HUD No. 20-031 Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 |
Release Tuesday February 18, 2020 |
WASHINGTON - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson today announced more than $655 million in Indian Housing Block Grants (IHBG) to Native American Tribes in 38 States. Funding is distributed to eligible Tribes and their tribally designated housing entities (TDHEs) to carry out a range of affordable housing activities in their communities.
"President Trump and HUD are committed to providing our Native American Tribes with the tools they need to create better, affordable housing opportunities for their families," said Secretary Ben Carson. "These grant funds will allow local leaders to build stronger and vibrant communities that drive more economic development."
"HUD is committed to helping Native Americans thrive and the funding announced today helps them build sustainable communities," added Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing R. Hunter Kurtz.
Indian Housing Block Grants primarily benefit low-income Native American and Alaska Native families. The amount of each grant is based on a formula that considers local needs and housing units under management by the Tribe or TDHE. Eligible activities for the funds include housing development, operation and modernization of existing housing, housing services to eligible families and individuals, housing management services, crime prevention and safety activities, and model activities that provide creative approaches to solving affordable housing problems in Indian Country.
The final allocation summaries are posted on the ONAP Codetalk website.
State |
Recipient |
City |
Amount |
Alabama | MOWA Band of Choctaw Indians | Mt. Vernon | $2,285,140 |
Poarch Band of Creeks | Atmore | $1,373,481 |
Alaska | Afognak | Kodiak | $74,594 |
Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove | King Cove | $141,074 |
AHTNA, Incorporated | Glennallen | $1,726,448 |
Akhiok | Akhiok | $74,594 |
Akiachak | Akiachak | $390,890 |
Akiak | Akiak | $276,494 |
Akutan | Akutan | $74,594 |
Alakanuk | Alakanuk | $449,102 |
Alatna | Allakaket | $74,594 |
Aleknagik | Aleknagik | $112,506 |
Aleut Corporation | Anchorage | $1,803,273 |
Algaaciq (St. Mary's) | St. Mary's | $295,158 |
Allakaket | Allakaket | $165,113 |
Alutiiq (Old Harbor) | Old Harbor | $141,836 |
Ambler | Ambler | $170,705 |
Anaktuvuk Pass | Anaktuvuk Pass | $134,294 |
Angoon | Angoon | $133,913 |
Aniak | Aniak | $206,223 |
Anvik | Anvik | $77,165 |
Arctic Slope Regional Corporation | Barrow | $2,857,013 |
Arctic Village | Arctic Village | $183,613 |
Asa'Carsarmiut (Mountain Village) | Mountain Village | $432,772 |
Atka | Atka | $74,594 |
Atmauthluak | Atmautluak | $195,391 |
Atqasuk (Atkasook) | Atqasuk | $91,748 |
Barrow | Barrow | $1,551,257 |
Beaver | Beaver | $98,248 |
Belkofski | King Cove | $74,594 |
Bering Straits Native Corporation | Nome | $2,358,102 |
Bill Moore's Slough | Kotlik | $74,594 |
Birch Creek | Fairbanks | $74,594 |
Brevig Mission | Brevig Mission | $288,989 |
Bristol Bay Native Corporation | Anchorage | $1,489,882 |
Buckland | Buckland | $285,856 |
Calista Corporation | Anchorage | $3,951,989 |
Cantwell | Cantwell | $74,594 |
Chalkyitsik | Chalkyitsik | $129,960 |
Cheesh-Na | Gakona | $74,594 |
Chefornak | Chefornak | $258,436 |
Chenega (Chanega) | Chenega Bay | $74,594 |
Chevak | Chevak | $592,709 |
Chickaloon | Chickaloon | $107,911 |
Chignik Bay Tribal Council | Chignik | $74,594 |
Chignik Lagoon | Chignik Lagoon | $74,594 |
Chignik Lake | Chignik Lake | $74,594 |
Chilkat (Klukwan) | Haines | $74,594 |
Chilkoot (Haines) | Haines | $132,346 |
Chinik (Golovin) | Golovin | $123,723 |
Chitina | Chitina | $74,594 |
Chuathbaluk (Russian Mission, Kuskokwim) | Chuathbaluk | $98,028 |
Chugach Alaska Corporation | Anchorage | $2,617,638 |
Chuloonawick | Emmonak | $74,594 |
Circle | Circle | $115,021 |
Clark's Point | Clarks Point | $74,594 |
