HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 21-017
HUD Public Affairs
(202) 708-0685
For Release
January 29, 2021

$2.5 billion to renew existing grants for more than 6,500 community-based housing and service providers

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today awarded $2.5 billion to renew support to thousands of local homeless assistance programs across the nation. HUD's Continuum of Care (CoC) grants will provide critically needed support to 6,597 local programs on the front lines of serving individuals and families experiencing homelessness. See local impact of funding below.

Due to the pandemic, the funding announced today renews grants for existing programs. This process was dramatically streamlined because communities have been and will continue to be consumed with COVID-19 response and have limited capacity to participate in the traditional CoC competition.

"HUD wants to ensure that thousands of local homeless assistance providers continue to receive federal funds needed to provide stable housing for people experiencing homelessness during these trying times," said Acting HUD Secretary Matt Ammon. "Renewing these grants not only offers relief to our local partners but it allows Continuums of Care to continue their work to end homelessness and help keep our most vulnerable neighbors off the streets."

"We are excited about the opportunity to provide funding without diverting the attention of communities from the vital work of preventing, preparing for, and responding to the pandemic," said James Arthur Jemison, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development.

HUD's Continuum of Care grant funding supports a broad array of interventions designed to assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness, particularly those living in places not meant for habitation, located in sheltering programs, or at imminent risk of experiencing homeless. Each year, HUD serves more than a million people through emergency shelter, transitional, and permanent housing programs.

View a complete list of all the state and local homeless projects awarded funding on HUD's website.

2020 Continuum of Care Grants
State Number of Projects Amount
Alabama 51 $18,199,132
Alaska 30 $4,742,326
Arizona 76 $46,681,615
Arkansas 19 $4,383,379
California 765 $491,195,402
Colorado 50 $35,266,078
Connecticut 134 $60,659,441
Delaware 28 $8,344,406
District of Columbia 39 $23,608,105
Florida 304 $98,991,639
Georgia 167 $46,499,575
Guam 8 $1,401,727
Hawaii 29 $12,937,390
Idaho 27 $4,846,823
Illinois 364 $125,935,531
Indiana 86 $26,312,522
Iowa 43 $10,134,883
Kansas 41 $8,089,516
Kentucky 111 $27,225,425
Louisiana 138 $57,275,660
Maine 25 $14,625,379
Maryland 156 $53,840,535
Massachusetts 212 $96,848,836
Michigan 272 $81,841,586
Minnesota 198 $36,461,173
Mississippi 32 $5,749,319
Missouri 138 $39,712,709
Montana 13 $2,736,160
Nebraska 50 $9,904,430
Nevada 48 $17,834,762
New Hampshire 50 $8,427,680
New Jersey 218 $52,486,276
New Mexico 59 $13,153,200
New York 521 $245,971,792
North Carolina 131 $29,929,994
North Dakota 18 $2,110,404
Northern Mariana Islands 1 $15,509
Ohio 295 $121,861,246
Oklahoma 56 $9,062,360
Oregon 122 $44,054,337
Pennsylvania 445 $108,663,565
Puerto Rico 63 $20,751,657
Rhode Island 33 $8,099,399
South Carolina 55 $11,313,619
South Dakota 10 $1,413,545
Tennessee 123 $24,970,715
Texas 203 $113,987,708
Utah 45 $12,522,881
Vermont 23 $5,996,609
Virgin Islands 4 $206,369
Virginia 133 $31,375,771
Washington 196 $84,416,184
West Virginia 49 $9,102,145
Wisconsin 85 $27,236,931
Wyoming 5 $365,824


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Content Archived: January 1, 2023