the Missoula AIDS Council, Yellowstone AIDS Project, Sioux Falls Housing and Redevelopment Commission, and Community Action Program Region VII. This effort will sustain a continuum of housing opportunities that coordinates multi-state resource to address the unmet housing needs of predominantly rural households that promotes stable housing and independent living while providing employment opportunities. For information contact: NEW HAMPSHIRE The State of New Hampshire, Office of Homeless, Housing and Transportation Services, in Marrimack, is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $716,221 to continue providing 55 households with 41 short-term rent, mortgage and utility (STRMU), 14 households tenant based rental assistance (TBRA) and housing placement services to persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families in the Greater Manchester area. The program involves a collaborative partnership with The Merrimack Valley Assistance Program, AIDS Response Seacoast, and the Manchester Housing and Redevelopment Authority. A combination of supportive services will be provided through mainstream community resources, including access to HIV/AIDS case management, medical care, employment referral, substance abuse counseling, and mental health counseling. For information contact: TEXAS The City of Dallas, Environmental and Health Services Department, is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $721,000 to continue providing 28 units of permanent housing for post incarcerated persons living with HIV/AIDS. The city's "Project Reconnect Housing" is in collaboration with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, the city Attorney's Office, and local non-profit community based AIDS organizations to provide a combination of services addressing re-entry challenges through the provision of on going housing support and HIV/AIDS case management with the goal of stabilizing ex-offenders and reducing recidivism. For more information: VERMONT The Burlington Housing Authority is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $392,009 to continue providing 11 units of tenant based rental assistance (TBRA) and supportive housing funding for Vermont's only residential facility for persons living with HIV/AIDS. The program includes a collaborative partnership with the Burlington Community Land Trust, Vermont CARES (Committee on AIDS Resources) and Education Services. A combination of supportive services provided through mainstream community resources will compliment the housing support through access to HIV/AIDS case management, medical care, substance abuse counseling, and employment referral. For information contact: WISCONSIN AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin (ARCW), a non-profit community-based organization, in Milwaukee, is awarded a HOPWA permanent supportive housing renewal grant of $1,297,845 to continue providing 86 units of tenant based rental assistance (TBRA) and leased supportive housing assistance to chronically homeless persons living with HIV/AIDS. The program includes a collaborative partnership with the Stopping Cyclical Homelessness for Infected Persons (SCHIP) and the Wisconsin Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). A combination of supportive services provided through mainstream community resources will compliment the housing services through access to employment referral, HIV/AIDS case management, and medical care. For information contact: |