Cook Inlet Region, Inc. | Anchorage | $14,040,730 |
Council | Nome | $74,594 |
Craig | Craig | $96,255 |
Crooked Creek | Crooked Creek | $119,468 |
Curyung (Dillingham) | Dillingham | $642,296 |
Deering | Deering | $94,945 |
Diomede (Inalik) | Diomede | $83,651 |
Dot Lake | Fairbanks | $74,594 |
Douglas | Juneau | $313,001 |
Doyon, Ltd. | Fairbanks | $4,773,013 |
Eagle | Eagle | $74,594 |
Eek | Eek | $345,443 |
Egegik | Egegik | $74,594 |
Eklutna | Chugiak | $74,594 |
Ekuk | Dillingham | $74,594 |
Ekwok | Ekwok | $74,594 |
Elim | Elim | $203,257 |
Emmonak | Emmonak | $430,739 |
Evansville (Bettles Field) | Bettles Field, Evansville | $74,594 |
Eyak | Cordova | $105,772 |
False Pass | False Pass | $74,594 |
Fort Yukon | Fort Yukon | $413,027 |
Gakona | Gakona | $74,594 |
Galena (Louden Village) | Galena | $164,601 |
Gambell | Gambell | $539,654 |
Georgetown | Anchorage | $74,594 |
Goodnews Bay | Goodnews Bay | $160,150 |
Grayling (Hokikachuk) | Grayling | $181,205 |
Gulkana | Gakona | $74,594 |
Hamilton | Kotlik | $74,594 |
Healy Lake | North Pole | $74,594 |
Holy Cross | Holy Cross | $133,574 |
Hoonah | Hoonah | $182,862 |
Hooper Bay | Hooper Bay | $737,741 |
Hughes | Hughes | $74,594 |
Huslia | Huslia | $215,873 |
Hydaburg | Hydaburg | $97,504 |
Igiugig | Igugig | $74,594 |
Iliamna | Iliamna | $74,594 |
Iqurmuit Traditional Council | Russian Mission | $168,503 |
Ivanof Bay | Anchorage | $74,594 |
Kaguyak | Akhiok | $74,594 |
Kake | Kake | $174,225 |
Kaktovik | Kaktovik | $108,320 |
Kalskag | Kalskag | $198,329 |
Kaltag | Kaltag | $104,838 |
Kanatak | Wasilla | $74,594 |
Karluk | Karluk | $74,594 |
Kasaan | Ketchikan | $74,594 |
Kasigluk | Kasigluk | $319,823 |
Kenaitze | Kenai | $828,628 |
Ketchikan | Ketchikan | $888,159 |
Kiana | Kiana | $236,146 |
King Island | Nome | $190,284 |
King Salmon | King Salmon | $74,594 |
Kipnuk | Kipnuk | $549,891 |
Kivalina | Kivalina | $382,769 |
Klawock | Klawock | $123,692 |
Kluti Kaah (Copper Center) | Copper Center | $123,718 |
Knik | Wasilla | $1,423,244 |
Kobuk | Kobuk | $93,336 |
Kokhanok | Kokhanok | $128,864 |
Kongiganak | Kongiganak | $292,197 |
Koniag, Incorporated | Kodiak | $3,619,025 |
Kotlik | Kotlik | $362,666 |
Kotzebue | Kotzebue | $1,077,023 |
Koyuk | Koyuk | $177,348 |
Koyukuk | Koyukuk | $129,374 |
Kwethluk | Kwethluk | $518,011 |
Kwigillingok | Kwigillingok | $140,459 |
Kwinhagak (Quinhagak) | Quinhagak | $481,752 |
Larsen Bay | Larsen Bay | $74,594 |
Levelock | Levelock | $74,594 |
Lime Village | McGrath | $74,594 |
Lower Kalskag | Lower Kalskag | $233,293 |
Manley Hot Springs | Manley Hot Springs | $74,594 |
Manokotak | Manokotak | $329,407 |
Marshall (Fortuna Ledge) | Marshall | $242,981 |
Mary's Igloo | Teller | $74,594 |
McGrath | McGrath | $92,985 |
Mekoryuk | Mekoryuk | $120,705 |
Mentasta | Mentasta Lake | $74,594 |
Metlakatla (Annette Island) | Metlakatla | $1,409,821 |
Minto | Minto | $168,286 |
Naknek | Naknek | $75,808 |
NANA Corporation | Anchorage | $2,887,374 |
Nanwelek (English Bay) | Nanwalek | $100,784 |
Napaimute | Bethel | $74,594 |
Napakiak | Napakiak | $324,716 |
Napaskiak | Napaskiak | $255,131 |
Nelson Lagoon | Nelson Lagoon | $74,594 |
Nenana | Nenana | $96,427 |
New Koliganek | Koliganek | $116,211 |
New Stuyahok | New Stuyahok | $348,081 |
Newhalen | Newhalen | $74,594 |
Newtok | Newtok | $223,446 |
Nightmute | Nightmute | $172,305 |
Nikolai | Nikolai | $107,683 |
Nikolski | Nikolski | $74,594 |
Ninilchik | Ninilchik | $408,774 |
Noatak | Noatak | $235,087 |
Nome Eskimo Community | Nome | $755,686 |
Nondalton | Nondalton | $108,808 |
Noorvik | Noorvik | $372,856 |
Northway | Northway | $125,394 |
Nuiqsut (Nooiksut) | Nuiqsut | $202,057 |
Nulato | Nulato | $147,684 |
Nunakauyarmiut (Toksook Bay) | Toksook Bay | $321,898 |
Nunam Iqua (Sheldon's Point) | Nunam Iqua | $92,573 |
Nunapitchuk | Nunapitchuk | $304,959 |
Ohogamiut | Marshall | $74,594 |
Orutsararmuit (Bethel) | Bethel | $1,806,715 |
Oscarville | Napaskiak | $74,594 |
Ouzinkie | Ouzinkie | $77,495 |
Paimiut | Hooper Bay | $74,594 |
Pauloff Harbor Village | Sand Point | $74,594 |
Pedro Bay | Pedro Bay | $74,594 |
Perryville | Perryville | $74,675 |
Petersburg | Petersburg | $142,623 |
Pilot Point | Pilot Point | $74,594 |
Pilot Station | Pilot Station | $336,737 |
Pitka's Point | St. Mary's | $101,554 |
Platinum | Platinum | $74,594 |
Point Hope | Point Hope | $345,787 |
Point Lay | Point Lay | $156,535 |
Port Graham | Port Graham | $102,577 |
Port Heiden | Port Heiden | $74,594 |
Port Lions | Port Lions | $76,712 |
Portage Creek | Anchorage | $74,594 |
Qagan Tayagungin (Sand Point) | Sand Point | $185,789 |
Qawalangin (Unalaska) | Unalaska | $74,594 |
Rampart | Rampart | $74,594 |
Red Devil | Red Devil | $74,594 |
Ruby | Ruby | $153,746 |
Saint George Island | St George Island | $74,594 |
Saint Michael | St. Michael | $270,451 |
Saint Paul Island | St. Paul Island | $214,453 |
Salamatoff | Kenai | $74,594 |
Savoonga | Savoonga | $682,772 |
Saxman | Ketchikan | $100,031 |
Scammon Bay | Scammon Bay | $371,301 |
Selawik | Selawik | $469,683 |
Seldovia | Seldovia | $74,594 |
Shageluk | Shageluk | $74,594 |
Shaktoolik | Shaktoolik | $115,262 |
Shishmaref | Shishmaref | $535,732 |
Shungnak | Shungnak | $162,889 |
Sitka Tribe (Baranof Island) | Sitka | $1,208,585 |
Skagway | Skagway | $76,365 |
Sleetmute | Sleetmute | $76,466 |
Solomon | Nome | $74,594 |
South Naknek | Wasilla | $74,594 |
Stebbins Community Association | Stebbins | $430,566 |
Stevens Village | Stevens Village | $74,594 |
Stony River | Stony River | $74,594 |
Sun'aq Tribe of Kodiak (Shoonaq') | Kodiak | $345,693 |
Takotna | Takotna | $74,594 |
Tanacross | Tanacross | $139,645 |
Tanana | Tanana | $177,812 |
Tangirnaq (Lesnoi) | Kodiak | $74,594 |
Tatitlek | Tatitlek | $74,594 |
Tazlina | Glennallen | $74,594 |
Telida | Nikolai | $74,594 |
Teller | Teller | $200,874 |
Tetlin | Tetlin | $119,440 |
Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes Central Council | Juneau | $5,319,782 |
Togiak | Togiak | $395,591 |
Tuluksak | Tuluksak | $274,399 |
Tuntutuliak | Tuntutuliak | $391,934 |
Tununak | Tununak | $233,976 |
Twin Hills | Twin Hills | $81,058 |
Tyonek | Tyonek | $103,188 |
Ugashik | Anchorage | $74,594 |
Umkumiut | Nightmute | $74,594 |
Unalakleet | Unalakleet | $292,566 |
Unga | Sand Point | $74,594 |
Venetie | Venetie | $216,240 |
Wainwright | Wainwright | $308,919 |
Wales | Wales | $220,197 |
White Mountain | White Mountain | $161,546 |
Wrangell | Wrangell | $139,368 |
Yakutat | Yakutat | $107,210 |
Yupiit of Andreafski | St. Mary's | $99,829 |
Arizona | Ak-Chin Indian Community | Maricopa | $477,486 |
Cocopah Tribe | Somerton | $916,676 |
Colorado River Indian Tribes | Parker | $2,568,526 |
Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation | Fountain Hills | $143,792 |
Gila River Indian Community | Sacaton | $7,665,378 |
Havasupai Tribe | Supai | $162,770 |
Hopi Tribe | Kykotsmovi | $6,364,606 |
Hualapai Indian Tribe | Peach Springs | $1,677,821 |
Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians | Fredonia | $423,000 |
Navajo Nation | Window Rock | $72,872,295 |
Pascua Yaqui Tribe | Tucson | $5,066,117 |
Quechan Tribe | Winterhaven | $1,703,372 |
Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community | Scottsdale | $2,169,212 |
San Carlos Apache Tribe | San Carlos | $6,270,823 |
San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe | Tuba City | $100,656 |
Tohono O'Odham Nation | Sells | $4,272,974 |
Tonto Apache Tribe of Arizona | Payson | $74,594 |
White Mountain Apache (Fort Apache) | Whiteriver | $7,131,934 |
Yavapai-Apache Nation (Camp Verde) | Camp Verde | $1,116,038 |
Yavapai-Prescott Indian Tribe | Prescott | $74,594 |
California | Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians | Palm Springs | $153,741 |
Alturas Indian Rancheria | Alturas | $74,594 |
Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians | Coachella | $74,594 |
Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Rancheria | Loleta | $74,594 |
Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians | Oroville | $572,762 |
Big Lagoon Rancheria | Trinidad | $74,594 |
Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley | Big Pine | $440,130 |
Big Sandy Rancheria of Western Mono Indians | Auberry | $247,272 |
Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians | Lakeport | $503,030 |
Bishop Paiute Tribe | Bishop | $1,440,756 |
Blue Lake Rancheria | Blue Lake | $74,594 |
Bridgeport Indian Colony | Bridgeport | $210,578 |
Buena Vista Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians | Sacramento | $74,594 |
Cabazon Band of Mission Indians | Indio | $74,594 |
Cachil DeHe Band of Wintun Indians, Colusa Rancheria | Colusa | $74,594 |
Cahto Tribe of the Laytonville Rancheria | Laytonville | $419,319 |
Cahuilla Band of Indians | Anza | $74,594 |
California Valley Miwok Tribe | Stockton | $74,594 |
Campo Band of Diegueno Mission Indians | Campo | $668,255 |
Capitan Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians | Lakeside | $176,826 |
Cedarville Rancheria | Alturas | $74,594 |
Chemehuevi Indian Tribe | Havasu Lake | $863,289 |
Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community (Trinidad Rancheria) | Trinidad | $74,594 |
Cloverdale Rancheria of Pomo Indians | Cloverdale | $290,480 |
Cold Springs Rancheria of Mono Indians | Tollhouse | $422,295 |
Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians | Redwood Valley | $578,110 |
Death Valley Timba-sha Shoshone Tribe | Bishop | $126,168 |
Dry Creek Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians | Geyserville | $765,303 |
Elem Indian Colony of Pomo Indians (Sulphur Bank Rancheria) | Lower Lake | $78,812 |
Elk Valley Rancheria | Crescent City | $74,594 |
Enterprise Rancheria of Maidu Indians | Oroville | $612,718 |
Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians | Alpine | $74,594 |
Fort Bidwell Indian Community | Fort Bidwell | $471,250 |
Fort Independence Indian Community of Paiute Indians | Independence | $88,242 |
Fort Mojave Indian Tribe | Needles | $1,479,448 |
Graton Rancheria Federated Indians | Rohnert Park | $663,261 |
Greenville Rancheria | Greenville | $135,656 |
Grindstone Rancheria of Wintun-Wailaki Indians | Elk Creek | $401,126 |
Guidiville Rancheria | Talmage | $256,939 |
Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake | Upper Lake | $171,443 |
Hoopa Valley Tribe | Hoopa | $1,586,989 |
Hopland Band of Pomo Indians | Hopland | $824,317 |
Iipay Nation of Santa Ysabel | Santa Ysabel | $81,787 |
Inaja Band of Diegueno Mission Indians | Escondido | $74,594 |
Ione Band of Miwok Indians | Plymouth | $364,118 |
Jackson Band of Miwuk Indians | Jackson | $74,594 |
Jamul Indian Village | Jamul | $74,594 |
Karuk Tribe | Happy Camp | $4,061,196 |
Kashia Band of Pomo Indians, Stewarts Point Rancheria | Santa Rosa | $598,405 |
Kletsel Dehe Band of Wintun Indians (Cortina Rancheria) | Williams | $115,136 |
Koi Nation of Northern California (Lower Lake) | Santa Rosa | $74,594 |
La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians | Pauma Valley | $280,603 |
La Posta Band of Diegueno Mission Indians | Boulevard | $74,594 |
Lone Pine Paiute-Shoshone Tribe | Lone Pine | $133,197 |
Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeno Indians | Warner Springs | $74,594 |
Lytton Rancheria of California | Santa Rosa | $182,111 |
Manchester Band of Pomo Indians | Point Arena | $1,034,980 |
Manzanita Band of Diegueno Mission Indians | Boulevard | $74,594 |
Mechoopda Indian Tribe of Chico Rancheria | Chico | $376,111 |
Mesa Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians | Santa Ysabel | $297,143 |
Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians | Middletown | $140,446 |
Mooretown Rancheria of Maidu Indians | Oroville | $892,966 |
Morongo Band of Mission Indians | Banning | $358,806 |
Northfork Rancheria of Mono Indians | North Fork | $1,031,084 |
Pala Band of Mission Indians | Pala | $492,896 |
Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians | Corning | $199,470 |
Pauma Band of Luiseno Mission Indians | Pauma Valley | $74,594 |
Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians | Temecula | $81,306 |
Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians | Oakhurst | $825,524 |
Pinoleville Pomo Nation | Ukiah | $237,847 |
Pit River Tribe | Burney | $1,214,617 |
Potter Valley Tribe | Ukiah | $74,594 |
Quartz Valley Indian Community | Fort Jones | $461,479 |
Ramona Band of Cahuilla | Anza | $74,594 |
Redding Rancheria | Redding | $160,595 |
Redwood Valley Rancheria | Redwood Valley | $254,401 |
Resighini Rancheria | Klamath | $74,594 |
Rincon Band of Luiseno Mission Indians | Valley Center | $362,569 |
Robinson Rancheria | Nice | $397,049 |
Round Valley Indian Tribes | Covelo | $3,498,009 |
San Manuel Band of Mission Indians | Highland | $74,594 |
San Pasqual Band of Diegueno Mission Indians | Valley Center | $338,232 |
Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians | Anza | $74,594 |
Santa Rosa Indian Community | Lemoore | $488,813 |
Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians | Santa Ynez | $259,497 |
Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians | Lakeport | $173,444 |
Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians | Willits | $581,884 |
Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians | Shingle Springs | $340,294 |
Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians | San Jacinto | $319,377 |
Susanville Indian Rancheria | Susanville | $791,446 |
Sycuan Band of Kumeyaay Nation | El Cajon | $74,594 |
Table Mountain Rancheria | Friant | $74,594 |
Tejon Indian Tribe | Bakersfield | $74,594 |
Tolowa Dee-ni' Nation (Smith River Rancheria) | Smith River | $984,994 |
Torres-Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians | Thermal | $195,947 |
Tule River Indian Tribe | Porterville | $1,555,265 |
Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians | Tuolumne | $329,287 |
Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians | Coachella | $74,594 |
United Auburn Indian Community | Auburn | $125,458 |
Utu Utu Gwaiti Paiute Tribe | Benton | $74,594 |
Viejas Group of Capitan Grande Band | Alpine | $187,844 |
Wilton Rancheria | Elk Grove | $407,123 |
Wiyot Tribe (Table Bluff) | Loleta | $74,594 |
Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation (Rumsey Rancheria) | Brooks | $74,594 |
Yurok Tribe | Klamath | $4,569,657 |
Colorado | Southern Ute Indian Tribe | Ignacio | $1,273,219 |
Ute Mountain Ute Tribe | Towaoc | $1,275,755 |
Connecticut | Mashantucket Pequot Indian Tribe | Mashantucket | $74,594 |
Florida | Miccosukee Tribe | Miami | $74,594 |
Seminole Tribe of Florida | Hollywood | $1,000,208 |
Iowa | Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi, IA | Tama | $325,540 |
Idaho | Coeur D'Alene Tribe | Plummer | $1,028,745 |
Kootenai Tribe | Bonners Ferry | $82,501 |
Nez Perce Tribe | Lapwai | $1,184,009 |
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, Ft. Hall Reservation | Fort Hall | $1,358,325 |
Kansas | Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska | White Cloud | $512,070 |
Kickapoo Tribe of Kansas | Horton | $870,804 |
Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation | Mayetta | $281,646 |
Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri | Reserve | $219,358 |
Louisiana | Chitimacha Tribe | Charenton | $159,220 |
Coushatta Tribe | Elton | $74,594 |
Jena Band of Choctaw Indians | Jena | $74,594 |
Tunica-Biloxi Tribe | Marksville | $244,318 |
Massachusetts | Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe | Mashpee | $813,474 |
Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) | Chilmark | $472,873 |
Maine | Aroostook Band of Micmacs | Presque Isle | $887,722 |
Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians | Houlton | $651,894 |
Passamaquoddy Tribe | Princeton | $1,029,046 |
Penobscot Nation | Indian Island | $987,011 |
Pleasant Point | Perry | $820,471 |
Michigan | Bay Mills Indian Community | Brimley | $859,564 |
Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians | Peshawbestown | $1,275,367 |
Hannahville Indian Community | Wilson | $200,353 |
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community | Baraga | $1,949,272 |
Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians | Watersmeet | $265,019 |
Little River Band of Ottawa Indians | Manistee | $299,655 |
Little Traverse Bay Band of Odawa Indians | Harbor Springs | $622,134 |
Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians | Dorr | $192,012 |
Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi | Fulton | $428,167 |
Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians | Dowagiac | $2,135,868 |
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe | Mt. Pleasant | $1,585,677 |
Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians | Sault Ste. Marie | $5,091,420 |
Minnesota | Boise Forte Band, Minnesota Chippewa Tribe | Nett Lake | $1,029,961 |
Fond Du Lac Band, Minnesota Chippewa Tribe | Cloquet | $3,736,684 |
Grand Portage Band, Minnesota Chippewa Tribe | Grand Portage | $406,773 |
Leech Lake Band, Minnesota Chippewa Tribe | Cass Lake | $3,991,322 |
Lower Sioux Indian Community | Morton | $206,158 |
Mille Lacs Band, Minnesota Chippewa Tribe | Onamia | $1,618,830 |
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians | Red Lake | $4,580,666 |
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community | Prior Lake | $99,844 |
Upper Sioux Indian Community | Granite Falls | $277,122 |
White Earth Band, Minnesota Chippewa Tribe | White Earth | $3,304,773 |
Missouri | Eastern Shawnee Tribe | Wyandotte | $47,152 |
Mississippi | Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians | Choctaw | $3,222,903 |
Montana | Apsaalooke Nation (Crow) | Crow Agency | $2,500,013 |
Assiniboine & Sioux Tribes of Ft. Peck | Poplar | $4,487,461 |
Blackfeet Tribe | Browning | $6,565,297 |
Chippewa Cree Indians of the Rocky Boy's Reservation | Box Elder | $2,559,972 |
Fort Belknap Indian Community | Harlem | $2,012,231 |
Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians | $2,045,866 |
Northern Cheyenne Tribe | Lame Deer | $2,949,575 |
Salish and Kootenai Tribes | Pablo | $4,898,289 |
North Carolina | Coharie Tribe | Clinton, | $540,310 |
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians | Cherokee | $3,481,757 |
Haliwa-Saponi Indian Tribe | Hollister | $1,014,344 |
Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina | Pembroke | $14,861,216 |
Waccamaw Siouan Tribe | Bolton | $248,133 |
North Dakota | Spirit Lake Tribe | Fort Totten | $2,891,327 |
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe | Fort Yates | $5,690,733 |
Three Affiliated Tribes of Fort Berthold | New Town | $4,276,573 |
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians | Belcourt | $7,485,013 |
Nebraska | Omaha Tribe | Macy | $1,518,753 |
Ponca Tribe of Nebraska | Niobrara | $2,544,456 |
Santee Sioux Nation | Niobrara | $949,710 |
Winnebago Tribe | Winnebago | $1,469,540 |
New Mexico | Acoma Pueblo | Acoma Pueblo | $1,046,276 |
Cochiti Pueblo | Cochiti Pueblo | $243,485 |
Isleta Pueblo | Isleta Pueblo | $994,709 |
Jemez Pueblo | Jemez Pueblo | $500,913 |
Jicarilla Apache Nation | Dulce | $1,380,370 |
Kewa Pueblo (Santo Domingo) | Santo Domingo Pueblo | $788,833 |
Laguna Pueblo | Laguna Pueblo | $1,510,121 |
Mescalero Apache Tribe | Mescalero | $2,105,181 |
Nambe Pueblo | Santa Fe | $323,654 |
Ohkay Owingeh (San Juan Pueblo) | Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo | $818,582 |
Picuris Pueblo | Penasco | $83,947 |
Pojoaque Pueblo | Santa Fe | $110,232 |
San Felipe Pueblo | San Felipe Pueblo | $569,105 |
San Ildefonso Pueblo | Santa Fe | $348,472 |
Sandia Pueblo | Bernalillo | $185,509 |
Santa Ana Pueblo | Santa Ana Pueblo | $192,149 |
Santa Clara Pueblo | Espanola | $737,396 |
Taos Pueblo | Taos | $488,142 |
Tesuque Pueblo | Santa Fe | $122,032 |
Zia Pueblo | Zia Pueblo | $255,426 |
Zuni Tribe | Zuni | $2,799,385 |
Nevada | Duck Valley Shoshone-Paiute Tribes | Owyhee | $2,161,459 |
Duckwater Shoshone Tribe | Duckwater | $506,399 |
Ely Shoshone Tribe | Ely | $662,219 |
Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe | Fallon | $1,333,865 |
Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribes | McDermitt | $514,300 |
Las Vegas Tribe of Paiute Indians | Las Vegas | $74,594 |
Lovelock Paiute Tribe | Lovelock | $139,821 |
Moapa Band of Paiute Indians | Moapa | $414,148 |
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe | Nixon | $1,656,674 |
Reno-Sparks Indian Colony | Reno | $1,249,896 |
Summit Lake Paiute Tribe | Sparks | $74,594 |
Te-Moak Tribe of Western Shoshone Indians | Elko | $1,324,120 |
Walker River Paiute Tribe | Schurz | $2,059,869 |
Washoe Tribe | Gardnerville | $1,614,451 |
Winnemucca Indian Colony | Reno, | $74,594 |
Yerington Paiute Tribe | Yerington | $753,903 |
Yomba Shoshone Tribe | Austin | $307,756 |
New York | Cayuga Nation | Seneca Falls | $287,948 |
Oneida Indian Nation of New York | Verona | $790,973 |
Onondaga Nation | Nedrow | $74,594 |
Seneca Nation of New York | Irving | $2,527,158 |
Shinnecock Indian Nation | Southampton | $114,873 |
St. Regis Mohawk Tribe | Akwesasne | $1,991,057 |
Tonawanda Band of Seneca | Basom | $74,594 |
Tuscarora Nation | Lewiston | $74,594 |
Oklahoma | Absentee-Shawnee Tribe | Shawnee | $2,956,669 |
Alabama-Quassarte Tribal Town | Wetumka | $138,589 |
Apache Tribe | Anadarko | $1,146,812 |
Caddo Nation | Binger | $564,221 |
Cherokee Nation | Tahlequah | $30,709,651 |
Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes | Concho | $2,269,187 |
Chickasaw Nation | Ada | $12,203,372 |
Choctaw Nation | Durant | $11,025,271 |
Citizen Potawatomi Nation | Shawnee | $2,430,589 |
Comanche Nation | Lawton | $2,434,898 |
Delaware Nation (Western) | Anadarko | $94,000 |
Delaware Tribe of Indians (Eastern) | Bartlesville | $576,437 |
Fort Sill Apache Tribe | Apache | $82,854 |
Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma | Perkins | $110,473 |
Kaw Nation | Kaw City | $751,550 |
Kialegee Tribal Town | Wetumka | $218,592 |
Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma | McLoud | $390,516 |
Kiowa Indian Tribe | Carnegie | $1,166,790 |
Miami Tribe | Miami | $74,594 |
Modoc Tribe | Miami | $142,542 |
Muscogee (Creek) Nation | Okmulgee | $16,239,743 |
Osage Nation | Pawhuska | $1,295,488 |
Otoe-Missouria Tribe | Red Rock | $370,368 |
Ottawa Tribe | Miami | $229,552 |
Pawnee Nation | Pawnee | $567,717 |
Peoria Tribe | Miami | $1,520,559 |
Ponca Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma | Ponca City | $894,402 |
Quapaw Tribe | Quapaw | $196,791 |
Sac and Fox Nation, Oklahoma | Stroud | $1,733,553 |
Seminole Nation | Wewoka | $1,734,866 |
Seneca-Cayuga Nation | Grove | $129,896 |
Shawnee Tribe | Miami | $74,594 |
Thlopthlocco Tribal Town | Okemah | $248,424 |
Tonkawa Tribe | Tonkawa | $559,465 |
United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians | Tahlequah | $1,224,082 |
Wichita and Affiliated Tribes | Anadarko | $502,300 |
Wyandotte Nation | Wyandotte | $547,556 |
Oregon | Burns Paiute Tribe | Burns | $121,198 |
Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Confederated Tribes | Coos Bay | $935,740 |
Coquille Indian Tribe | North Bend | $1,109,670 | |
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe | Roseburg | $966,095 |
Grand Ronde Confederated Tribes | Grand Ronde | $3,065,311 |
Klamath Tribes | Chiloquin | $3,096,133 |
Siletz Confederated Tribes | Siletz | $3,997,744 |
Umatilla Confederated Tribes | Pendleton | $1,979,135 |
Warm Springs Confederated Tribes | Warm Springs | $1,484,877 |
Rhode Island | Narragansett Indian Tribe | Charlestown | $392,507 |
South Carolina | Catawba Indian Nation | Rock Hill | $1,619,729 |
South Dakota | Cheyenne River Sioux | Eagle Butte | $5,487,164 |
Crow Creek Sioux Tribe | Fort Thompson | $1,602,562 |
Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe | Flandreau | $389,301 |
Lower Brule Sioux Tribe | Lower Brule | $1,316,400 |
Oglala Lakota Sioux Tribe | Pine Ridge | $11,466,991 |
Rosebud Sioux Tribe | Rosebud | $7,567,654 |
Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate | Agency Village | $3,682,182 |
Yankton Sioux Tribe | Wagner | $2,236,798 |
Texas | Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas | Livingston | $160,022 |
Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas | Eagle Pass | $206,016 |
Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo | El Paso | $1,798,206 |
Utah | Goshute Reservation Confederated Tribes | Ibapah | $443,700 |
Northwestern Band of the Shoshone Nation | Brigham City | $195,815 |
Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah | Cedar City | $1,940,634 |
Skull Valley Band of Goshute Indians | Skull Valley | $74,594 |
Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah & Ouray Reservation | Fort Duchesne | $1,534,544 |
Virginia | Chickahominy Indian Tribe | Providence Forge | $265,991 |
Chickahominy Indian Tribe-Eastern Division | Providence Forge | $74,594 |
Monacan Indian Nation | Amherst | $372,748 |
Nansemond Indian Tribe | Suffolk | $150,023 |
Pamunkey Indian Tribe | King William | $74,594 |
Rappahannock Tribe, Inc. | Indian Neck | $74,594 |
Upper Mattaponi Tribe | King William | $179,206 |
Washington | Chehalis Confederated Tribes | Oakville | $1,061,521 |
Colville Confederated Tribes | Nespelem | $4,004,707 |
Cowlitz Indian Tribe | Longview | $1,567,367 |
Hoh Indian Tribe | Forks | $124,620 |
Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe | Sequim | $307,663 |
Kalispel Indian Community | Usk | $99,606 |
Lower Elwha Tribal Community | Port Angeles | $591,671 |
Lummi Tribe | Bellingham | $3,209,289 |
Makah Indian Tribe | Neah Bay | $850,099 |
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe | Auburn | $1,581,123 |
Nisqually Indian Tribe | Olympia | $532,395 |
Nooksack Indian Tribe | Deming | $837,325 |
Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe | Kingston | $946,942 |
Puyallup Tribe | Tacoma | $3,282,238 |
Quileute Tribe | La Push | $649,322 |
Quinault Indian Nation | Taholah | $2,006,770 |
Samish Indian Nation | Anacortes | $919,966 |
Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe | Darrington | $533,268 |
Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe | Tokeland | $239,651 |
Skokomish Indian Tribe | Skokomish Nation | $590,217 |
Snoqualmie Indian Tribe | Snoqualmie | $249,773 |
Spokane Tribe | Wellpinit | $2,475,025 |
Squaxin Island Tribe | Shelton | $837,170 |
Stillaguamish Tribe | Arlington | $227,443 |
Suquamish Indian Tribe | Suquamish | $846,887 |
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community | La Conner | $1,142,824 |
Tulalip Tribes | Tulalip | $2,981,561 |
Upper Skagit Tribe | Sedro Woolley | $1,294,721 |
Yakama Indian Nation | Toppenish | $6,162,029 |
Wisconsin | Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa | Odanah | $1,666,173 |
Forest County Potawatomi Community | Crandon | $410,246 |
Ho-Chunk Nation | Black River Falls | $4,264,730 |
Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa | Hayward, | $3,090,426 |
Lac Du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa | Lac du Flambeau | $2,016,810 |
Menominee Indian Tribe | Keshena | $2,846,000 |
Oneida Nation, Wisconsin | Oneida | $4,058,844 |
Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa | Bayfield | $1,147,572 |
Saint Croix Chippewa Indians | Webster | $1,592,579 |
Sokaogon Chippewa Community | Crandon | $904,279 |
Stockbridge-Munsee Community | Bowler | $554,376 |
Wyoming | Arapaho Tribe of the Wind River Reservation | Fort Washakie | $2,112,463 |
Eastern Shoshone Tribe of the Wind River Reservation | Fort Washakie | $1,499,056 |
TOTAL: | $655,449,938 |
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